20220804 Spezifikation B2C-Portal_EN


Слайд 2

General Customer portal optimized for B2C business. Users are no longer


Customer portal optimized for B2C business.
Users are no longer "insurance specialists"

from larger companies but small tradespeople. Customers are acquired, for example, through cooperation with lessors.
Users should be able to view contracts, make change notifications.
Users should be able to submit damage reports, provide supplements and view damage.
Easy handling and wording
Use also for "cross selling", i.e. advertising other insurance products.
Must be responsive
Reporting to analyze the use of the portal
Слайд 3

Overview Tasks Set up new system (basis SGI Portal); adjust "structure"

Overview Tasks

Set up new system (basis SGI Portal); adjust "structure" (e.g.

customer connection does not exist)
Adapt user administration / roles / rights system (only user and admin; leave UI unresponsive)
Self registration process (users are known via email address in AMS; confirmation mail, small UI)
Logic to "lock" users (also in AMS)
Connection to Zeuss DB / Zeuss WS / AMS WS (eVBs, saving changes....)
Start page new: simple dashboard, quick navigation to important tasks; news / advertising for additional products (version 1 static, version 2 with configuration options for admin)
Customize logic notifications for actions (NEW: email only, not via notification area)
Check / adjust admin area
Customize / simplify forms claim notification (responsive)
Forms structured notification contract / master data change (version 2 possibly with display tariff if SB are changed) Changes in contracts; customer data as in customer portal (simple dialog; send per mail and add attachments in AMS)
Reporting / statistics (monthly xslx: number of registrations, new users, damage reports, change requests, possibly install Mamoto?)
Ensure responsiveness
Слайд 4

Notes Load testing must be done


Load testing must be done

Слайд 5

Roles Usergroup internal Administrator: configuration notifications; maintains FAQs; Usermgmt (for admin


Usergroup internal
Administrator: configuration notifications; maintains FAQs; Usermgmt (for admin and „

Newsmanager: maintains News
Usergroup Customers
Users (identified by email address) are in AMS
Слайд 6

Users Users who can access the portal are in AMS; identification


Users who can access the portal are in AMS; identification via

e-mail address.
A user can be linked to several customers in AMS
Customer connection (match code) is not used
Account or customer active control via AMS (must be checked if user is “active” in AMS [details will follow] at every login and refresh of the token)
AMS user table (or better customer table?) gets field to flag when a user is registered in the portal (used to calculate quotas for these customers for the dashboard)
Слайд 7

Registration User User receives link per email (from AMS), clicks on

Registration User

User receives link per email (from AMS), clicks on link

and „I‘m new here“
User enters email address (show hint that same address as for contract must be used)
After entering a valid email address „Register now“ is activated
User clicks „Register Now“ – system looks for address in AMS
When found: show message „ „Herzliche Willkommen….wir haben Link zum Aktivieren des Benutzerkontos an die E-Mail Adresse sendet….bitte aktivieren / Welcome … you will receive e-mail for activation….“ and send email with activation link
When not found show message: „Sie sind nicht berechtigt …… / You are not entitled to use this portal“
User clicks activation link within valid period: login page shows with message „Glückwunsch, Ihr Konto wurde aktiviert…bitte vergeben Sie ein Kennwort und geben Sie Name und Vorname an… / congratulations, your account was activated, please enter your name and set a password…“ (fields for name, first name, password and password repeat + password strenght).
Correct password + OK: Account is activated and user is logged in
Password to weak or repeat is wrong: Show message
User clicks activation link after valid period: login page shows with message „ „…zu spät … Bitte fordern Sie einen neuen Aktivierungslink an / …sorry has expired, you can request new link by clicking button below…“ Show button „Start resitration / Registrierung starten“ -> back to 1.
User does not click activation link: Cancel prozess (not sure if there is any to do?)
Слайд 8

User Mgmt GUI Not for smartphone; if resolution too small show

User Mgmt GUI

Not for smartphone; if resolution too small show hint


interne Rollen Administrator und Newsmanager
Слайд 9

Notifications No messages notifcation center Add action statistics Statistik Not for


