Kharitonova Dasha Form 5”v” School №72 Krasnodar 2009

Слайд 2

I am from Krasnodar in Russia. It is not Russia’s capital

I am from Krasnodar in Russia. It is
not Russia’s capital city,

but it is
historic and beautiful. Krasnodar is
on Kuban river.
Слайд 3

This is Pushkinskaya square. It is very beautiful. Ekaterina’s Monument is

This is Pushkinskaya square. It is very beautiful.
Ekaterina’s Monument is in

the centre
of the square.
Слайд 4

There are many museums and libraries in Krasnodar. The Museum of

There are many museums and libraries in Krasnodar.

The Museum of History

and Archeology

Kovalenko’s Art Museum

A. S. Pushkin’s Library

Слайд 5

There are many city centres in Krasnodar , but I like “ Red Square”.

There are many city centres in Krasnodar , but I like

“ Red
Слайд 6

I can buy fantastic things there: clothes and shoes, computers and

I can buy fantastic things there:
clothes and shoes, computers

TVs, food and drinks, toys, books,
CDs and so on.
Слайд 7

You can have a good time there. Sit in a café.

You can have a good time there.
Sit in a café.
See a

good film.
Skate with your friends.
Take photos.
Слайд 8

Krasnodar is a city of parks.

Krasnodar is a city of parks.

Слайд 9

“Sun Island Park” is the most interesting. You can see a

“Sun Island Park” is the most interesting. You can see

a lot of animals in “Safari park”.
Look at them!