Модальные глаголы can, could, should, have to, must

Слайд 2

The verb “Can”. После модальных глаголов не ставят частичку to. I

The verb “Can”.

После модальных глаголов не ставят частичку to.
I can help

I cannot (can’t) help you.
Can I help you?
How can I help you?
Слайд 3

Глагол не спрягается. I can You can He can She can

Глагол не спрягается.

I can
You can
He can
She can
It can
We can
They can
You can

Слайд 4

Could-Мог бы? Could you please join the chat? Could you please

Could-Мог бы?

Could you please join the chat?
Could you please call me

back in 10 minutes?