Английский. Ирландия

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The population of Ireland is 4.24 million people The native population

The population of Ireland is 4.24 million people
The native population consisted

mostly of Irish.
The national language of Ireland is Irish and English.
The name of Ireland «Eire» come from the Irish mythology, which meaning the name of Irish prophet (пророка) and seer (ясновидца).
The currency of Ireland is the Euro.
The religion is Catholicism.


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Ireland is located on the Irish island and is washed by

Ireland is located on the Irish island and is washed by

Atlantic Ocean to the north, south and west, and the Irish Sea to the east.
The country is rich in natural resources: gold, silver, copper (медь), natural gas, coal, zinc.
The central part is occupied by fields and meadows.
In the southwest there are mountains of Kerry.
East bank consists of cliffs.
The largest river is the Shannon.


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The climate of Ireland is moderate sea. In the south-west of

The climate of Ireland is moderate sea.
In the south-west of Ireland

windy and rainy weather.
Winters are warm and summers are cool.


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In the Ireland there are 26 variations of mammals. The most

In the Ireland there are 26 variations of mammals. The most

popular animals are red fox, hedgehog and badger (барсук), Irish hare, red deer and pine marten (лесная куница).
In Ireland, there are about 400 variations of birds that come here from Iceland and Greenland.
The flora of Ireland so poor.
In Ireland there are oaks (дубы), birch (берёзы), willow (ивы), alder (ольха), ash (ясень).
In Killarney National Park are unique yew (тисовые) forests and groves of ancient oaks.


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Ireland consists of four provinces, which are divided into 32 counties

Ireland consists of four provinces, which are divided into 32 counties

(графств). The 9 counties of Ulster six are Northern Ireland.
The capital of Ireland is Dublin. Dublin - the center of cultural, political and economic life of Ireland, its heart and pride.
Cork City - the second largest city in Ireland. It is popular among tourists for its nightlife - clubs and pubs.
Clifden very unusual city, because here you can find the old abbey ruins of ancient castles and fortresses, so it is called "five thousand years of living history."


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Ireland is rich in culture and history, it has so many

Ireland is rich in culture and history, it has so many

castles and fortresses.
Dublin Castle - the main government building.
St. Patrick's Cathedral - the biggest cathedral in Dublin and Ireland. Rector of the cathedral was the writer Jonathan Swift.
The most strange construction is Spire of Dublin, which longs 121 meters. It seen from any part of the city.
Bunratty Castle - a wonderful treasure of Ireland, which may be envy (позавидовать) all the world. Atmosphere 15-16 centuries - a rarity (редкость) on our times therefore she attracts tourists.


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The rectangular (прямоугольный) flag of Ireland consists of vertical green, white

The rectangular (прямоугольный) flag of Ireland consists of vertical green, white

and orange stripes. The green color symbolizes Catholics, orange - Protestants, white – peace
Leprechaun is a character of Irish folklore.
The main symbols of Ireland - clover and harp.
Harp (арфа) is drawn on the emblem of Ireland and it is the national instrument of the Celts.
Clover - a symbol of good luck.


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Ireland - the only country in Europe where people are smaller

Ireland - the only country in Europe where people are smaller

than dogs.
According to ancient tradition, many families still leave the door treats for good forest creatures (существ).
In Ireland, August is the month of autumn.
On the day of St. Patrick's students can hit (стукнуть) the one who didn't come in green clothes.
March 17 is celebrated St. Patrick's Day. February 17 is celebrated Pancake Day. The most important dish of Ireland is Irish stew (рагу), and a drink - whiskey and Irish Coffey.