Law for Business


Слайд 2

Quiz 1 Write the answer to the question What is law

Quiz 1
Write the answer to the question
What is law

for you?
The police.
The government’s behavior.
The reflection of the people, organizations and values; it serves and controls.
It comes from the past, reflects the present and paves the way to the future.
Слайд 3

Effective manager Quiz 2 Write the answers to the questions What

Effective manager

Quiz 2
Write the answers to the questions
What is an

effective manager?
The one who develops the knowledge of both law and business.
Why is that so important?
Слайд 4

Think of it Remember and render situations in your lives where

Think of it

Remember and render situations in your lives where you

really felt lack of knowledge of laws.
Слайд 5

Legal rules To create the rules – legislatures and government agencies

Legal rules

To create the rules – legislatures and government agencies
To enforce

the rules – police forces
To resolve the disputes – courts
The law requires people to conform their behavior to a particular standard.
Слайд 6

Law is A set of principles that: Have general application to

Law is

A set of principles that:
Have general application to society

by a legitimate authority within society
“A process of legal interpretation” (court)
May have sanctions against the law breakers
Слайд 7

How did the law appear?

How did the law appear?

Слайд 8

1.The theory of the social contract G. Grotskiy, G. Ghobbs, D.

1.The theory of the social contract

G. Grotskiy, G. Ghobbs, D. Lonk,

Spinoza, F-F Rousseau, AN Radischev
To ensure a normal life, people conclude among themselves an agreement on the establishment of the state, voluntarily handing it some of their rights.
Noting the progressive nature of many of the social contract theory, which opposed the feudal state, the king in this society, tyranny, inequality, it should be noted that there is no scientific evidence supporting this theory. Also, this theory ignores the need for economic prerequisites for the state to appear.
Слайд 9

2. The Theological Theory Religious leaders of the ancient East, medieval

2. The Theological Theory

Religious leaders of the ancient East, medieval

Europe (Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century.), The ideologues of Islam and the modern Catholic Church (Jacques Maritain)
The idea of inviolability of the state, the need for submission to the will of the state, as the government of God, but at the same time, and depending on the state itself from the divine will, manifested through the church or other religious organizations. Judgment on the legality of the origin and use of the power of the ruler belongs to the church. People do not only have to fulfill the orders of the governor, which are at odds with the divine laws, but generally do not have to obey the usurpers and tyrants.
Theological theory can not be proved or disproved: the question of its truth is solved together with the question of the existence of God, which is the matter of faith.
Слайд 10

3. The Violence Theory K.Kautsky, E.Dyuring, A. Gumppovich Laws are for

3. The Violence Theory
K.Kautsky, E.Dyuring, A. Gumppovich
Laws are for subordination

of the weak to strong. Many states have appeared as a result of the conquest of one people by another. (Early German or Hungarian state)
To state emerged required. If the level of economic development that includes the state apparatus is not reached, no conquest can lead to the appearance of the state.
Слайд 11

4. The Psychological Theory G.Gard, L. Petrazhitsky The emergence of the

4. The Psychological Theory

G.Gard, L. Petrazhitsky
The emergence of the

state and law is explained by the manifestation of the properties of the human psyche, the need to obey, depend on the elite of the society, the realization of justice, certain embodiments of actions and attitudes, and so forth. It is based on specific emotions that are experienced as internal obstacle to freedom and that encourage the person to any action. Norms as authoritarian prohibitions and commandments is only a reflection of these experiences. Psychological theory distinguishes ethical duty as a legal obligation and ethical duty as a moral duty.
Influence of the human psyche is not critical, and the mind itself is influenced by relevant economic, social and other conditions. These conditions should be considered first.
Слайд 12

5. The Natural Law Theory Lock, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Gholbach, Radishchev. Apart

5. The Natural Law Theory

Lock, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Gholbach, Radishchev.
Apart from positive

law created by the state, there is common to all men natural right, which stands above the positive law. The latter is based on the requirements of the natural law (the right to life, free development, labor, participate in the affairs of society and the state).
In a civilized society there is no reason to oppose natural and positive law, since the latter reinforces and protects the natural rights of man, making a single universal system of legal regulation of social relations.
Слайд 13

