Jungle Animal Taboo

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It can fly. It has wings. It likes to eat fruit.

It can fly.
It has wings.
It likes to eat fruit.
It has a

black body.
It has a colorful beak.

It has short legs.
It has one horn on my nose.
It likes to eat vegetables.
It is very heavy.
It can’t see well.

It is small.
It has tadpoles for babies.
It likes to play at night.
It is colorful.
It has red eyes.

It lives in trees.
It has very long claws.
It likes to sleep all day.
It has a very long tongue.
It likes to move slowly.

Toco Toucan



Tree Frog

Слайд 4

It can swing from trees. It has long arms. It likes

It can swing from trees.
It has long arms.
It likes to eat

It is brown.
It has a long tail.

It can squeeze animals.
It has no arms or legs.
It likes to eat large animals.
It uses its tongue to smell.
It can climb trees.

It can swing from trees.
It can hang by its tail.
It likes to eat fruit and insects.
It does not have thumbs.
It has a very long tail.

It walks on all fours.
It has long arms, but short legs.
It likes to eat bugs.
It is very smart.
It is a mammal.


Spider Monkey



Слайд 5

It can run fast. It has stripes. It likes to eat

It can run fast.
It has stripes.
It likes to eat meat.
It is

yellow, black, and white.
It is the biggest cat.

It can fly.
It has wings.
It can talk.
It has bright colors.
It has a curved beak.

It lives in rivers and lakes.
It can smell blood.
It likes to eat meat and plants.
It is silver.
It has sharp teeth.

It can sleep in trees.
It is also called a jaguar or leopard.
It likes to eat meat.
It is black.
It can swim well.





Слайд 6

It is not a bear. It can climb trees. It likes

It is not a bear.
It can climb trees.
It likes to eat

It has long sharp claws.
It baby is called a joey.

Its baby is a calf.
It has short legs.
It likes to eat grass.
It likes to stay in water.
It has a big mouth.

It stands when it sleeps.
It looks like a horse.
It likes to eat grass.
It is black and white.
It can run side to side.

It can slither.
It has no arms or legs.
It likes to eat small rodents.
It is colorful.
It has a long body.





Слайд 7

It can swim. It has four legs. It likes to eat

It can swim.
It has four legs.
It likes to eat meat.
It is

green or brown.
It has cold blood.

It can hunt for food.
Only males have long hair.
It likes to eat zebras.
It lives in a pride.
It can roar.

It is the largest land animal.
It has a long nose.
It likes to eat peanuts.
It is grey.
It has two large ears.

It is the fastest animal.
It has pads on its paws.
It likes to eat meat.
It has spots.
It uses its tail to move.



