Dynastic marriages in Ancient Rus (Russia)

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Ferdinand the Catholic Isabella I

Ferdinand the Catholic Isabella I

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Symbols of dynastic connections: the countries of Scandinavi Eastern Roman Empire

Symbols of dynastic connections:
the countries of Scandinavi
Eastern Roman Empire
countries of

Eastern Europe
countries of Western Europe
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Vladimir the First ∞ Аnnа Maria (Dobrohnega) ∞ Casimir the First.

Vladimir the First ∞ Аnnа

Maria (Dobrohnega) ∞ Casimir the First.

Svyatopolk Okoianny

∞ daughter of Boleslaw the Brave

Predslava ∞ Laszlo the Bald

Yaroslav the Wise ∞ Ingegerd

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Yaroslav the Wise ∞ Irina Anna ∞ Henry VIII Anastasia ∞

Yaroslav the Wise ∞ Irina
Anna ∞ Henry VIII
Anastasia ∞

Elizabeth ∞ Harold III the Severe
Izyaslav Gertrude (Elizabeth)
Svyatoslav ∞ Ode, the daughter of Leopold Staden
Vsevolod ∞ daughter of Constantine Monomakh ∞ daughter of the khan's nomad
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