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In school, Sam had planted a sunflower seed. Sam was excited

In school, Sam had planted a sunflower seed. Sam was excited

to see his seed grow into a sunflower, but it was taking a long time to grow.
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On Monday, Sam’s grandpa picked him up from school. “I’ve got

On Monday, Sam’s grandpa picked him up from school. “I’ve got

a surprise for you at home,” said Grandpa. “It is something else to grow and should be a bit quicker!” “What is it?” asked Sam. “I’ll give you a clue. It’s a small green vegetable that I like in my egg sandwiches!” said Grandpa. “It’s cress!” shouted Sam. “That’s right,” said Grandpa. “I’ll show you what to do when we get home.”
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At Grandpa’s house, Sam looked at the small, brown seeds. Grandpa

At Grandpa’s house, Sam looked at the small, brown seeds. Grandpa

showed Sam a small pot and told him, “We can use this to plant our seeds in.” “Where is the soil?” asked Sam. “Cress is rather special,” said Grandpa. “It can grow without soil! The seeds get all the food they need just from water. We are just going to use this cotton wool instead.” “Wow, that’s clever!” smiled Sam. Sam put some cotton wool into the pot and then carefully sprinkled some of the cress seeds on the top.
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Next, Sam gave the seeds some water and put the pot

Next, Sam gave the seeds some water and put the pot

by a sunny window. Then, Grandpa had an idea. “Why don’t you take a photo of your cress seeds?” he said. “Then, each day we can see how much they have grown!” “Great idea,” said Sam, and quickly got his camera. He took a picture and said, “I hope they grow soon!”

Photo courtesy of imcountingufoz (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

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On Tuesday, Mummy collected Sam from school and they went to

On Tuesday, Mummy collected Sam from school and they went to

Grandpa’s house for tea. “Look Grandpa, the seeds are cracking open! I can see little white shoots coming out already!” “Take a photo,” said Grandpa. “I wonder what will happen next?”
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On Wednesday, Sam went to his childminder’s house. He told her

On Wednesday, Sam went to his childminder’s house. He told her

all about his seeds and how cress seeds don’t need any soil to grow. He wondered how tall his seeds would be the next day!
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On Thursday, Grandpa collected Sam from school. “Guess what Grandpa,” he

On Thursday, Grandpa collected Sam from school. “Guess what Grandpa,” he

said. “My sunflower plant is getting taller. It’s starting to grow some more leaves too!” “Great!” replied Grandpa. “Your cress has been busy growing too! I’ve taken some photos for you.” Sam was very excited: “Look! I can see the green leaves!” “Soon it will be ready to cut and eat,” replied Grandpa. “We just need a few more days and they will be tall enough to cut.”
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On Friday, Sam brought his sunflower home from school. “I hope

On Friday, Sam brought his sunflower home from school. “I hope

it grows really tall!” smiled Sam. “We are going to Grandpa’s on Sunday for lunch. We can put your sunflower in Grandpa’s garden and see how your cress is growing too,” said Mummy. “Hooray!” cheered Sam.
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On Sunday, Sam and Mummy went to Grandpa’s house. Grandpa told

On Sunday, Sam and Mummy went to Grandpa’s house. Grandpa told

Sam that his cress was ready to cut and eat! Grandpa had drawn a face on the pot so that the cress looked like hair. Grandpa helped Sam to be a cress head hairdresser and use some scissors to carefully cut some cress.
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After washing the cut cress, Sam helped to put some into

After washing the cut cress, Sam helped to put some into

some sandwiches. Sam had cheese and cress sandwiches. “Yummy!” he said, as they all ate lunch. “I like cress!”
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After lunch, Sam and Grandpa found a sunny place in the

After lunch, Sam and Grandpa found a sunny place in the

garden for Sam’s sunflower. “I hope it grows really tall,” said Sam. “Sometimes they grow really, really tall – maybe even taller than you Grandpa!” “Maybe it will,” smiled Grandpa. “We can take some photos of your sunflower growing too.” “Can you help me print my cress photos?” asked Sam. “I want to show them to my teacher.” “Good idea,” smiled Grandpa. “Help me water the rest of my plants and then we can print your pictures.”
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Sam carefully printed out his photos and stuck them onto a

Sam carefully printed out his photos and stuck them onto a

piece of paper in the correct order. “Look Mummy, I made a cress story! They start out tiny and grow bigger and bigger. I like being a gardener – and a hairdresser!” giggled Sam.
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Sam really enjoyed taking his cress story to school and showing

Sam really enjoyed taking his cress story to school and showing

his friends and teacher. He told everyone about how quickly the cress grew, about being a cress hairdresser and eating some of cress in his cheese sandwiches. Each week, when Sam went to Grandpa’s, he would water his sunflower and take photos as it grew taller and taller. After a few weeks, the sunflower opened at the top of the plant. It was very tall – even taller than Grandpa! Sam then started making his next seed story – all about sunflowers!