World car free day

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World Car Free Day which is celebrated on September 22, encourages

World Car Free Day

which is celebrated on September 22, encourages motorists

to give up their cars for a day. Organized events are held in some cities and countries.
The events, which vary by location, give motorists and commuters an idea of their locality with fewer cars. While projects along these lines had taken place from time to time on an ad hoc basis starting with the 1973 oil crisis, it was only in October 1994 that a structured call for such projects was issued in a keynote speech by Eric Britton at the International Ciudades Accessibles (Accessible Cities) Conference held in Toledo (Spain).
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Within two years the first Days were organized in Reykjavík (Iceland),

Within two years the first Days were organized in Reykjavík (Iceland),

Bath (United Kingdom) and La Rochelle (France), and the informal World Car Free Days Consortium was organized in 1995 to support Car-Free Days worldwide. The first national campaign was inaugurated in Britain by the Environmental Transport Association in 1997, the French followed suit in 1998 as In town, without my car! and was established as a Europe-wide initiative by the European Commission in 2000. In the same year the Commission enlarged the program to a full European Mobility Week which now is the major focus of the Commission, with the Car-Free Day part of a greater new mobility whole.
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Learn about World Car Free Day World Car Free Day has

Learn about World Car Free Day

World Car Free Day has been

designed so that we all avoid using our vehicles on this date. While cars are convenient and offer a number of benefits, they also contribute a dangerous amount of pollution, so having a day off comes highly recommended. World Car Free Day is great for raising awareness about these concerns and helping to reduce emissions.
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In order to understand why World Car Free Day is so

In order to understand why World Car Free Day is so

important, it is vital to understand air pollution and how vehicles contribute to this. Air pollution references the presence of foreign substances in the air that are not meant to be there. It can also result in there being an excessive quantity of specific impurities that would cause us harm otherwise. When gasoline is burned by a vehicle, pollutants are emitted. Gasoline fumes will escape into the air. This even happens when we are pumping gasoline into our fuel tanks.
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Bikes provide a whole host of benefits that many may not

Bikes provide a whole host of benefits that many may not

think of whilst initially considering their purchase. First and foremost, they are obviously a great way to ensure that you stay healthy and participate in some exercise. This is something which is becoming increasingly harder nowadays because most activities revolve around sitting indoors and playing on video games. Instead, by switching your car for a bike when taking your journey to work, for instance, you are going to be able to add some exercise and fresh air to your routine. You will do this without impacting your schedule or having to find more hours in the day.
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Exercise is not the only benefit that can be found by

Exercise is not the only benefit that can be found by

riding a bike. Children, for example, will also develop key areas of skill such as coordination, balance and concentration. Furthermore, you will also find that your child will become more and more confident the better that they get on their bike. This is great because confidence is something which children need to develop from a young age. It is also something which they will carry with them into other elements of their life, such as making friends, school work and trying out new challenges.
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History of World Car Free Day Informal car free days took

History of World Car Free Day

Informal car free days took place

throughout the 1990s and the first official, global Car Free Day was launched in 2000. Many big cities, like Bogota and Jakarta, close their central roads on this day and fill them with walking and cycling events, and smaller car-free events take place around the world.There have been a number of significant events that have taken place all around the world in relation to World Car Free Day.
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This includes in 1956 when the first car-free Sundays took place

This includes in 1956 when the first car-free Sundays took place

in both Belgium and the Netherlands. In 1992, in Ottawa, a newsletter called Auto-Free Ottawa started. In more recent times, in 2019, more than 16 miles of roads in Central London were closed by the mayor at the time, Sadiq Khan, in honor of World Car Free Day.
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The major announced that his plan was to ensure that 80

The major announced that his plan was to ensure that 80

percent of London’s journeys were being made by public transport, cycling, or walking within the next 22 years. As you can see, there are a lot of ways that this date is being honored and celebrated, both across the world and indeed different time frames in history.
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How to celebrate World Car Free Day Of course, the best

How to celebrate World Car Free Day

Of course, the best way

to celebrate World Car Free Day is by making sure that your car stays firmly parked in your drive for the duration of the day. You should also make sure you spread the word about World Car Free Day online so that you can make other people aware of this date and make sure that they keep their cars parked up for 24 hours as well.
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Why not go on a family bike ride to honor World

Why not go on a family bike ride to honor World

Car Free Day?

If you’ve not taught your little one how to ride a bike yet, now is the perfect time to go out and buy one together. After all, this is something every child should learn to do, right? It is not hard to see why a bike has established itself as something which is almost a necessity between all children. It is obviously something that provides endless amounts of fun for children as there is always a new adventure to be had and a new journey to take.

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It is also a toy which is sociable because children can

It is also a toy which is sociable because children can

play with their bikes together and so it promotes your child getting out and having fun with others. Not only this, but it is something which can be enjoyed and carried on during teen years and adult life. Therefore,in a way it is something which is not viewed as childlike and this tends to be something children like. So, why not use World Car Free Day in order to embrace the beautiful bike and go out on a bike ride as a family?
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It is also worth finding out whether there are any sort

It is also worth finding out whether there are any sort

of events that are going on in your local area. There are events taking place depending on location whereby commuters and motorists are able to take part in World Car Free Day. You may find that there are different roads that are closed, parades that are going on, and various community events that are designed to raise awareness.