Презентация к уроку английского языка "button animal" -

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Pig Pigs love mud! Bacon and Sausage comes from pigs The


Pigs love mud!
Bacon and Sausage comes from pigs
The Three Pigs built

houses to protect themselves from Big Bad Wolf
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Chicken Chickens lay eggs Many people like fried chicken. Chicken Little thought the sky was falling


Chickens lay eggs
Many people like fried chicken.
Chicken Little thought the sky

was falling
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Chick Baby chickens say “peep, peep.” Baby chicks are yellow when


Baby chickens say “peep, peep.”
Baby chicks are yellow when they hatch.

Old McDonald’s farm there was a chick chick here and a chick chick there.
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Lamb Wool comes from a lamb. Lamb chops is a puppet


Wool comes from a lamb.
Lamb chops is a puppet and a

“Mary had a little lamb…”
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Rabbit Rabbits don’t lay Easter eggs. Elmer Fudd thinks Bugs is


Rabbits don’t lay Easter eggs.
Elmer Fudd thinks Bugs is a “wabbit.”

Rabbit went to Mr. McGregor’s garden.
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Cow Moo says the cow. Hamburger and steaks come from cows.


Moo says the cow.
Hamburger and steaks come from cows.
In Hey Diddle

Diddle a cow jumped over the moon.
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Swan Swans glide across a lake. Swans have very long necks.


Swans glide across a lake.
Swans have very long necks.
The Ugly Duckling

grew into a beautiful swan.
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Mouse Mice say “squeak, squeak, squeak.” Mice have to hide from


Mice say “squeak, squeak, squeak.”
Mice have to hide from hawks and

Three blind mice ran from the farmers wife.
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Dog Dogs wag their tail when they are happy. Some dogs


Dogs wag their tail when they are happy.
Some dogs are very

friendly animals.
When the cow jumped over the moon, the little dog laughed.
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Duck Ducks say “quack, quack, quack.” Donald was a famous Disney


Ducks say “quack, quack, quack.”
Donald was a famous Disney duck
Five little

ducks went out one day…
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Pony A pony is a young horse. Pony rides are popular


A pony is a young horse.
Pony rides are popular at some

Yankee Doodle went to town, Riding on a pony.
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Cat Cats spend a lot of time sleeping. Ancient Egyptians thought


Cats spend a lot of time sleeping.
Ancient Egyptians thought cats were

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, where have you been?