Kudo: history of the sport

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Kudo: history of the sport The date of foundation of a

Kudo: history of the sport The date of foundation of a

relatively new type of martial art is 1981. It was at this time that Sensei Azuma Takashi opened his first sports hall in Sendai. In the same year, the very first kudo tournament (daido juku) was held, which was called "Hokutoki 81". Journalists responded about this sport as cruel, furious and ultra-realistic. All due to the fact that fighters who took part in the competitions could use any blows by all parts of the body, as well as throws and suffocating and painful techniques. But, of course, there were limitations. Forbidden zones for blows are the groin, the back of the neck and the back.
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A strict set of Kudoh rules - what kind of sport

A strict set of Kudoh rules - what kind of sport

is this? The rules are pretty strict. In the process, only the real contact equipment is evaluated. On the heads of soldiers wearing protective helmets with plastic visor. Also used shell, bandages for brushes and other devices. In combat, blows are allowed almost to all parts of the body (with the exception of the back and the back of the head), throws, painful and suffocating, "Ground and Pound" (ie, punches on the lying opponent in the stalls). Do not use techniques that can cause damage to the joints. When considering the question "kudo - what kind of sport", you should definitely pay attention to weight categories. There are not any. Instead, a "coefficient" is used - a combination of the growth of fighters in cm and weight in kg. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce participants in fights more accurately.
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Kudo - what kind of sport for children? Experts recommend that

Kudo - what kind of sport for children? Experts recommend that

parents bring their children to the sports section from about 7-8 years. At this age, the child already understands what to do and what can not, and is able to apply the acquired skills. It will not be superfluous if before the children were engaged in the gymnastics section, as this helps to get the correct stretching and coordination. The purpose of training is not only to teach the child to protect himself, but also to strengthen his health. Kudoh - what kind of sport is it and how does it help to improve physical fitness? Let's consider this issue in more detail. Training strengthens the muscular framework. They have a positive effect on the muscles of the hips and back, learn to run fast and jump high, protect against obesity and problems with internal organs. Improves coordination, the vestibular apparatus works more effectively. In the future, this will help to master a lot of interesting specialties - from dancer to pilot. BI teach discipline, and kudo - especially. Practically at each lesson, special attention is paid to the greeting of the coach and other participants. Children learn to respect themselves and others. Observance and attentiveness are increasing, which has a positive effect on learning. Before the start of the battle, the competitor must bow. After - too. As a matter of fact, the child gets on Wednesday, where all behave respectfully to each other. He gets an example of how to treat peers and seniors, learns to thank other people, to achieve his own. All this contributes to the development of the correct model of behavior.
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