6. Normativizm K. Bergbom,G. Shershenevich, J. Austin, R.Shtammler The rules are

6. Normativizm

K. Bergbom,G. Shershenevich, J. Austin, R.Shtammler
The rules are

created by the state - the state's standards to meet the interests of the individual. The main thesis of legal positivism - the recognition of the law created by the state for the common good, or to satisfy the interests of the individual. However, only the justice which gets protection of the State is the law.
Many of her supporters were against the opposition of the state and the law.
Слайд 14

7. The Sociological Theory Ehrlikh, S.Muromtsev, G.Shershenevich. Social norm - a

7. The Sociological Theory

Ehrlikh, S.Muromtsev, G.Shershenevich.
Social norm - a norm

of behavior applied to the external expressions of public life. It is the source of human well-being and is above the state.
Sociological theory fills its social content, argues that the right is a balancing force in the life of society. The ideas of this theory clearly express the essence of the rule of law in which the state itself and its citizens must obey the legal requirements in the interest of the common good.
Слайд 15

Functions of law Keeping the peace (prohibition of not authorized meetings

Functions of law

Keeping the peace (prohibition of not authorized meetings

in Russia)
Enforcing standards of conduct and maintaining order (outlaw desecration of the flag in Texas)
Facilitating planning (eg: contract laws)
Promoting social justice (tax laws- redistribute wealth)
Слайд 16

It regulates behavior of an individual to make it acceptable to

It regulates behavior of an individual to make it acceptable to

the majority of other individuals.
It shapes politics, economics and society in countless ways and serves as a social mediator in relations between people.
It regulates almost all spheres of social and political life either between public or private members of a society, either on national or international level.
Слайд 17

Basic Notions

Basic Notions

Слайд 18

Rule: An authoritative statement of what to do or not to


An authoritative statement of what to do or not to do

in a specific situation, issued by an appropriate person or body. It clarifies, demarcates, or interprets a law or policy
A statement that establishes a principle or standard, and serves as a norm for guiding or mandating action or conduct
Слайд 19

Give examples of rules. Where do you usually meet rules?

Give examples of rules.
Where do you usually meet rules?

Слайд 20

Norm: A standard of achievement or behavior that is required, desired,


A standard of achievement or behavior that is required, desired, or

designated as normal
Informal guideline about what is considered normal (what is correct or incorrect) social behavior in a particular group or social unit.
Norms form the basis of collective expectations that members of a community have from each other, and play a key part in social control and social order by exerting a pressure on the individual to conform
Слайд 21

Give examples of norms. Where do you usually meet norms? Who makes norms?

Give examples of norms.
Where do you usually meet norms?
Who makes

Слайд 22

Law (Statute): A set of rules adopted by a legislative body

Law (Statute): A set of rules adopted by a legislative body

of a certain state for the purpose of regulating specific sphere of social relations.
Code: a systematic collection of laws and statutes regulating the specific sphere of social relations, adopted by a legislative body of a certain state
Слайд 23

Tell the main differences between a law, a norm and a

Tell the main differences between
a law,
a norm and
a rule.

laws or codes have you come across?
Слайд 24

Classification of law Substantive law Versus Procedural law Criminal law versus Civil law

Classification of law

Substantive law
Procedural law
Criminal law
Civil law

Слайд 25

Substantive law establishes Rights and duties for people as they act

Substantive law establishes

Rights and duties for people as they act in

Duties take form of a command: “Do this!”, “Don’t do that!”
Eg.: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 tells the employers that they must not discriminate among people on the basis of race, color, religion, sex etc.
Rights and privileges.
Eg.: freedom of speech granted by the Constitution; the right for self-defense.
Слайд 26

Procedural law establishes The rules as to what cases a court

Procedural law establishes

The rules as to what cases a court

can decide
How a trial is conducted
How a judgment by a court is to be enforced
Слайд 27

Criminal law defines Duties citizens owe to the society and prescribes

Criminal law defines

Duties citizens owe to the society
and prescribes penalties

for violation
Always statutory
Requires legislative branch to define the elements of a crime
Слайд 28

