Legislation for environmental management


Слайд 2

(EU) Legislation for environmental management: EMAS Ecolabel Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016 22.11.2016

(EU) Legislation for environmental management:

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 3

EMAS Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016 22.11.2016


Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 4

The Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009

The Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)

Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 on

the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS), repealing Regulation (EC) No 761/2001 and Commission Decisions 2001/681/EC and 2006/193/EC.

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 5

The Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) aims at encouraging European

The Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)

aims at encouraging European organisations

to improve their environmental performance.
“It represents a considerable asset, bringing them added value in terms of regulatory control, cost savings and public image if they are able to demonstrate an improvement in their environmental performance.”

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 6

EMAS an instrument which is open to voluntary participation by organisations


an instrument which is open to voluntary participation by organisations established

inside or outside the Community.
Its objective is to promote continuous improvements in the environmental performance of these organisations from all sectors of economic activity by…

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 7

-environmental review: environmental aspects -the systematic, objective and periodic evaluation of

-environmental review: environmental aspects

-the systematic, objective and periodic evaluation of these


-establishing and implementing environmental management systems

-the exchange of information on the results obtained;
-consulting the public and other interested parties;
-active involvement of employees and appropriate training

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 8

EMAS Registration Applications for registration from organisations in a Member State

EMAS Registration

Applications for registration from organisations in a Member State shall

be made to a Competent Body in that Member State. Competent Bodies shall be designated by Member States.

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 9

Before submitting application for registration an organisation must: carry out an

Before submitting application for registration an organisation must:

carry out an environmental

review of all of its environmental aspects;
review, develop and implement an environmental management system
carry out an internal audit;

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 10

Before submitting application for registration an organisation must: prepare an environmental

Before submitting application for registration an organisation must:

prepare an environmental statement,

demonstrate that it complies with all of the applicable legal requirements relating to the environment;
have the environmental review, the environmental management system, and the audit procedure and its implementation verified by an accredited environmental verifier, and the environmental statement validated by that verifier.

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


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Benefits? As long as registration is valid, registered organisations are authorised


As long as registration is valid, registered organisations are authorised to

use the EMAS logo

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 12

Ecolabel Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016 22.11.2016


Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 13

Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 on the EU Ecolabel “The EU Ecolabel

Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 on the EU Ecolabel

“The EU Ecolabel may

be awarded to products and services which have a lower environmental impact than other products in the same group. The label criteria were devised using scientific data on the whole of a product’s life cycle, from product development to disposal.”

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 14

Award criteria the impact of goods and services on climate change,

Award criteria

the impact of goods and services on climate change,

nature and biodiversity, energy and resource consumption, generation of waste, pollution, emissions and the release of hazardous substances into the environment;
the substitution of hazardous substances by safer substances;
durability and reusability of products;

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 15

Award criteria ultimate impact on the environment, including on consumer health

Award criteria

ultimate impact on the environment, including on consumer health

and safety;
compliance with social and ethical standards, such as international labour standards;
taking into account criteria established by other labels at national and regional levels;
reducing animal testing.

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 16

How does one get an ecolabel? Member States designate one or

How does one get an ecolabel?

Member States designate one or more

bodies responsible for the labeling process at national level. Their operations shall be transparent and their activities shall be open to the involvement of all interested parties.
They are specifically responsible for regularly checking that products comply with the label criteria!

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 17

Application In order to be awarded the label, economic operators shall


In order to be awarded the label, economic operators shall submit

an application to:
one or more Member State(s), which will send it to the competent national body;
a third State, which will send it to the Member State where the product is marketed.

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 18

…and Labelling: If the product complies with the label criteria, the

…and Labelling:

If the product complies with the label criteria, the competent

body shall conclude a contract with the operator, establishing the terms of use and withdrawal of the label. The operator may then place the label on the product. The use of the label is subject to payment of a fee when the application is made, and an annual fee.
The Commission has created a catalogue of products which have been awarded the label. (http://www.eco-label.com)

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 19

Example: EMAS step by step Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016 22.11.2016

EMAS step by step

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 20

1. Conduct an environmental review The organisation needs to conduct a

1. Conduct an environmental review

The organisation needs to conduct a verified

initial environmental review, considering
all environmental aspects of the organisation’s activities, products
and services, methods to assess them, the organisation’s legal and regulatory
framework and existing environmental management practices and procedures.

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Слайд 21

2. Adopt an environmental policy Registration to EMAS requires an organisation

2. Adopt an environmental policy

Registration to EMAS requires an organisation to

adopt an environmental policy and to commit itself both to compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and to achieving continuous improvement in its environmental

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


Слайд 22

3. Establish an EMS Based on the results of the environmental

3. Establish an EMS

Based on the results of the environmental review

and the policy (objectives), an EMS needs to be established. The EMS is aimed at achieving the organisation’s environmental policy objectives as defined by the top management.
The management system needs to set responsibilities, objectives, means, operational
procedures, training needs, monitoring and communication systems.

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


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4. Carry out an internal environmental audit After the EMS is

4. Carry out an internal environmental audit

After the EMS is established

an environmental audit should be carried out. The audit assesses in particular if the management system is in place and in conformity with the organisation’s policy and programme.
The audit also checks if the organisation is in compliance with relevant environmental regulatory

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


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5. Prepare an environmental statement The organisation needs to provide a

5. Prepare an environmental statement

The organisation needs to provide a public

statement of its environmental performance. The environmental statement lays down the results achieved against the environmental objectives and the future steps to be undertaken in order to continuously improve the organisation’s environmental performance.

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016


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6. Independent verification by an EMAS verifier An EMAS verifier accredited

6. Independent verification by an EMAS verifier

An EMAS verifier accredited with

an EMAS accreditation body of a Member State must examine and verify the environmental review, the EMS, the audit procedure and the environmental statement.

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7. Register with the Competent Body of the Member State The

7. Register with the Competent Body of the Member State
The validated

statement is sent to the appropriate EMAS Competent Body for
registration and made publicly available.

Environmental Administration and Legislation, 2016
