There is. There are

Слайд 2

What date is it today? Today is.....

What date is it today?

Today is.....

Слайд 3

What day is it today? Today is .......

What day is it today?
Today is .......

Слайд 4

What is the weather like today? Today is chilly Today is

What is the weather like today?
Today is chilly
Today is snowy
Today is

Today is gloomy
Слайд 5

There is…. There are…. There is ….. Мы употребляем когда хотим

There is…. There are….

There is ….. Мы употребляем когда хотим описать

что-то с одним предметом
Пример: There is a boy (Там мальчик)
There are ……. Мы употребляем когда хотим описать что-то и там предметов несколько
Пример: There are boys (Там маьчики)
Слайд 6

Сокращенные формы There is - There’s There are - There’re

Сокращенные формы

There is - There’s
There are - There’re

Слайд 7

How many - Как много? Сколько? How many flowers are there?-

How many - Как много? Сколько?
How many flowers are there?-

здесь цветов?
There are a lot of flowers.
Здесь много цветов.
Слайд 8

Are there lots of girls here? Yes, there are lots of

Are there lots of girls here?
Yes, there are lots of girls

Are there lots of boys?
Are the lots of desks?
Are there lots of chairs?
Are the lots of teachers?
Are there lots of flowers?
Слайд 9

Shop - Магазин Slide - горка Mountains - горы Playground - детская площадка

Shop - Магазин
Slide - горка
Mountains - горы
Playground - детская площадка