Civil law establishes Private duties owed by one person (including corporations

Civil law establishes

Private duties owed by one person (including corporations or

the government) to another
Generally doesn’t aim to punish but to make the wronged party whole through a money award – damages
Punitive damages – for an outrageous behavior of a person committed a tort. (goes to the injured party)
Слайд 29

Law: National Law International Law: International public law International private law

National Law
International Law:
International public law
International private law

Слайд 30

National Law Main goal: setting up a certain mode of behavior

National Law

Main goal:
setting up a certain mode of behavior for

everyone (state bodies, private entities, individuals etc.) withina jurisdiction of a certain state
Main functions:
regulating economic activities;
governing political activities;
forming public legal consciousness;
regulating the use of natural resources and environmental management;
governing relations insuchspheresasculture, science and education etc.

Main sources:

Слайд 31

Sources of International Law Article 38 of the Statute of the

Sources of International Law

Article 38 of the Statute of the International

Court of Justice:
international conventions (general or particular) establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting states;
international custom, as evidence of a general practice accepted as law;
the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations;
judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations as subsidiary means for determination of rules of law
Слайд 32

International conventions: generally referred to as treaties written agreements between States

International conventions:

generally referred to as treaties
written agreements between States that are

governed by international law
referred to by different names, including agreements, conventions, covenants etc.
may be bilateral, multilateral, regional and global
have certain degree of primacy among other sources of international law
Слайд 33

International custom (or customary law) - evidence of a general practice

International custom (or customary law) - evidence of a general practice accepted

as law through a constant and virtually uniform usage among States over a period of time - rules of customary international law bind all States

General Principles of Law 
often cited as a third source of law
apply in all major legal systems
usually used when no treaty provision or clear rule of customary law exists
Example: No one can be punished for the same crime twice

Слайд 34

International law International Public Law (the law of states/nations) International Private

International law

International Public Law
(the law of states/nations)

International Private Law
(the conflict

of laws)

a body of customary or conventional rules which are considered as legal binding by civilized states in their intercourse with each other
concerned mostly with the rights and obligations of sovereign states

part of national laws of a certain state that is aimed to decide weather a given case involving «foreign» element shall be adjudicated upon by domestic laws of a given state or by laws of some other state and shall be subject to the competence of courts of a given state or of some other state
deals with cases in which some relevant fact has a connection with a foreign element and may on that ground raise a question as to the application of any other appropriate foreign law to the determination of any issue thereof or as to the exercise of jurisdiction by any other foreign court

Слайд 35

International Law v. National Law? “Monist” tradition both national law and

International Law v. National Law?

“Monist” tradition
both national law and international law

form one unitary legal order
In case when national law conflicts with international law: to declare the supremacy of national over international law or to declare the supremacy of international over national law

“Dualist” tradition
national law and international law are two separate systems and non-overlapping legal orders: conflicts are thus impossible
international law must be transferred into national law, and existing national law that contradicts international law must be "transferred away“; It must be modified or eliminated in order to conform to international law

Слайд 36

Constitution of Ukraine provides for: «Valid international treaties, the obligatory character

Constitution of Ukraine provides for:

«Valid international treaties, the obligatory character of

which is approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The conclusion of international treaties which contradicts the Constitution of Ukraine shall be possible only after the respective amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine are made» (Article 9)
«International treaties are entered into by the President of Ukraine and, where it is required by law, should obtain the approval of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine». (Article 106 and Article 85)
“The Constitutional Court of Ukraine upon the request of the President of Ukraine or the Cabinet of Ministers shall decide on conformity with the Constitution of Ukraine of valid international treaties of Ukraine or those international treaties which are submitted to the Verkhovna Rada for the approval of their obligatory character” (Article 151)
Слайд 37

Elements of cases

Elements of cases

Слайд 38

Слайд 39

Peculiarities of American law system

Peculiarities of American law system

Слайд 40

Full faith and credit Federal Constitution requires every state to give

Full faith and credit

Federal Constitution requires every state to give

Faith and Credit”
to the
“Acts, records and judicial proceedings of every other state.”
Слайд 41

