Говорение 8 класс

Слайд 2

Цель: формирование коммуникативного умения говорения через совершенствование диалогической речи. Требования ФГОС:

Цель: формирование коммуникативного умения говорения через совершенствование диалогической речи.
Требования ФГОС: в

ходе урока ученики научатся
Составлять диалог-расспрос (запрашивать и сообщать фактическую информацию, целенаправленно расспрашивать, «брать интервью»)
Составлять диалог-обмен мнениями (выразить точку зрения и (не) согласиться с ней, выразить (не)одобрение, сомнение, эмоциональную оценку обсуждаемых явлений, эмоциональную поддержку партнёра)
Кратко высказываться о фактах и событиях, используя осн. коммуникативные типы речи (описание, повествование, рассуждение), эмоциональные и оценочные суждения
Слайд 3

Controlled Listen to the recording twice, fill in the gaps and


Listen to the recording twice, fill in the gaps and choose

the described hobby:
1. I like to ____________ in the _________ with my ________. A. hiking B. running C. driving
2. My dad _______________ twice a week.  A. weight lifting B. swimming C. basketball
3. He ________________________to get exercise.  A. bicycling B. soccer C. volleyball
4. She usually uses ___________________________________. A. pottery B. knitting C. painting
5. They went to the lake ______________________________. A. sailing B. bird watching C. fishing
6. How about getting out the board _____________________?  A. snowboarding B. skating C. chess
7. _________________________________________. A. baseball B. racketball C. golf
8. _________________________________________. A. gardening B. art C. cooking
9. _________________________________________. A. writing B. music C. reading
10. _________________________________________. A. drawing B. photography C. computer games
Слайд 4

Controlled Camping is a very popular hobby. Match the columns to


Camping is a very popular hobby. Match the columns to make

phrases connected with camping, then match them with the pictures
Слайд 5

Controlled Exercises Фонетическая разминка (учитель читает по строчке, все повторяют) There

Controlled Exercises

Фонетическая разминка (учитель читает по строчке, все повторяют)
There are many

hobbies out there
Most of them I do not dare
Some are jokes
Some are fun
Just to think about them
Makes me run
People go ridding
People go swimming
People are singing
While they are running
I am sitting all on my own
I am so alone
Without a hobby of my own
Слайд 6

Controlled exercises Questions: What topic do you think we are discussing

Controlled exercises

What topic do you think we are discussing today?
What hobbies

do you know? What are your personal hobbies?
What hobbies did you use to have but then gave up?
Reply using the following patterns:
I’m keen on…
I’m into…
I enjoy…
I relax by… (doing sth)
If I were…, I would (take up swimming)
Слайд 7

Guided exercises Explain what for you need the equipment from the

Guided exercises

Explain what for you need the equipment from the previous

exercise, say what things you would not take and why.
Use the following patterns:
I think X would be extremely useful, because…
I’m not certain we’d (really) use X…
X would probably be of great/no help to us…
Слайд 8

Guided exercises Make up sentences with the following pairs of words

Guided exercises

Make up sentences with the following pairs of words and

say what hobby is implied:
A fishing rod and wellingtons
A table lamp and a paperback
Coins and stamps
Pop-corn and a dvd-player
A guide book and foreign currency
A kimono and composure
Trainers and a skipping rope
A tent and a backpack
Слайд 9

Guided exercises Look at the pictures, say what happened and what

Guided exercises

Look at the pictures, say what happened and what should

the person in the picture have done to avoid it (use the pattern «should (not) have done sth):
Example: The girl left coffee stains on the page. She shouldn’t have been drinking coffee while reading the book.
Слайд 10

Guided exercises

Guided exercises

Слайд 11

Guided exercises Students are divided into two groups. The first group

Guided exercises

Students are divided into two groups. The first group gives

the benefits of having a hobby, the other gives the drawbacks. Possible answers:
For: helps to let out the negative energy; makes you broad-minded; you can make new friends; you get the sense of accomplishment etc.
Against: takes up much time; expensive; can be destructive etc.
После чего ученики разбиваются на пары, им предлагается поспорить друг с другом, используя свои аргументы и следующие клише
I am absolutely for…
People have hobbies because…
Life without a hobby is…
I can’t agree/I disagree because…
What is more, hobby is…
I don’t like the idea of having a hobby…
I am sure I would never take up this hobby because…
Слайд 12

Free exercises Ученики разбиваются по парам, им предлагается составить мини-диалог —

Free exercises

Ученики разбиваются по парам, им предлагается составить мини-диалог — узнать

у собеседника, какое у него хобби, когда он им начал заниматься, почему он им занимается, etc.
Клише для диалога-расспроса:
To be keen on/to be into/to be interested in sth…
Do you enjoy…
I picked it up…
I gave it up because…
Would you want to…?
The reason for this is…