1-Lecture Introduction to Philosophy9 -


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The brief content: 1. The term of “philosophy” ; 2. Three

The brief content:

1. The term of “philosophy” ;
2. Three historical

types of outlook; 3. The role of Ph-y in human live.
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FUNCTIONS OF PH-Y IN EACH PERIODS: The ancient oriental Philosophy –

The ancient oriental Philosophy –

The Ph-y of ancient Greece, Rome – rational;
Medieval Ph-y – Religious;
The ph-y of Renaissance –Enlightenments;
The New Age Ph-y – Epistemology;
German classical ph-hy – Systematic;
Philosophy of the 19th century – Irrationalism;
Philosophy of the 20th century – Existentialism
Present-day Philosophy– Analytical.
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Historical types of outlook: mythology, religion, philosophy World outlook is a

Historical types of outlook: mythology, religion, philosophy
World outlook is a system

of views on the reality and human’s place in it in a certain historic-cultural epoch.
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SUBJECT OF PH-Y Ontology – study of being Gnoseology – theory


Ontology – study of being
Gnoseology – theory of cognition

- study of knowledge
Philosophical anthropology – study of man
Social philosophy – philosophy of society
Aesthetics – study of the beauty
Logic – study of thinking
Futurology – study of the future
Axiology – study of values
Ethics – study of morality
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Practical part of Philosophy? The skills are: Critical thinking, Argument skills, Communication, Reasoning, Analysis, Problem solving…

Practical part of Philosophy?

The skills are:
Critical thinking,
Argument skills,

Problem solving…
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The term “philosophy” comes from the Greek language. It consists of

The term “philosophy” comes from the Greek language. It consists of

two words :
philos, (love, or philia – friendship, affection) and
sophos (learned scholar, sage, or sophia - wisdom, knowledge, talent).
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A brief etymological interpretation sounds like - “love wisdom” - interesting in science

A brief etymological interpretation sounds like
- “love wisdom”

interesting in science
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The main terms: Philosophy: love or pursuit of wisdom; a system

The main terms:

Philosophy: love or pursuit of wisdom; a system wide

knowledge, object;
Philosopher: thinker who believed in the power of the human mind, subject;
Metaphysics: means “what comes after physics” studying spiritual fundamental cause of life;
Physics – which is defined by Aristotle as a “sensible substance” or real materialistic world
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Keys for understanding of Philosophy Synonyms for Philosophy – science. Ph-y

Keys for understanding of Philosophy

Synonyms for Philosophy – science.

- through combination all subjects describing world (Picture of world).
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The first who used this word, was Pythagoras. He did not

The first who used this word, was Pythagoras.

did not dare to call himself as wise man, in his view: it is only God is wise, there’s only God’s wisdom.
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Socrates - absolute truth exists within everyone Socratic method; Plato -

Socrates - absolute truth exists within everyone Socratic method;
Plato - government

should be divided into three groups, ruled by philosopher-kings; men and women should have equal education and employment;
Aristotle - “golden mean”; use senses to make observations like a scientist; analyzed governments and decided that the best was a mixture of government by a few and democracy
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3. “World as a text” - Jacques Derrida Text – invented

3. “World as a text” - Jacques Derrida

Text – invented before

writing, its history is deeply and meaning is very widely.
Symbols could give more objectively knowledge the one book text.
That is mean we can through semiology to make innovation of traditional or classical knowledge.
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Charles Peirce – Lingo semiology 1. Symbols of icons – texts

Charles Peirce – Lingo semiology

1. Symbols of icons – texts which

describes objects directly;
2. Symbols of index – inderect sign
of other objects (symbols of street);
3. Symbols of semiology – signs which gives deeply information about tradition or religion of people. For example: Flag of Kazakhstan
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Astana city – as hypertext (combination of symbols with widely meaning)

Astana city – as hypertext (combination of symbols with widely meaning)

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“Bayterek” – as a text According mythology “Samryk” putted eggs for

“Bayterek” – as a text

According mythology “Samryk” putted eggs for its

safety in highest place.
This historical symbols have widely meaning.
Tree symbolize – past, now and future.
White color – means, pure, right way, honor relations etc.
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Astana Pyramids - Palace of Peace and Reconciliation The Pyramid was

Astana Pyramids - Palace of Peace and Reconciliation

The Pyramid was specially

constructed to host the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. It contains accommodations for different religions: Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism and other faiths.
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In Conclusion Philosophy: - cross disciplinary subject; - fundamental methodology of

In Conclusion

- cross disciplinary subject;
- fundamental methodology of all science;
- modern

day Ph-y actual in area existentialism, lingo-semiology and analytical etc.
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№1 Seminar: №1 Seminar: 1. Find 3 definition of Philosophy and

№1 Seminar:

№1 Seminar:
1. Find 3 definition of Philosophy and according this

describe 4th own?
2. What are main differences philosophy as a subject?
3. How could You use Ph-y in your future profession?
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One of the main role of Modern Ph-y Orientation function: Existentialism

One of the main role of Modern Ph-y Orientation function:

Existentialism –

Logotherapy: helping to solve ontological question (responsibility, freedom, spirit);
Socialization – Kaizen: one of the best management planning for self realization in capitalist society.
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Self-studies Week-1. Essay for discussion (2-3 pages): Are philosophy a science

Self-studies Week-1.
Essay for discussion
(2-3 pages):
Are philosophy a science

or an art? Neither or both of them?
Internet recourse: https://beyondtheflock.wordpress.com/2009/05/09/philosophy-as-science-art
3. http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/career-education/difference-between-science-and-philosophy/
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Self-studies IWST Week-2. Essay for discussion (2-3 pages): What is of

Self-studies IWST Week-2.
Essay for discussion
(2-3 pages):
What is of

meaning life?
Viktor Frankl: “Man's Search for Meaning”.