“Checks and balances” (13 states) system between the powers of the

“Checks and balances” (13 states)

system between the powers of the states

and the federal government:
Balance: 3 branches of government: legislative, executive, judicial
Check: to avoid ill advised statutes to pass
a proposal will not become law unless the president and both houses of Congress approve it.
2/3 majority in each house is required to override a veto by president.
Congress itself couldn’t enforce a statute (executive branch could: the attorney general)
Supremacy clause in the Constitution: where state laws conflict with legitimate federal laws, the latter will prevail
Слайд 42

Constitutional powers States have own governments and judicial systems. Constitution may

Constitutional powers

States have own governments and judicial systems.
Constitution may not give

the Congress the power to pass a law.
Constitution’s Commerce Clause permits Congress to regulate interstate and foreign commerce as well as most federal regulations.
Business activity is regulated by the federal taxing power
Слайд 43

Constitutional Limitations Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the

Constitutional Limitations

Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the Constitution)

- prohibitions against government regulation: guarantee rights of free speech, freedom of religion, of expression.
Слайд 44

Federalism the US is composed of 51 different legal systems (a


the US is composed of 51 different legal systems

(a part of the checks and balances system)
There is a federal legal system and each state has its own system.
Still: if there is a conflict between the 2 systems, the federal rules prevail.
Слайд 45

Sources of law Constitutions Treaties Statutes Administrative rules and decisions Executive orders Court decisions Private law

Sources of law

Administrative rules and decisions
Executive orders
Court decisions

Слайд 46

Constitutions The highest source of law All forms of law must


The highest source of law
All forms of law must be consistent

with the Constitution
Each state has Constitution, some are more specific and detailed but subordinate to the US Constitution, though superior to law derived from other sources within the state.
Some were rewritten several times.
The US Constitution has 17 amendments (more than 200 years)
Слайд 47

Treaties Constitution: “Treaties made by the president with foreign governments and


“Treaties made by the president with foreign governments and ratified

by 2/3 of the senate are the supreme law of the land”
Слайд 48

Statutes is the product of lawmaking of a legislature Statutes add


is the product of lawmaking of a legislature
add details to the

government framework
Establish rules that govern certain kinds of activity (auto on highway)
Criminal law
Law applicable to sales of goods
Law that limits or regulates business
Слайд 49

Congress and state enact statutes at sessions People turn to Congress

Congress and state enact statutes at sessions
People turn to Congress to

urge the passage of such a law: economic, moral or health problem.
Statutory law varies from state to state.
The Uniform Commercial Code is adopted by 50 states as a uniform law.
Laws in business tend to be uniform.
Ordinances are enactments of governmental units within the states (eg. noise levels)
Слайд 50

A government agency Congress and state legislatures can delegate lawmaking power

A government agency

Congress and state legislatures can delegate lawmaking power to

a government independent (not part of executive branch) regulatory agency
Strictly civil
Business is highly regulated in this way
Interstate Commerce Commission – 1887 (the 1st federal agency)
Some rules issued by an agency have the same force as statutes passed by Congress (if they are within the authority granted by the statute)
Слайд 51

A government agency

A government agency

Слайд 52

Executive orders Congress and state legislatures can delegate lawmaking power to

Executive orders

Congress and state legislatures can delegate lawmaking power to the

president or a governor.
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1943 order required all contracts for war supplies to include a clause prohibiting race discrimination.
Have the force of a law if they are within the authority granted by the statute.
Слайд 53

Judicial decisions Courts also make laws. They do it in three

Judicial decisions

Courts also make laws.
They do it in three ways
Interpretation through

the common law
(they give meaning (they find law when no source
and effect to the other offers a solution to a legal dispute)
sources of law)
judicial review determining the legitimacy of the actions of other branches of government
Слайд 54

Common law It is a court – created law (decisional law).

