Philosophical anthropology


Слайд 2

The main issues of the lecture: 1. The essence of the

The main issues of the lecture:

1. The essence of the

person. Biological and social in human development.
2. The meaning and purpose of human existence.
3. Individual. Individuality. Personality.
Слайд 3

1. The essence of the person. Biological and social in human

1. The essence of the person. Biological and social in human


Man is the representative of the species Homo sapiens is genetically linked to other forms of living things, endowed with reason, reflection, speech, ability to create tools.

Слайд 4

Man is a living system that represents the unity of three

Man is a living system that represents the unity of three


1) biological (anatomical and physiological makings of the type of nervous system, sex and age variation, etc.)
2) mental (feelings, imagination, memory, thinking, will, character, etc.)
3) social (worldview, values, knowledge and skills, etc.).

Слайд 5

He's being a complete - combines physical, mental and spiritual; universal

He's being a complete - combines physical, mental and spiritual; universal

- capable of any kind of activity; unique, open world, unique, free, creative, striving for improvement andself-determination.
Scientists have no doubts as to the two last characteristics, in respect of "integrity" scientists have always waged a fierce debate and argue about it until now.
Слайд 6

Individual man is part of nature, he is unique in virtue

Individual man is part of nature, he is unique in virtue

of their biological characteristics (genetic code, weight, height, temperament, etc.). However, to become a man, he can only in society: being separated from society, for example, in infancy society, the human being develops as a biological individual, but permanently loses the ability to become fully human (to acquire speech, communication skills, learning work, intellectual activity is also not available to him).
Слайд 7

No doubt, human nature is both biological and social creature. But

No doubt, human nature is both biological and social creature. But

what is the ratio of these two principles, is one of the determining them is a subject of scientific debate. There are two basic approaches in solving this problem: biological and sociological. Each of them absolutize its own particular human nature (biological or social).
Proponents of BIOLOGICAL CONCEPTS seeking to explain human based only on the biological beginning of man, and totally ignore the influence of society or their own choice of the individual.
Слайд 8

So, T. Malthus (XVIII C.) proposed to consider public life as

So, T. Malthus (XVIII C.) proposed to consider public life as

the arena of struggle of individuals for its existence, where the strongest win and the weak perish (similar to wildlife).
Social Darwinism at the turn of XIX-XX centuries continue this idea, armed with the teachings of Charles Darwin on natural selection and evolution.
Sociobiology in XX century focuses on genetic inheritance. Human behavior in the same way as the animal, is genetically determined and no one can overcome the influence of their heredity, whatever it was - bad or good (the company is also not an assistant).
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Racist concept, claim about the superiority of some people over others

Racist concept, claim about the superiority of some people over others

on grounds of belonging to a "higher" or "lower" races, that is evident in fascist ideology, calling for "racial purity" and "racial hygiene". To a greater extent these ideas were based on eugenics - the study of how, by what means and how to achieve "the highest quality of human heredity".
Freudism with his understanding of culture as a sublimation of sexual drives, too, refers to biologization direction.
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SOCIOLOGICAL CONCEPTS, on the contrary, absolutize the influence of society on

SOCIOLOGICAL CONCEPTS, on the contrary, absolutize the influence of society on

the formation of human. Like the social environment surrounding the person, like he is. In man, as in a mirror, reflected the vices or the virtues. Man become evil due to the imperfections of public relations and wrong education. Create a person's ideal conditions and he will be perfect. Such theories include social utopianism and Marxism.
Слайд 11

In the formation of human personality play a big role and

In the formation of human personality play a big role and

biological inclinations and social education and their own choices (I (Ego)). None of these three factors modern science calls as a defining factor. All of them are important and necessary. Man is a holistic system that is open to the world and possibilities
Слайд 12

In the formation of human personality play a big role and

In the formation of human personality play a big role and

biological inclinations and social education and their own choices (I (Ego)). None of these three factors modern science calls as a defining factor. All of them are important and necessary. Man is a holistic system that is open to the world and possibilities
Слайд 13

2. The meaning and purpose of human existence. The question of

2. The meaning and purpose of human existence.

The question of why

man lives on Earth, has interested many thinkers (nationalists) in philosophy. At different times many philosophers have answered this question variously.
The meaning of life is not given to man from outside. Each person opens the meaning of life differently. To find a common and shared meaning of life for all times and peoples is impossible, because along with the universal, eternal truths, it includes something specific - the hope of each of this age (era).
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The meaning of life is a self-conscious choice of the values

The meaning of life is a self-conscious choice of the values

on which the person is guided in his life. And it can vary depending on the historical conditions of human existence, and its age peculiarities.
In the history of philosophy we can distinguish the following main concepts of the meaning of life:
1. Hedonism - to live means to enjoy;
2. Asceticism - life is renounced for the sake of intimacy with the Lord, which as a spiritual being can be "fit" just being yourself maximum spiritual and free from the sins of the world;
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The meaning of life is a self-conscious choice of the values

The meaning of life is a self-conscious choice of the values

on which the person is guided in his life. And it can vary depending on the historical conditions of human existence, and its age peculiarities.
In the history of philosophy we can distinguish the following main concepts of the meaning of life:
1. Hedonism - to live means to enjoy;
2. Asceticism - life is renounced for the sake of intimacy with the Lord, which as a spiritual being can be "fit" just being yourself maximum spiritual and free from the sins of the world;
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3. The ethics of debt - life is a sacrifice for

3. The ethics of debt - life is a sacrifice for

high ideals (service to the Homeland, family, honor, love, happiness, other people, etc.)
4. Utilitarianism - to live means to benefit from everything and everyone, to see in another person only the means of satisfying their aspirations and needs;
5. Eudemonism - life understood as the pursuit of happiness as the true destiny of man.
6. Pragmatism - the end justifies any means to achieve it. (пословица «Цель оправдывает средства» - proverb «choice of the end covers choice of the means»)
Слайд 17

3. Individual. Individuality. Personality The concept of "Individual", "Individuality", "Personality", is

3. Individual. Individuality. Personality

The concept of "Individual", "Individuality", "Personality", is often

used synonymously to describe a person. However, they have important differences. These concepts describe a person from different sides:
The individual - is a characteristic of a person as an individual representative of a biological kind people. The Individuality - is a characteristic of a person as a carrier of unique, distinctive qualities which are inherent only to him and which distinguish him from other members of the human race.
Слайд 18

The Personality includes both inherited and acquired properties. Personality is defined

The Personality includes both inherited and acquired properties. Personality is defined

as the carrier of social qualities. A man becomes a Personality in the process of assimilation of the social and cultural experiences of the society (such a process in sociology is called socialization). Only a person with an established worldview, value orientations and moral principles can be called a personality. Personality is the result of the interaction of man and society.