Microprocessor devices. Lecture 3


Слайд 2

Contents of the lecture Definitions Elementary SRAM Cell SRAM organization SRAM operation

Contents of the lecture

Elementary SRAM Cell
SRAM organization
SRAM operation

Слайд 3

What does RAM mean? This term has two different meanings: Random

What does RAM mean?

This term has two different meanings:
Random Accessed

Memories (RAM) that can be accessed without touching the preceding bytes. Thus any one of its address locations can be accessed without having to sequence through other locations
Read-Write Memories (RWM) that can be read and written with equal ease. The term "RWM“, however, is seldom used, although it is more accurate than the term “RAM”
Present convention has established RAM to mean RWM; so RAM will signify a memory device that can be easily read from or written into.
Слайд 4

Static RAM (SRAM) SRAM is a type of semiconductor memory that

Static RAM (SRAM)

SRAM is a type of semiconductor memory that uses

bistable latches to store each bit. The term static differentiates it from dynamic RAM (DRAM) which must be periodically refreshed.
SRAMs are volatile since when electrical power is removed from the chip, they lose all its stored information.
Слайд 5

The elementary SRAM memory cell If the output of a non-inverting

The elementary SRAM memory cell

If the output of a non-inverting amplifier

(left) is connected to its output (right), the self-reinforcing positive feedback keeps it at one of the two output states - Vcc (HIGH, “1”) and ground (LOW, “0”). Thus the analog amplifier acts as the simplest binary SRAM memory cell (latch).
Слайд 6

Building the elementary SRAM memory cell Amplifying transistor stages are inverting;

Building the elementary SRAM memory cell

Amplifying transistor stages are inverting; so,

to build a non-inverting amplifier, two inverting stages are connected in succession (cascaded). This configuration can be drawn in a few different ways although they represent the same circuit...
Слайд 7

Drawing the elementary memory cell When this circuit represents a latch,

Drawing the elementary memory cell

When this circuit represents a latch, it

is more sutable to draw it as a cross-coupled pair (left); when it represents an SRAM memory cell – as two stages connected back to back (right).
Слайд 8

Controlling the elementary memory cell In an SRAM, access to the

Controlling the elementary memory cell

In an SRAM, access to the memory

cell is enabled by the word line WL through two access switches S1 and S2 which control whether the cell should be connected to the differential pair of two bit lines BL and NBL…
Слайд 9

Operation modes of the memory cell… The SRAM cell has three

Operation modes of the memory cell…

The SRAM cell has three different

states (modes of operation). So it can be in:
standby (the circuit is idle)
writing (updating the contents)
reading (the data has been requested)
Let’s consider them.
Слайд 10

Standby mode… If the word line is not active, the access

Standby mode…

If the word line is not active, the access switches disconnect the cell

from the bit lines. The two looped inverters continue to reinforce each other as long as they are connected to the supply. The cell stays at one of the two states – “1” or “0”.  
Слайд 11

Writing “1” to the memory cell To write a “1” into

Writing “1” to the memory cell

To write a “1” into the

memory cell, the bit lines are set so that BL = 1 (+5V) and NBL = 0 (0V), and access switches are closed. This causes the cell to change accordingly its state as shown…
Слайд 12

Keeping the “1” in the memory cell… …The word line becomes

Keeping the “1” in the memory cell…

…The word line becomes not

active and the access switches disconnect the cell from the bit lines. The cell remains at (memorizes)  the last state – “1”.  
Слайд 13

Writing “0” to the memory cell To write a “0” into

Writing “0” to the memory cell

To write a “0” into the

memory cell, the bit lines are now set so BL = 0 (0V) and NBL = 1 (+5V), and access switches are closed. This causes the cell to change accordingly its state as shown…
Слайд 14

Keeping the “0” in the memory cell… …The word line becomes

Keeping the “0” in the memory cell…

…The word line becomes not

active and the access switches disconnect the cell from the bit lines. The cell remains at (memorizes) the last state – “0”.  
Слайд 15

Reading data from the memory cell To read data from the

Reading data from the memory cell

To read data from the SRAM

cell, a sense amplifier with positive feedback is connected to the bit lines, and the access switches are closed. The sense amplifier is implemented in a similar way like the memory cell (two stages connected back to back).
Слайд 16

Implementation: 4-transistor memory cell… The core of the memory cell can

Implementation: 4-transistor memory cell…

The core of the memory cell can be

implemented by two cascaded RMOS inverters (M1-R1 and M2-R2), and the access switches – by two pass transistors (M3 and M4). The total number of transistors (4) gives the name of this memory cell.
Слайд 17

6-transistor memory cell The RMOS inverters continuously dissipate power. The better

6-transistor memory cell

The RMOS inverters continuously dissipate power. The better solution

is to replace them with CMOS inverters (M1-M2 and M3-M4). The total number of transistors becomes 6 and this allows higher density of the cells on the chip.
Слайд 18

SRAM organization SRAM memory cells are organized in a form of

SRAM organization

SRAM memory cells are organized in a form of a

matrix where they are located in the intersection points of the horizontal word lines WL and vertical bit lines BL. The word lines are single-ended while the bit-lines are differential (implemented as pairs of two complementary signals BL and NOT BL).
To access the memory cells, the full address (a combination of the address lines) is divided into two parts – low X and high Y. These combinations are converted into single active lines (row and column) by X and Y address decoders.
Слайд 19

SRAM matrix of cells

SRAM matrix of cells

Слайд 20

SRAM operation SRAMs require a few control signals: CS (chip select)

SRAM operation

SRAMs require a few control signals:
CS (chip select) –

controls the access to the memory chip (usually when CS=0 the access is enabled)
R/W (read/write) – configures the memory for read (R/W=1) or write (R/W=0) operation
ОЕ (output enable) – enables/disables the memory output buffers
Слайд 21

READ operation

READ operation