The profession of Locomotive Driver

Слайд 2

Locomotive Driver Train Driver (Locomotive Driver) - is a railroader who

Locomotive Driver

Train Driver (Locomotive Driver) - is a railroader who operates

passenger and freight trains and electric trains of various connections and purposes.
Слайд 3

Features of the profession The Locomotive Driver must drive the train

Features of the profession

The Locomotive Driver must drive the train exactly

according to the schedule, take into account specific warning signals on the runs, monitor the traffic lights, the indications of instrumentation. Also work under conditions of increased moral responsibility for life and health of people.
Слайд 4

Knowledge & Skills operate, maintain and repair rolling stock in accordance

Knowledge & Skills

operate, maintain and repair rolling stock in accordance with

the requirements of regulations and safety.
organize the work of the production team in compliance with life safety and environmental protection.
work with normative and legal documents, design and technological documentation.
rules of maintenance, acceptance, order of delivery and inspection, classification of types of repair and inspection of diesel locomotives, their characteristics.
carry out the work provided by the maintenance systems and preventive maintenance; determine the volume and quality performance of the production area.
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Слайд 6

State of health The medical committee will assess blood, eyes, posture

State of health

The medical committee will assess blood, eyes, posture (negative

to the presence of surgical intervention in the body), heart, hearing, and nerves. Certificates from the narcologist and from the psychiatric clinic are mandatory.
Слайд 7

Personal qualities - acumen; - caution; - observation; - circumspection; -

Personal qualities

- acumen;
- caution;
- observation;
- circumspection;
- vigilance;
- determination;
- poise;
- discipline;
- organization;

- self-control.
Слайд 8

Electric Locomotive Driver trainer EP1M (ЭП1М)

Electric Locomotive Driver trainer EP1M (ЭП1М)

Слайд 9

Women in this profession “It is believed that a woman has

Women in this profession

“It is believed that a woman has no

place in the cab of a locomotive. However, during the years of testing, during the war years, it was women who worked on the railway transport, working in the cab of the engine with double, if not triple force.”
Слайд 10

Salary Salary of train driver (locomotive driver) for December 2021. Moscow


Salary of train driver (locomotive driver) for December 2021.
Moscow -

Russia - 35000-100000р
However, the base salary is indexed according to the severity of the tasks performed.
Слайд 11

Railwaymen's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in August and

Railwaymen's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in August and

was established back in 1896, then it was timed to the birthday of Emperor Nicholas I, who began building the railroads.