No messages notifcation center
Add action statistics


Not for smartphone; if resolution too

small show hint
Слайд 10

Admin News New section news „News“ in „Verwaltung“ Add / edit

Admin News

New section news „News“ in „Verwaltung“
Add / edit news

like now FAQs
There is only one version of news

Not for smartphone; if resolution too small show hint

Слайд 11

News Layout News Das ist die Schlagzeile Das ist der Newstext

News Layout


Das ist die Schlagzeile

Das ist der Newstext
Noch mehr
Auch mit Bild


Editor zum Pflegen der News

Not for smartphone; if resolution too small show hint

Слайд 12

News Layout Edit News Editieren Das ist die Schlagzeile Das ist

News Layout Edit

News Editieren

Das ist die Schlagzeile

Das ist der Newstext
Noch mehr

mit Bild

Wenn beide Bereiche leer sind, wird keine News angezeigt

Not for smartphone; if resolution too small show hint

Слайд 13

Notifications Not used, remove icon


Not used, remove icon

Слайд 14

FAQ Administration and GUI FAQs same as customer portal

FAQ Administration and GUI

FAQs same as customer portal

Слайд 15

Starting page New Create damage button Dashboard, damages, contracts and my data tiles

Starting page

Create damage button
Dashboard, damages, contracts and my data tiles

Слайд 16

Starting page Designvorlage kommt von SGI Wird auf Startseite nicht benötigt Öffnet Formular Schadenmeldung

Starting page

Designvorlage kommt von SGI

Wird auf Startseite nicht benötigt

Öffnet Formular Schadenmeldung

Слайд 17

Starting page – Template SGI Passwort ändern FAQ Farbe (hell/dunkel) Sprache

Starting page – Template SGI

Passwort ändern
Farbe (hell/dunkel)
Sprache (Deutsch/Englisch)

Switch dark / light

like in customer portal

Note on all slides with "Template SGI": This is about content, not about implementing the design / layout 1:1

Слайд 18

Strating page - News Headline Hier steht der Text Lore ipsum Auch mit Absatz und FETT

Strating page - News


Hier steht der Text
Lore ipsum
Auch mit Absatz und

Слайд 19

Dashboard Select customer (if user has more than one) Widgets quotes,


Select customer (if user has more than one)
Widgets quotes, number of

active contracts and open damages
Note: there is no dashboard DB; quote will be in customer table in ASM
Слайд 20

Dashboard Designvorlage kommt von SGI Only show when user has more than one custoemr


Designvorlage kommt von SGI

Only show when user has more than one

Слайд 21

Dashboard – Template SGI Dropdown with customer Name1, beneath that Name2

Dashboard – Template SGI

Dropdown with customer Name1, beneath that Name2 and

Name3 like in custoemr portal
Click on AON back to starting page
Слайд 22

Damages / claims Option to create new damage List of „tiles“,

Damages / claims

Option to create new damage
List of „tiles“, click on

tile opens details
Label of tiles: Risiko – Schadentag – Zuordnung (nur bei KFZ, VK/TK/HP…)
Show all open damages
Option to show closed damages
In Detailansicht offene Schäden (Feldliste kommt von SGI)
In details option for „Schadennachtrag“
Слайд 23

Damages – AMS Create damages in AMS as in customer portal

Damages – AMS

Create damages in AMS as in customer portal
Damages must

be completed in one step (no intermediate saving like in customer portal)
In AMS „Reminders“ must be created when a damage is created (details will follow from Hr. Krause)
Nachmeldung: Add attachments to damage in AMS (like customer portal)
Слайд 24

View Damages Designvorlage kommt von SGI Kennzeichen Risiko – Schadentag –

View Damages

Designvorlage kommt von SGI


Risiko – Schadentag – Zuordnung



1234 – Opel Corsa – 11.11.2021 - VK

Alle Schäden anzeigen

Klick / tap auf Kachel öffnet Detailansicht (nicht wie hier dargestellt aufklappen)

Switch open/close

Слайд 25

View Damages – Template SGI Only show tiles, click on tile

View Damages – Template SGI

Only show tiles, click on tile opens

details (so not as shown here with section that opens)
Слайд 26

View Damages Details Designvorlage kommt von SGI Number of columns depending

View Damages Details

Designvorlage kommt von SGI

<- R R 1234 – Opel

Corsa – 11.11.2021 - VK

Number of columns depending on number of fields

„Überschrift“ selektierter Schaden
Evtl. auch Vertragsnummer anzeigen?