Common law
It is a court – created law (decisional law).
Arises when

there is no source of law to resolve a dispute.
Judicial review
A judge may render a legal rule unenforceable declaring it in conflict with constitution.
Слайд 55

Procedural safeguards A law must be knowable, predictable, adjustable (in changing

Procedural safeguards

A law must be knowable, predictable, adjustable (in changing time).

people to know the bills they are published.
The Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws. A new statute applies only to actions taken after it became effective.
Stare decisis – a court in making a decision should follow the rulings of prior cases that have similar facts (precedents).
Interpretation – narrow or broad. Court may choose facts to stress or to ignore.
The highest appeal court can distinguish or overrule (in fact rarely) a precedent case.
Слайд 56

Constitution of Ukraine

Constitution of Ukraine

Слайд 57

Constitution of Ukraine “The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on behalf of

Constitution of Ukraine

“The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on behalf of the

Ukrainian people - Ukrainian citizens of all nationalities,  expressing sovereign will of the people standing on the century-old history of Ukrainian state building, on the ground of the right to self-determination realized by the Ukrainian nation, all the Ukrainian people, providing for the guarantee of human rights and freedoms, and of the deserved conditions of human life,  providing strengthening of the civil consent on the Ukrainian land,  desiring to develop and strengthen a democratic, social, legal state,  recognizing the responsibility before God, own consciousness, previous, present and future generations,  governed by the Act of Declaration of Ukraine's Independence … adopts this Constitution - the Fundamental law of Ukraine”. 
Слайд 58

Constitution declares Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, legal

Constitution declares

Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, legal

The sovereignty of Ukraine covers the entirety of its territory. 
Ukraine is a Unitarian state. 
The territory of Ukraine within the limits of existing borders is indivisible, and inviolable. 
An individual, his/her life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value. 
Human rights and freedoms and their guarantees determine the essence and the direction of the activity of the State.
The state is responsible to the person for its activity. The establishment and maintaining of human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the State. 
Ukraine has single citizenship.
Слайд 59

Ukraine is a Unitary state

Ukraine is a Unitary state

Слайд 60

A unitary state is a state governed as one single unit

A unitary state is a state governed as one single unit in which the central government is

supreme and any administrative divisions exercise only powers that their central government chooses to delegate.
The great majority of states in the world have a unitary system of government.
Unitary states are contrasted with federal states (federations) and confederal states.
Слайд 61

The main features of the unitary state One main law (normative

The main features of the unitary state

One main law (normative

legal act or set of such acts)for the entire state, which has the rule over the entire territory of the country;
One highest authority for the whole country;
One law system;
Single citizenship;
Single currency;
Single national language;
Components of the unitary state do not have signs of sovereignty.
Слайд 62

Unitary states may be centralized and decentralized, depending on: nature of

Unitary states may be centralized and decentralized, depending on:

nature of

the relationship between the higher and local authorities;
volume of the powers granted to administrative-territorial units or autonomous entities within the unitary state;
Centralized state: head of the local government bodies are designated from the center.
In decentralized unitary states, local governments are elected by the people and enjoy considerable autonomy in matters of local life.
Слайд 63

Unitary states are contrasted with federal states (federations) and confederal states.

Unitary states are contrasted with
federal states (federations) and confederal states.

Слайд 64

Federation a form of government in which the units of a


a form of government in which the units of a

federal state are public entities, having legally certain political independence.
Constituent parts of the federation - entities called subjects of the federation, and the territory of the Federation consists of the territories of its subjects.
Слайд 65

In a federal state there are two systems of higher authorities

In a federal state there are two systems of higher authorities

(federal and subjects of the Federation).
Along with the federal constitution federal subjects have the right to make their own legal acts of the constituent character.
They have the power to make regional laws. Subjects of the Federation often have their own institute of citizenship, capital, coat of arms or other parts of the constitutional and legal status of the state with the exception of state sovereignty.
Слайд 66

The subject of the Federation can not be the subject of

The subject of the Federation can not be the subject of

international relations, if not leaving the federation.
Subjects of the federation may have different names, determined by historical or legal factors: states, provinces, regions, territories and republics, land or federal land.
Federation should be distinguished from the confederation, which is an international legal union of sovereign states.
To distinguish between the legal nature of those or other entities may be very difficult - many existing Confederation are very close to or even almost federations.
Слайд 67

Features of federal states: The territory consists of the territories of

Features of federal states:

The territory consists of the territories of

its individual actors: states, cantons, republics, and so emirates.
Supreme legislative, executive and judicial power belongs to the federal government. Relation between the Federation and its subjects is delimited by the federal constitution.
Some federations subjects make their own constitution, internal supreme legislative, executive and judicial bodies.
In most federations, there is a single-federal citizenship.
The main foreign policy is realized by the federal government agencies. They are officially a federal state in international relations (USA, Russia, Germany, Brazil, India and others.).
Structure of the federal parliament: one house is the general federal deputies elected from across the country. The second chamber represents the interests of the Federation.
Слайд 68

TASK Think and write “+” and “-” of Unitary and Federative State organization.

