Adaptive libraries for multicore architectures with explicitly-managed memory hierarchies

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Key architectural features Embedded MPSoC’s with an explicitly-managed memory hierarhy (EMMA)

Key architectural features
Embedded MPSoC’s with an explicitly-managed memory hierarhy (EMMA) posess:

three different types of cores, namely:
- control core(s);
- “number-crunching” cores;
- transfer engines (TE).
- each computational core has its “private” small sized local store (LS);
- there is a big main storage (RAM);
- all inter-memory transfers ought to be managed by TEs (hence “explicitly-managed memory” term).
Examples of such MPSoCs:
TI OMAP, TI DaVinci, IBM Cell, Atmel Diopsis, Broadcom mediaDSP, Elvees “Multicore” (Russia)
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Programming issues - workload distribution among computational cores; information transfers distribution

Programming issues
- workload distribution among computational cores;
information transfers distribution among

different channels:
- trying to reuse data in the local store (locality-awareness);
- trying to use LS <-> LS (bypassing) as much as possible;
- using multi-buffering to hide memory latency;
- local memory allocation without fragmentation;
- managing synchronization of parallel processes;
avoiding WaW, WaR dependencies by allocating temporary store
in common memory (results renaming).
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Tiled algorithms We concentrate on a high-performance tiled algorithm construction. Such

Tiled algorithms
We concentrate on a high-performance tiled algorithm construction.
Such algorithms are

used in the BLAS library, which the LAPACK library is based on.
An example of a task for tiled algorithm construction is the matrix-vector product y’ = α A x + β y (BLAS):
foreach i in (0..N’)
yi = α Ai0 x0 + β yi
foreach j in (1..N’)
yi = α Aij xj + yi
where A ∈ RNxN, x,y ∈ RN, α, β ∈ R, NB – blocking factor, N’ = ceil(N / NB).

The tile is a rectangular dense submatrix.

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Program as a coarse-grained dataflow graph Each program could be represented

Program as a coarse-grained dataflow graph
Each program could be represented as

a macro-flow graph.
Bigger nodes represent microkernel calls performed by the computational cores, while smaller ones represent tile transfers between the main storage and LS.
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Existing toolchains Existing toolchains (Cilk, StarS) make scheduling decisions at runtime.

Existing toolchains
Existing toolchains (Cilk, StarS) make scheduling decisions at runtime. The

runtime manages tasks (tile processing), distribute the workload, try to do its best in memory reuse, etc.
While being flexible, it lacks unification for EMMA platforms and leads to a significant penalty for small to medium-sized problems.


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Proposed toolchain Our approach moves “decision-making” to compile-time, reducing the overhead

Proposed toolchain
Our approach moves “decision-making” to compile-time, reducing the overhead level.

It becomes possible, because, the computational process does not depend on particular data values.
Standalone graph-generating scripts and processor model description make the library both portable and extensible.


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How does it feel? User: 1. Wants to generate a parallel

How does it feel?
1. Wants to generate a parallel program.

single command, e.g.:
sampl_make_src.bat strsv 70 35 mc0226 2
and gets the source files.
Support engineer:
1. Wants to port the library.
Writes a new version of the runtime-library (200-300 LOC).
2. Wants to add a new program.
Writes the Ruby script (400-500 boilerplate LOC) (DSL?).
Writes microkernels for computational cores (~100 ASM LOC per mk).
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How fast is it? Scales almost linearly up to 16 cores

How fast is it?
Scales almost linearly up to 16 cores of

a synthetic multicore processor (Matrix size = N · NB).
SGEMM – matrix multiplication, STRSM – triangular solve with multiple right-hand sides.