Fuzzing everything in 2014


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About me Hacking binary since 15 Left my first=last employer in

About me

Hacking binary since 15
Left my first=last employer in 2004, independent

ever since
Done: binary reversing to malware analysis to cyber investigation, pentesting to blackbox auditing to vulnerability discovery to exploitation…
Founded: Esage Lab => Neuronspace, Malwas, TZOR
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A BIT AWAY FROM A 0-DAY… Section 1: hacker’s


Section 1: hacker’s

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Microsoft Word 2007/2010 E

Microsoft Word 2007/2010 E

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THE IDEAL FUZZER Section 2: engineer’s


Section 2: engineer’s

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Problems with fuzzers Too specialized. E.g. fuzz only browsers, or only

Problems with fuzzers

Too specialized.
E.g. fuzz only browsers, or only files
Not suitable

for fuzzing everything by design
2. Enforce unnecessary constraints.
E.g. glue mutation with automation with crash monitoring
Kills flexibility => not suitable for fuzzing everything
3. Steep learning curve.
E.g. templates & configs
Is it worthy to learn a system which is constrained anyway?
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What I want (from a fuzzer) Omnivore. Target invariant: software type,

What I want (from a fuzzer)

Target invariant: software type, data type,

platform, architecture
Hosting platform invariant: VM/hardware/laptop/localnet/clouds...
Mix & match components
Rapid support for new targets
Hot patching for tweaking
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What I want, cont’d Autonomous. Can leave it for a week?

What I want, cont’d

Can leave it for a week?
Just runs
Unlimited, native

Any number of fuzzers running at the same time
0 time to set up new targets
Right now.
No time for development
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Key design decisions Network client-server architecture Build upon isolated, generic tools

Key design decisions

Network client-server architecture
Build upon isolated, generic tools
Native automation
bash, cmd/PowerShell,

cscript/wscript, AppleScript…
Native instrumentation
DebugAPI, CrashWrangler, cdb postmortem scripts…
Highly generic mutators
Home-made bitflipping tools, grep/sed/urandom, radamsa…
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THE MAGIC Section 3: director’s


Section 3: director’s

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Fuzzing in 2014 “Shellcoder’s Handbook”: 10 years ago “Fuzzing: Brute Force

Fuzzing in 2014

“Shellcoder’s Handbook”: 10 years ago
“Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery”:

7 years ago
Dozens of publications, hundreds of tools, thousands of vulns found (=> code audited)
Driven by market and the competition
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The beginner’s delusion “Success in fuzzing is defined by speed &

The beginner’s delusion

“Success in fuzzing is defined by speed & scale”

Not exactly
ClusterFuzz is still beaten by standalone researchers
My results: ~1 night per fuzzer
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Thinking One only needs millions of test cases, if majority of


One only needs millions of test cases, if majority of those

test cases are bad
Rejected by the validator or not reaching or not triggering vulnerable code paths
Cornerstone: bug-rich branches of code
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Problem No algorithm to discover “fresh” code paths Code coverage can


No algorithm to discover “fresh” code paths
Code coverage can only measure

the already reached paths
Evolutionary input generation is tiny (think Word with embeddings)
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Where is the “new” code? Code unobviously triggered or reached Presumably

Where is the “new” code?
Code unobviously triggered or reached
Presumably effortful input

Presumably constrained exploit
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Unobvious Examples CVE-2013-3906: TIFF 0’day Ogl.dll=gdiplus.dll alternative only in Office 2007

Unobvious Examples

CVE-2013-3906: TIFF 0’day
Ogl.dll=gdiplus.dll alternative only in Office 2007
CVE-2014-0315: Insecure Library

Loading with .cmd and .bat
CVE-2013-1324: Microsoft Word WPD stack based buffer overflow
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Presumably Effortful Examples CVE-2013-1296: MS RDP ActiveX Use-after-Free No public ActiveX

Presumably Effortful Examples
CVE-2013-1296: MS RDP ActiveX Use-after-Free
No public ActiveX tools can

target UaFs
Strict syntax-based and/or layered formats
My experience: the better the generator, and the deeper the targeted data layer, the more bugs found
Microsoft DKOM/RPC
Did you know one can send a DKOM/RPC request to the port mapper (135) to enable RDP?
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Presumably Constrained Example Standard ActiveX in Windows Requires user interaction in

Presumably Constrained Example
Standard ActiveX in Windows
Requires user interaction in IE
But IE

is not the only wide-spread software capable of loading ActiveX…
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RESULTS Section 4: sponsor’s ☺


Section 4: sponsor’s ☺

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Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word

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Microsoft XML

Microsoft XML

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Reporting & Bounty Today: 22.05.2014 + Money arrived: 2014-05-07 ($2000)

Reporting & Bounty

Today: 22.05.2014

+ Money arrived: 2014-05-07 ($2000)

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“Critical infrastracture attack” contest @ PHDays: my 5 cents ☺

“Critical infrastracture attack” contest @ PHDays: my 5 cents ☺

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Lessons Learnt Research! Primary target: code bases Not data formats or

Lessons Learnt

Research! Primary target: code bases
Not data formats or data input

interfaces or fuzzing automation technology
Yes: Ancient code, hidden/unobvious functionality etc.
Bet on complex data formats
For complex data, code paths exist which are not reachable automatically, which means probably never audited code base and zero competition.
Craft complex fuzzing seeds manually
The rule of “minimal size sample”, as stated in the book “Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery” is obsolete 2014.
Remove 1-2 data format layers before injecting malformed data
Deep parsers are less audited (researchers are lazy?)
Deep parsers tend to contain more bugs (programmers are lazy?)
Estimate potency of a new vector by dumbest fuzzing prior to investing in smart fuzzing
Criteria: Bugs crowd
Bugs crowd in direction of “less audited” code base
Tweak a lot to get a “feeling” for the particular target
Keep the fuzzing setting dirty
Fuzzing is dirty by design
Pretty lying it into a well-designed system kills flexibility necessary for tweaking & rapid prototyping.
Research, again