Kinds of customs control

Слайд 2

Customs control - a set of measures implemented by a/the customs

Customs control - a set of measures implemented by a/the customs

Привести к единообразию в каждом блоке
Customs control: a set of measures adopted Customs control IS a set
Customs control -- a set
У вас всюду по-разному) И либо каждый блок с заглавной буквы, либо с маленькой – но чтобы одинаково было
Слайд 3

Forms and procedure of customs control III section customs code Chapter

Forms and procedure of customs control

III section customs code

Chapter 16.

General position about customs control


Слайд 4

Kinds of customs control examination of documents Verbal interview customs imagination

Kinds of customs control

examination of documents

Verbal interview

customs imagination

Customs inspection


customs examination

check system of accounting for goods and reporting

accounting of goods under customs control

customs inspection of premises and territories

Слайд 5

1. Examination of documents and information is to study the documents

1. Examination of documents and information is to study the documents

presented for customs clearance of goods and vehicles for the purpose of establishing their authenticity
Слайд 6

Verbal interview (IS) used as the next stage of control of

Verbal interview (IS) used as the next stage of control of

such documents and does not require registration of the explanations of interested persons in writing
Verbal?? – не уверена, любое интервью, собеседование и пр ВЕРБАЛЬНО, т.е. словами МБ, устное? Тогда Oral, но я с терминами не знакома…
Слайд 7

Customs imagination allows the use of direct visual imagination to monitor the transportation of goods

Customs imagination allows the use of direct visual imagination to monitor

the transportation of goods
Слайд 8

customs inspection allows close visual examination of the goods

customs inspection allows close visual examination of the goods