The RBMK (реактор большой мощности)

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SPECIFICATION The RBMK (Russian: Реактор Большой Мощности Канальный Reaktor Bolshoy Moshchnosti


The RBMK (Russian: Реактор Большой Мощности Канальный Reaktor Bolshoy Moshchnosti Kanalnyy,

"High Power Channel-type Reactor") is a class of graphite-moderated nuclear power reactor designed and built by the Soviet Union.
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Features of the RBMK

Features of the RBMK

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Pressure tubes Within the reactor each fuel assembly is positioned in

Pressure tubes

Within the reactor each fuel assembly is positioned in its

own vertical pressure tube or channel about 7 m long. Each channel is individually cooled by pressurised water which is allowed to boil in the tube and emerges at about 290°C.
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Graphite moderator A series of graphite blocks surround, and hence separate,

Graphite moderator

A series of graphite blocks surround, and hence separate, the

pressure tubes. They act as a moderator to slow down the neutrons released during fission so that a continuous fission chain reaction can be maintained.
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Control rods Boron carbide control rods absorb neutrons to control the rate of fission.

Control rods

Boron carbide control rods absorb neutrons to control the rate

of fission.
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Steam separator

Steam separator

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Containment The reactor core is located in a reinforced concrete lined


The reactor core is located in a reinforced concrete lined cavity

that acts as a radiation shield.