Think and write “+” and “-” of Unitary and Federative State

Слайд 69

Constitution Ukraine is a republic. The people are the bearers of


Ukraine is a republic. 
The people are the bearers of the sovereignty

and the only source of power in Ukraine. The people exercise power directly and through the bodies of state power and local self-government. 
The right to determine and change the constitutional order in Ukraine belongs only to the people and may not be usurped by the state, its bodies or its officials. 
No one has the right to usurp state power. 
Слайд 70

Local self-government is recognized and guaranteed in Ukraine. The principle of

Local self-government is recognized and guaranteed in Ukraine. 
The principle of rule

of law is recognized and acts in Ukraine. 
Ratification of international treaties which contradict the Constitution of Ukraine, is possible only after introducing appropriate changes to the Constitution of Ukraine. 
The state language in Ukraine is the Ukrainian language. 
The free development, use and protection of Russian and other languages of national minorities is guaranteed in Ukraine. 
The State promotes the study of languages of international communication. 
Слайд 71

The state assists in the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian

The state assists in the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian

nation, its historical consciousness, traditions and culture, as well as in the development of the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious features of all native nations and national minorities of Ukraine. 
The property sets responsibility. The property shall not be used against a person and society. 
Слайд 72

Public life in Ukraine is based upon principles of political, economic

Public life in Ukraine is based upon principles of political, economic

and ideological diversity. 
No ideology can be considered mandatory by the State. 
Censorship is prohibited. 
The State guarantees freedom of political activity not prohibited by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. 
Слайд 73

ARTICLE 20 Symbols are the State Flag, the State Emblem and


Symbols are the State Flag, the State Emblem and the

State Anthem.  The State Anthem of Ukraine is the national anthem with the music of M.Verbytskiy and words, confirmed by law, which shall be adopted by no less than two-thirds of the constitutional membership of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.  The description of the state symbols of Ukraine and the order of their use is determined by law, adopted by no less than two-thirds of the constitutional membership of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.  The capital of Ukraine is the City of Kyiv.
Слайд 74

Chapter II All people are free and equal in their dignity

Chapter II

All people are free and equal in their dignity

and rights which are guaranteed and may not be abolished. 
Every person has the right to the free development of personality, as long as there are no violations of the rights and freedoms of other people, and has obligations before society. 
Citizens have equal Constitutional rights and freedoms and are equal before the law. 
There are no privileges or restrictions based upon race, color of skin, political, religious and other beliefs, gender, ethnic and social origin, property, ownership, position, place of residence, based upon language or other circumstances. 
The equality of rights of women and men. 
Слайд 75

Foreigners and persons without any citizenship, who live in Ukraine on

Foreigners and persons without any citizenship, who live in Ukraine on

a legal basis shall enjoy the same rights and freedoms and have the same duties as citizens of Ukraine except in cases determined by the Constitution, by laws or by international treaties concluded by Ukraine. 
Слайд 76

The form of Ukraine is a parliamentary republic with elements of

The form of Ukraine is a parliamentary republic with elements of

a presidential republic, in the form of a territorial and political unit - a complex unitary state. In Ukraine, there is a democratic political regime.
Слайд 77

Changing the constitution. A bill may be submitted to the Verkhovna

Changing the constitution.

A bill may be submitted to the Verkhovna

Rada of Ukraine only by president or 1/3 of Verkhovna Rada.
It is considered by the Verkhovna Rada after the Constitutional Court. Change must be approved by parliament twice on different sessions: by the majority of the Parliament and then by 2/3 of votes.
Rada may not, during its term of office to change the same provisions of the constitution twice.
The Constitution can not be changed in a state of emergency or martial law.
Слайд 78

Constitutional control. Sole body of constitutional jurisdiction in Ukraine is the

Constitutional control.