Zurück zur Liste Schäden



Button instead of burger menu for „Schadennachtrag“

Слайд 27

View Damages Details – Template SGI These fields shall show in

View Damages Details – Template SGI

These fields shall show in details

No list but icons like in slide above

Слайд 28

View Damage Form 1 – Template SGI Fahrzeug - Schritt 1

View Damage Form 1 – Template SGI

Fahrzeug - Schritt 1 von




Ist Soforthilfe erforderlich?

Grund / Reason

If "Yes", abort the damage “process”. Show message: "Immediate assistance is available at the following telephone number".

Weiter mit view 2

Show dropdown when Yes is selected
Fahrzeug nicht fahrbereit
Anderer Grund

„Weiter“ after Yes: Show message depending on selection in dropdown reason (simple text with phone number)

Слайд 29

View Damage Form 2 – Template SGI Unfall / Accident Panne

View Damage Form 2 – Template SGI

Unfall / Accident

Panne / Breakdown


es sich um einen Unfall oder eine Panne?

Weiter mit view 3

Weiter mit view 9

Click on Accident or Breakdown: show message with definition

Was ist ein Unfall / What is an accident
Ein Unfallereignis liegt vor, wenn das Fahrzeug durch ein unmittelbar von außen her plötzlich mit mechanischer Gewalt einwirkendes Ereignis beschädigt wird. / An accident event occurs when the vehicle is damaged by an event directly and suddenly acting from the outside with mechanical force.
Was ist eine Panne / What is a breakdown
Eine Panne ist ein Schadenereignis, was durch einen inneren Brems-/Bruch-/Betriebsschaden oder auch Defekt entsteht. / A breakdown is a damage event, which occurs due to an internal brake/breakage/operating damage or also defect.

If „Panne“ is selected -> Zuordnung must be set to „Schutzbrief“

Слайд 30

View Damage Form 3 – Template SGI Ja Nein Ist Ihr

View Damage Form 3 – Template SGI



Ist Ihr eigenes Fahrzeug beschädigt?


mit Folie 13

Weiter mit view 4

Weiter mit view 4


Show dropdown when yes is selected
Selection values see slide „Selection values for Drop downs“ below

„Zuordnung in damage depends on selection of Schadenart / Kind of damage


Слайд 31

View Damage Form 4 – Template SGI Ja Nein Ist bei

View Damage Form 4 – Template SGI



Ist bei dem Ereignis auch

ein Fremdschaden entstanden / Gibt es weitere Beteiligte?

Weiter mit Folie 13

Weiter mit view 7

Weiter mit view 5

Schadenart / Kind of Damage

Show dropdown when yes is selected
Selbst verschuldet / Own fault
Fremd verschuldet / Caused by third party
Unklar (Prüfung erforderlich) / unknown

If Yes
-> Zuordnung of damage is „Haftpflicht“
-> Show dropdown Schuldfrage
-> Show dropdown Schadenart
-> Selection values in Schadenart only those with „Haftpflicht“ (see slide selection values below)

Schuldfrage / Responsibility

Слайд 32

View Damage Form 5 – Template SGI Angaben zum Unfallgegner / Details third party view 6

View Damage Form 5 – Template SGI

Angaben zum Unfallgegner / Details

third party

view 6

Слайд 33

View Damage Form 6 – Template SGI Ja Nein Möchten Sie

View Damage Form 6 – Template SGI



Möchten Sie weitere Unfallgegner hinzufügen?

Would you like to add more accident opponents?

