UGC application in consumer behavior studies of Chinese tourists


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HSE, Moscow, 2018 Research problematic Consumer behavior one of the most

HSE, Moscow, 2018

Research problematic

Consumer behavior

one of the most discussed topic

behavior”/ “tourist behavior
influenced by cultural factor

Fastest growing tourism market (UNWTO)

Leading country in expenses
(US$129 billion)

1st country in Russian incoming tourism (1.29 million people )

Chinese market:

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HSE, Moscow, 2018 specify consumer behavior of Chinese tourists while travelling

HSE, Moscow, 2018

specify consumer behavior of Chinese tourists while travelling to

Moscow on the basis of UGC


tourist consumer behavior and UGC assumption;
differences between Chinese tourists and tourists from other countries;
3. interviews with experts working with Chinese
4. UGC visual and sentiment analyses for factors of Chinese tourist behavior;
5. sentiment Comparison of Chinese post and created by others


To conduct:



consumer behavior of tourists

consumer behavior of Chinese tourists in Moscow during their trip

Research target and objectives

To analyze theoretical concepts of :

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Philip Kotler: HSE, Moscow, 2018 Consumer behavior- the study of how

Philip Kotler:

HSE, Moscow, 2018

Consumer behavior- the study of how people (either

individually or in groups) acquire, use, experience, discard, and make decisions about goods, services.

Consumer behavior

Theoretical implications

Five-stage model of the consumer buying process:

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Blackwell R.D., Miniard P.W. , Engel J.F. (2007): 2 possible outcomes:

Blackwell R.D., Miniard P.W. , Engel J.F. (2007):
2 possible outcomes: satisfaction

or dissatisfaction
Stages are influenced by different internal forces

HSE, Moscow, 2018

Theoretical implications

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HSE, Moscow, 2018 Chinese tourist behavior Theoretical implications Pre visit Chen

HSE, Moscow, 2018

Chinese tourist behavior

Theoretical implications

Pre visit
Chen (2017): Chinese are attracted

by sights and shopping
Lin et al. (2017): freedom, devaluation of the local currency can be motives to travel
Andreu (2014): budget flights is a reason

On site
Gao (2017): are more attracted to sights connected with the political orientation of China
Kim et al (2016): signs affect on tourism

Post visit
Dong et al. (2014): attributes of satisfaction
Schuckert (2015): evaluate hotel services lower than the counterparts from other countries

"You can safely sit at home for a thousand days - or go out and find trouble."

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HSE, Moscow, 2018 UGC in studies of Chinese tourists Theoretical implications

HSE, Moscow, 2018

UGC in studies of Chinese tourists

Theoretical implications

Wang et all.

(2017): open platform for discussion
McCartney and Pao Cheng Pek (2018): commercial value post and reposts
Kim et all (2017): formation of destination image

Zao et al. (2018): the destination image with WeChat Moments
Lou and Ming (2017): the marketing strategy of official account in WeChat

Without official access to the social media platforms popular in the rest of the world, China has created its own diverse social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, MySpace or YouTube.

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Methods Expert interview Pre screening content analysis Sentiment analysis Sample Photos:


Expert interview
Pre screening content analysis
Sentiment analysis


n = 696

Consumer behavior stage

On site



= 490




HSE, Moscow, 2018

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Methodology User age User device HSE, Moscow, 2018


User age

User device

HSE, Moscow, 2018

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Expert interview (n=3) Findings H1: The main motives of travelling for

Expert interview (n=3)


H1: The main motives of travelling for Chinese like

visiting sights connected to China’s history and shopping are reflected on social network Sina Weibo.
H2: Chinese tourists like post photos with new purchases on Sina Weibo
H3: The majority of photos are taken with “communist” sights
H4: The number of photos with food or in the restaurants is low
H5: The overall sentiment of posts about Moscow is positive
H6: The sentiment of posts in Chinese about Moscow is lower in comparison to posts in English

Red tourism
Chinese restaurants

HSE, Moscow, 2018

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Pre screening (n=696) Findings The number of overall photos describing specific

Pre screening (n=696)


The number of overall photos describing specific driver


percentage of all themes depicted in the photos

HSE, Moscow, 2018

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Sentiment analysis (n=490) Findings HSE, Moscow, 2018

Sentiment analysis (n=490)


HSE, Moscow, 2018

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Comparison analysis (n=229 vs n=491) Findings HSE, Moscow, 2018

Comparison analysis (n=229 vs n=491)


HSE, Moscow, 2018

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Conclusion H1: The main motives of travelling for Chinese like visiting


H1: The main motives of travelling for Chinese like visiting sights

connected to China’s history and shopping are reflected on social network Sina Weibo.
H2: Chinese tourists like post photos with new purchases on Sina Weibo
H3: The majority of photos are taken with “communist” sights
H4: The number of photos with food or in the restaurants is low
H5: The overall sentiment of posts about Moscow is positive
H6: The sentiment of posts in Chinese about Moscow is lower in comparison to posts in English

Online trend is different Chinese prefer to visit important city sights (not only communist), trying local food, making photos of unusual souvenirs, without mentioning luxurious shopping purchases.
Development of new products targeted on this Chinese audience is highly advisable.
Limitations: the number of posts, geographical, on site stage, one social network

HSE, Moscow, 2018

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Обо мне Образование: Бакалавриат РАНХИГС «Международные отношения» Магистратура НИУ ВШЭ «Экономика

Обо мне

Бакалавриат РАНХИГС «Международные отношения»
Магистратура НИУ ВШЭ «Экономика впечатлений»
Аспирантура НИУ

ВШЭ (маркетинг)

Опыт работы:
2012-2016 Гид-эскурсовод «Happy Moscow Tours»
2016-2017 Travel и lifestyle concierge в «Aspire Lifestyles»
2018-2019 Operation Manager B2B Ostrovok

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Про нашу программу Участие в Зимнем семинаре Призёр олимпиады НИУ ВШЭ

Про нашу программу

Участие в Зимнем семинаре
Призёр олимпиады НИУ ВШЭ для студентов

и выпускников 2016 г.
Практика консьержем в Lotte Hotel Moscow
Участие в программе обмена в г. Инсбрук
Участие в международных конференция MIRDEC и GLOSERV
Предметы по выбору
Общеуниверситетские курсы
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