
Слайд 2

July 5, 2022 2、Choose “Opt out” tab 1、Go to your “Profile” tab 3、Click “I Agree” tab

July 5, 2022

2、Choose “Opt out” tab

1、Go to your “Profile” tab

3、Click “I

Agree” tab
Слайд 3

July 5, 2022 1、Choose “Opt in” tab 2、Entry your AC password

July 5, 2022

1、Choose “Opt in” tab

2、Entry your AC password

accepting DC statement

3、Click “I Agree” tab

Слайд 4

July 5, 2022 The system will transfer to A9 platform https://ui.appen.com.cn/user/login

July 5, 2022

The system will transfer to A9 platform
Pls follow below

1\Entry your AC Email
2\Choose a “Nickname” follow the guidelines in making a nickname
4-32 character
Lower case letters and numbers ONLY
3\Entry your AC password
4\Confirm your password
5\Tick “I’m not a robot”
6\Tick “I Accept”
A verification email should be received and verify your email address through the link provided.(Pls double check your mailbox)
Once verified you can now “Apply” to the project.

1、AC register mail

2、Nick name

3、AC password

4、Confirm your password

5、Tick “I’m not a robot”

6、Tick “I Accept”

This step is only for someone has not register A9
If you have A9 account, Pls log-in directly.
Thank you!

Слайд 5

July 5, 2022 Remark This step is only for people who

July 5, 2022

This step is only for people who have not

registered A9 before.
If you already have A9 account, Pls log in directly.
Thank you!
Слайд 6

July 5, 2022 If you are in “Chinese” version, please click to choose “English”

July 5, 2022

If you are in “Chinese” version, please click to

choose “English”
Слайд 7

July 5, 2022 1、Click this tab for project list 2、Click “Recruitment

July 5, 2022

1、Click this tab for project list

2、Click “Recruitment to be

applied” to see the list of project you haven’t applied yet and available.