The introduction The Big Bang The solar system The beginning of life on the Earth The first invertebrate animals The first fish The first amphibians The reptiles Dinosaurs The first large mammals Anthropoids

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Life on the Earth was about 3 thousand millions years ago.

Life on the Earth was about 3 thousand millions years

ago. But our Universe was 37,5 billion years earlier.
All has begun with the Big Bang …

The introduction

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The Universe does not exist. There is only a small point,

The Universe does not exist. There is only a small

point, very dense and hot. There is «the Big Bang». From a point there is space and time. There are a lot of particles and antiparticles.
Particles and antiparticles come into collision and both of them are destroyed. As a result of this «microscopic fight» there are only particles. By that time the Universe is enlarged with enormous speed.

The Big Bang (37,5 milliard years ago...)

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The solar system is only a dust and gas cloud. Gradually

The solar system is only a dust and gas cloud.

Gradually the biggest part of this cloud gathers in its centre. So there is the Sun. The rest of the part divides into clots and forms planets, including the Earth.

The solar sistem

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Volcanoes secretes smoke with parts of steam. There is sour water

Volcanoes secretes smoke with parts of steam. There is sour water

on the Earth. The first organisms (bacteria) live in this water. Organisms are brought on the Earth by a meteorite.
(but this version is unchecked)

The beginnig of life on the Earth

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(570 million years ago...) Invertabrate animals The Cambrian period Bacteria become

(570 million years ago...)

Invertabrate animals

The Cambrian period

Bacteria become invertebrate animals with a chitin cover.
Слайд 7

There are disputable factors (climatic changes – fall of level of

There are disputable factors (climatic changes – fall of level

of ocean - huge emission of lava). That’s why fish live on a land.
There is an important group of fish – Sarcopterygii (lat.) . They are ancestors of all four-footed animals.

The first fish. Their exit on a land (408-360 million years ago ...)

The Silurian and their Devonian periods


Not yet


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Amphibians (408-360 million years ago ...). The Coal period The climate

Amphibians (408-360 million years ago ...).

The Coal period


climate becomes more droughty. As a result some fish can live in water and on a land. They can breathe in water and ordinary air.
Слайд 9

Ocean becomes shallow. There are a lot of of mountain ranges.

Ocean becomes shallow. There are a lot of of mountain

ranges. As a result the climate becomes drier. Many creatures get a leather shell to live only on a land. There are land reptiles. Many ancient groups of invertebrate animals die out.

Land reptiles (286-248 million years ago ...).

The Perm period

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There is a new group of reptiles – Thecodontia (lat.). They

There is a new group of reptiles – Thecodontia (lat.).

They are ancestors of birds, dinosaurs, crocodiles and Pterosauria (lat.).
In the Triassic period there are a lot of dinosaurs: Sauropoda (lat.) and gigantic long-necked dinosaurs. There are Pterosauria (lat.). Also there is a big group of predatory dinosaurs – Carnosauria (lat).
Dromaeosauridae (lat.) are small predatory dinosaurs. They are ancestors of birds.
There are many pterodactyloidea (lat.).
There are marsupials, placentary mammals and ancestors of crocodiles.

Dinosaurs (286-248 million years ago ...).

The Triassic, the Jursky and the Cretaceous periods

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Dinosaurs die out. Mammals evolve in the first whales, elephants, ancestors

Dinosaurs die out. Mammals evolve in the first whales, elephants,

ancestors of horses and monkeys.

The first large mammals

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There are anthropoids now. They differ from other monkeys. They do

There are anthropoids now. They differ from other monkeys. They

do not have a tail. They have rudiments of intellect.


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There is an intermediate link – australopithecus. Their brain cerebrum is

There is an intermediate link – australopithecus. Their brain cerebrum

is rather large, but it does not differ from a brain cerebrum of anthropoids very much.
Australopithecus can walk upright and do prehensile movements.
Probably australopithecus are ancestors of Homo Sapiens.

Homo Sapiens