Weiter mit Folie 13

Weiter mit view 7

Weiter mit view 5

Any number of third patries can be added so as long as user clicks yes go back to view 5

Слайд 34

View Damage Form 7 – Template SGI If Cause (Ursache) =

View Damage Form 7 – Template SGI

If Cause (Ursache) = Breakdown,

set value automatically and don‘t show field Cause
Else: Selection value for Cause depend on Zuordnung from views 3 and 4 above (List see slide selection values below)

Weiter mit view 8

Слайд 35

View Damage Form 8 – Template SGI Prefill with name, first

View Damage Form 8 – Template SGI

Prefill with name, first name

of user
All fields optional

Weiter mit view 9

Слайд 36

View Damage Form 9 – Template SGI Damage description (Schadensschilderung) is

View Damage Form 9 – Template SGI

Damage description (Schadensschilderung) is required


Weiter mit view 10

Слайд 37

View Damage Form 10 – Template SGI Dokumente Open camera Open

View Damage Form 10 – Template SGI


Open camera

Open gallerie

Not sure if

this works on smart phone with browser based app


Слайд 38

View Damage – success message After clicking Submit a dialog is

View Damage – success message

After clicking Submit a dialog is displayed,

after confirming with OK the list of damages is displayed


Vielen Dank, dass Sie den Schaden über das Portal gemeldet haben. Wir werden uns umgehend darum kümmern / Thank you for reporting the damage via the portal. We will take care of it immediately

Der Schaden wurde eingereicht / Report was submitted

Слайд 39

Selection values for Drop downs

Selection values for Drop downs

Слайд 40

View Dialog Schadensnachtrag Designvorlage kommt von SGI Neuer Schadensnachtrag Dokumente zum Schadensnachtrag Kommentar

View Dialog Schadensnachtrag

Designvorlage kommt von SGI

Neuer Schadensnachtrag

Dokumente zum Schadensnachtrag


Слайд 41

Contracts Same as damages (tiel, click opens details) Label is Risiko


Same as damages (tiel, click opens details)
Label is Risiko
All current

contracts are shown (Status=EIGEN or Status=ANTRAG)
Details depend on status
In details option for „Änderungsmitteilung“
Слайд 42

Contracts overview Designvorlage kommt von SGI Risiko R R 1234 –

Contracts overview

Designvorlage kommt von SGI


R R 1234 – Opel Corsa

Klick /

tap auf Kachel öffnet Detailansicht (nicht wie hier dargestellt aufklappen)


Anträge Status EIGEN und ANTRAG werden angezeigt
Es wird immer das Risiko angezeigt

Слайд 43

View Contracts Overwiew– Template SGI Only show tiles, click on tile

View Contracts Overwiew– Template SGI

Only show tiles, click on tile opens

details (so not as shown here with section that opens)
Слайд 44

View Contracts Details Designvorlage kommt von SGI Layout depending on number

View Contracts Details

Designvorlage kommt von SGI

<- R R 1234 – Opel


Layout depending on number of fields

Risiko selected contract

Back to list


No menu but button

See next slide for fields to be shown

Слайд 45

View Contracts Details – Template SGI EIGEN ANTRAG No list of

View Contracts Details – Template SGI



No list of docs but icons

like in slide above
Слайд 46

View Dialog Änderungsmitteilung Contract

View Dialog Änderungsmitteilung Contract

Слайд 47

My Data / Customer Customer data is immediately displayed in detail

My Data / Customer

Customer data is immediately displayed in detail (For

customers there is no overview page (with a list of all customers / companies of the user). Usually this will be only a few companies, the selection for display is done via the dropdown in the details page.
If user is assigned to multiple customers, the first customer is displayed; change customer via dropdown
In Details option for „Änderungsmitteilung“
Слайд 48

View Customer Details Designvorlage kommt von SGI Dokumente No menu but button see next slide

View Customer Details

Designvorlage kommt von SGI


No menu but button see next

Слайд 49

View Customer Details – Template SGI No list of docs but icons like in slide above

View Customer Details – Template SGI

No list of docs but icons

like in slide above
Слайд 50

View Dialog Änderungsmitteilung Customer

View Dialog Änderungsmitteilung Customer