When do you get up? -I get up at 7 o’clock

Слайд 2

WHEN – когда? In the morning- утром In the afternoon- днем

WHEN – когда?

In the morning- утром
In the afternoon- днем
In the

evening - вечером
Usually - обычно
Every day – каждый день
After - после
After school – после школы
Слайд 3

In the morning – утром When do you do exercises? -I

In the morning – утром When do you do exercises? -I do exercises

in the morning

Dress - одеваться

Слайд 4

When do you have breakfast? - I have breakfast at 8

When do you have breakfast? - I have breakfast at 8

o’clock When do you have lunch? – I have lunch at 11 o’clock
Слайд 5

When do you go to school? I go to school at 9 o’clock

When do you go to school? I go to school at 9

Слайд 6

usually - обычно When do you usually come home from school?

usually - обычно When do you usually come home from school? - Usually

I come home from school at 3 o’clock
Слайд 7

When do you go to the park? - Usually, I go

When do you go to the park? - Usually, I go to

the park after school When do you go to the sports ground? - Usually, I go to the sports ground in the afternoon When does your mother go to work? - Usually, My mother goes to work at 8 o’clock
Слайд 8

When do you take a shower? -I take a shower in

When do you take a shower? -I take a shower in the

evening I take a shower every evening – каждый вечер