Sole body of constitutional jurisdiction in Ukraine is the Constitutional

Consists of 18 judges.
6 appoints Verkhovna Rada
6 - President and
6 - Congress of Judges of Ukraine.
Judges are appointed for 9 years without reappointment for another term.
Judge of the Constitutional Court must be a citizen of Ukraine over 40 years old, has professional experience at least 10 years, residing in Ukraine for the past 20 years and speaks the Ukrainian language.
Слайд 79

President of the Court Elected by its members secretly and only

President of the Court

Elected by its members secretly and only

for three-year term.
Judges are guaranteed independence and integrity.
They may not belong to political parties and trade unions, to participate in political activities, have a representative mandate, hold any paid positions, paid work, except for scientific, teaching and creative.
Слайд 80

The authority of the Constitutional Court Constitution - Chapter XII The

The authority of the Constitutional Court

Constitution - Chapter XII
The Court on

the appeal of the President, no less than 45 members of the parliament, the Supreme Court of Ukraine, the Ombudsman assesses the constitutionality of:
laws and other legal acts of the parliament
acts of the President
acts of the Cabinet
officially interprets the Constitution and laws of Ukraine
on the appeal of the President or the Cabinet, provides opinions on the conformity with the Constitution of international treaties
on the appeal of the parliament, provides an opinion on the procedure of impeachment of the President
provides an opinion on introducing amendments to the Constitution with the restrictions imposed by the Constitution.
The Court's rulings are mandatory for execution in Ukraine, are final and cannot be appealed. Laws and other legal acts, or their separate provisions, that are unconstitutional, lose legal force.
Слайд 81

Task 1 President of Ukraine appealed to the Ukrainian people of

Task 1

President of Ukraine appealed to the Ukrainian people of congratulations

on Independence Day.
Take a legal analysis of the facts. Do these actions belong to the circle of the President of Ukraine of its powers? What are the regulations governing the issue?
Art. 106 of the Constitution: he has the right
Слайд 82

TASK 2 President took the decision to impose martial law in

President took the decision to impose martial law in the

Parliament has recognized this illegal decision and began the procedure of impeachment. Is it lawful actions is the President and Parliament? Under what conditions Parliament can initiate the impeachment of the President?
Слайд 83

«President may be removed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine if

«President may be removed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

if he commits treason or other crime."
Under the terms the of the task the President did not commit a crime, but took the decision to impose martial law - this is not treason;
The procedure of impeachment of the President:
«Impeachment is initiated by the majority of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine"
«Verkhovna Rada establishes a special temporary investigative commission, made of special prosecutor and investigators."
«Conclusions and recommendations of the temporary investigative commission shall be considered by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine";
«The impeachment adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of not less than three-fourths of its deputies after se the Constitutional Court of Ukraine regards the matter“.
Слайд 84

Task 3 People living in the town N gathered in the

Task 3

People living in the town N gathered in the central

square, having informed local authorities about it. Local executive authorities stopped the meeting, citing the fact that the organizers of the meeting didn’t get written permission for the meeting. Give the legal analysis to the fact. Justify the legality of actions of the citizens and authorities? What are the regulations governing the issue?
The right of citizens to assemble peacefully without arms and to hold meetings and demonstrations( Article 39 of the Constitution of Ukraine) is their inalienable and inviolable . The notification must be made by citizens through the organizers of mass gatherings.
According to the law The authorities have one month for giving the allowance for a meeting, and the meetings that do not require further examination allowance is given immediately, but not later than fifteen days. The total time to resolve issues raised in the application, may not exceed forty-five days.
Слайд 85

Task 4 Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted an unconstitutional resolution.

Task 4

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted an unconstitutional resolution. Parliament

abolished the it. Which body has the right to decide this question?
Illegal action on the part of public authorities. Violation of Art. 19 of the Constitution of Ukraine "state bodies and local authorities are obliged to act only on the basis and within the limits and in the manner envisaged by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine."
The Constitutional Court of Ukraine adopts decisions and provides opinions in cases concerning the constitutionality of laws and other legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
Слайд 86

Task 5 Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine read out

Task 5

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine read out the

oath of the President thus done the inauguration of President within 30 days after the official announcement of the election results at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Say if that was right?