Урок английского языка по теме «Weather. Seasons» 4th form Учитель английского языка МОУ «Средняя общеобр


Слайд 2

What’s the weather like in the picture?

What’s the weather like in the picture?

Слайд 3

What’s the weather like in the picture? It is sunny and hot.

What’s the weather like in the picture?
It is sunny and

Слайд 4

What’s the weather like in the picture? It is warm. The weather is fine .

What’s the weather like in the picture?
It is warm. The

weather is fine
Слайд 5

What’s the weather like in the picture? It is windy and foggy.

What’s the weather like in the picture?
It is windy and

Слайд 6

What‘s the weather like in the picture? It is frosty and snowy.

What‘s the weather like in the picture?
It is frosty and

Слайд 7

What’s the weather like in the picture? The weather is going to be rainy.

What’s the weather like in the picture?
The weather is going

to be rainy.
Слайд 8

Now listen to my stories about seasons and guess what season I am talking about.

Now listen to my stories about seasons and guess what season

I am talking about.
Слайд 9

What season is it? It is winter.

What season is it?
It is winter.

Слайд 10

What season is it? It is spring.

What season is it?
It is spring.

Слайд 11

What season is it? It is summer.

What season is it?
It is summer.

Слайд 12

What season is it? It is autumn.

What season is it?
It is autumn.

Слайд 13

И.Шишкин. «Утро в сосновом бору»

И.Шишкин. «Утро в сосновом бору»

Слайд 14

Васильев Ф.А. «Берег Волги после грозы»

Васильев Ф.А. «Берег Волги после грозы»

Слайд 15

Судковский «Берег реки.Лодка»

Судковский «Берег реки.Лодка»

Слайд 16

Шишкин «Бурелом»

Шишкин «Бурелом»

Слайд 17

Левитан И. «Над вечным покоем»

Левитан И. «Над вечным покоем»

Слайд 18

В. Пчелин «Зимняя дорога»

В. Пчелин «Зимняя дорога»

Слайд 19

Шишкин И. «Роща у пруда»

Шишкин И. «Роща у пруда»

Слайд 20

Поленов «Золотая осень»

Поленов «Золотая осень»

Слайд 21

Серов «Зимой»

Серов «Зимой»

Слайд 22

Левитан И. «Март»

Левитан И. «Март»

Слайд 23

А. Писемский «Маки»

А. Писемский «Маки»

Слайд 24

holidays Weather Play a game «Holidays» snowy sunny windy sunbathe swim



Play a game «Holidays»

snowy sunny windy sunbathe swim

in the mountains
on the farm
near the sea
jeans scooter

Going to do



Слайд 25

Let’s have a rest! Музыкальная разминка. Hands up! Hands down! Hands

Let’s have a rest! Музыкальная разминка.

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands on hips, sit down!
Hands up, to the sides,
Bend left, bend right!
One, two, three, hop!
One, two, three, stop!
Stand still!
Слайд 26

Проверьте вашу грамотность. Вставьте пропущенные буквы: Ra_ny, fo_gy, clo_dy, w_ndy, mo_ntains,

Проверьте вашу грамотность. Вставьте пропущенные буквы:

Ra_ny, fo_gy,

w_ndy, mo_ntains, for_st,
we_ther, spr_ng, r_de a bike,
m_ke a sno_man, sunba_he,
Слайд 27

Correct the mistakes. Rainy, foggy, cloudy, windy, mountains, forest, weather, spring,

Correct the mistakes.

Rainy, foggy, cloudy,
windy, mountains, forest,

weather, spring, ride a bike,
make a snowman, sunbathe.
Слайд 28

Recite the poem. Spring is here, Summer is near, Grass is

Recite the poem.

Spring is here,
Summer is near,
Grass is green,
So nice

and clean.
Winter, Spring,
Summer, Fall –
I like Spring best of all.
Fall – осень.
best of all –больше всего.
Слайд 29

Sing a song together! What’s the weather? What’s the weather? What’s

Sing a song together!

What’s the weather?
What’s the weather?
What’s the

weather like today?
Tell us weatherman,
What’s the weather?
What’s the weather like today?
It’s snowy in Russia,
In China it’s not.
It’s rainy in America.
In India it’s hot.