Урок английского языка в 11 классе по теме «The Past Perfect, Passive Voice» (S + (had) + been + past participle) Урок проводится по разделу УМК “Enjoy English”,11 класс, М.З. Биболетовой «Heading for a better new world?». секция3


Слайд 2

Основные задачи: -формирование грамматических навыков: рast рerfect рassive. -развитие грамматических навыков

Основные задачи:

-формирование грамматических навыков: рast рerfect рassive.
-развитие грамматических навыков
-развитие лексических

-развитие общемыслительных и речевых способностей, используя образцы
Слайд 3

The Past Perfect, Passive Voice (S + (had) + been +

The Past Perfect, Passive Voice (S + (had) + been +

past participle)
Образуется при помощи глагола had (not в отрицаниях) + been+причастие прошедшего времени (окончание -ed для правильных глаголов, 3 форма – для неправильных)
Слайд 4

Read sentences in the Past Perfect, Passive voice: - All the

Read sentences in the Past Perfect, Passive voice:

- All the books

had already been sold out by the time Mike and Kate come = Все книги уже были распроданы к тому времени, как Майк и Кэт пришли.
- She had already been sent to help them when you gone = Ее уже послали им на помощь, когда ты ушел.
Слайд 5

I had been asked two difficult questions and I had to

I had been asked two difficult questions and I had to

do something about it = Мне задали два трудных вопроса и я должен был что-то предпринять по этому поводу.
The damage that the fire caused had already been eliminated by the end of the week = Ущерб причинённый огнём был уже устранён к концу недели
Слайд 6

Read sentences in the Past Perfect, Passive voice: The letter had

Read sentences in the Past Perfect, Passive voice:

The letter had been

written by me before you came. – Письмо было написано мною до того, как вы пришли.
She showed me the article which had been translated by her brother. – Она показала мне статью, которая была переведена ее братом
Слайд 7

Translate a sentence into Russian : This guitar had been tuned

Translate a sentence into Russian : This guitar had been tuned before

I broke a string and had to tune it again.
Слайд 8

Translate a sentence into Russian : This house had been painted

Translate a sentence into Russian : This house had been painted

pink before it was given a fresh coat of paint. Now it's blue.
Слайд 9

Translate a sentence into Russian : These bees had been kept

Translate a sentence into Russian : These bees had been kept in

a large hive before they were taken out and examined by the beekeeper
Слайд 10

Translate a sentence into Russian : This man had been given

Translate a sentence into Russian : This man had been given

novocaine before the dentist started working on a cavity that needed a filling.
Слайд 11

Translate sentences into Russian : Blue shoes had been worn by

Translate sentences into Russian :

Blue shoes had been worn by me.

The tables had been cleaned by Joe.
The key had been lost by us.
A fight had been started by them.
An article had been read by me.
The window had not been closed by me.
The paper had not been bought by them.
I had not been noticed by her.
Had the problem been solved by her?
Had that song been recorded by him?
Слайд 12

Vocabulaly to be awarded – быть награжденным confess – признаваться, сознаваться


to be awarded – быть награжденным
confess – признаваться, сознаваться
overrun – перерасход,

to amaze – поражать
ambitious goal- стремительный гол, (ворота)
device – прибор
smarter – умный, интеллектуальный
leak – утечка информации
breakthrough – крупное достижение, открытие
Слайд 13

Translate sentences into Russian : 1.When Mike was awarded the Young

Translate sentences into Russian :

1.When Mike was awarded the Young Innovator’s

he said that he had been inspired for the research work by his science teacher.
2.According to the spectrogram, the bridge had been constructed be the time when the modern technologies became available.
3.We had to confess that the research budget had been overrun and asked for additional investment.