Modeling and forecasting. Volatility


Слайд 2

Outline Introduction: Why ARCH? ARCH Models Extensions: GARCH, T-GARCH, Q-GARCH, GARCH-M,


Introduction: Why ARCH?
ARCH Models
Multivariate GARCH

Models: Diagonal Vech, BEKK and CCC
Application: Value-at-Risk (VaR)
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1. Introduction: Why ARCH?

1. Introduction: Why ARCH?

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Why ARCH? ARMA and VAR models are based on the conditional


ARMA and VAR models are based on the conditional mean

of the distribution where conditioning is based on lagged values of the dependent variable.
The conditional variance of the distribution is assumed to be time-invariant (i.e. homoskedasticity).
In addition, if the error term is assumed to be normal, the conditional distribution (and hence the marginal and joint distributions) is Gaussian.
Are these properties supported by real data?
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Some example series: UST10Y

Some example series: UST10Y

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Dow Jones Symmetric Shocks? Homoskedastic?

Dow Jones

Symmetric Shocks?


Слайд 7

U.S. Unemployment rate vs. stock market volatility, 1929-2010

U.S. Unemployment rate vs. stock market volatility, 1929-2010

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U.S. Realized Volatility (kernel based) 1997-2009

U.S. Realized Volatility (kernel based) 1997-2009

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An example Let us apply Box-Jenkins methods to a real time

An example

Let us apply Box-Jenkins methods to a real time series,

namely, weekly returns on S&P500 from April 1, 1986 to December 14, 2007.
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Example (cont.) Note: Tranquil period Volatile period

Example (cont.)



Volatile period

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Example (cont. ) Homoskedasticity? Symmetry? Tranquil period Volatile period

Example (cont. )




Volatile period

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Example (cont.) Both ACF and PACF are flat, suggesting p=0 and

Example (cont.)

Both ACF and PACF are flat, suggesting p=0 and q=0

if we stay in the domain of ARMA.
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Example (cont. ) Look at the histogram and some summary statistics

Example (cont. )

Look at the histogram and some summary statistics of

the data:


Fat tails

Skewness= E[(y-μ)3]/Var[y]3/2,
Kurtosis= E[(y-μ)4]/Var[y]2

Слайд 14

Skewness The shape of a uni-modal distribution can be symmetric or


The shape of a uni-modal distribution can be symmetric or

skewed to one side.
If the bulk of the data is at the left and the right tail is longer, the distribution is positively skewed; if the peak is toward the right and the left tail is longer, the distribution is negatively skewed.

If skewness is less than −1 or greater than +1, the distribution is highly skewed.
If skewness is between −1 and −½ or between +½ and +1, the distribution is moderately skewed.
If skewness is between −½ and +½, the distribution is approximately symmetric.

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Kurtosis Kurtosis measures the height and sharpness of the peak relative


Kurtosis measures the height and sharpness of the peak relative

to the rest of the data .
Higher values indicate a higher, sharper peak; lower values indicate a lower, less distinct peak.
Increasing kurtosis is associated with a movement of the probability mass from the shoulders of a distribution into its center and tails
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Remarks Gaussian ARMA models are not able to generate asymmetric or


Gaussian ARMA models are not able to generate asymmetric or fat-tailed

The previous time series plot shows that there are turbulent periods where there is a sequence of very large movements in returns and tranquil periods where the magnitude of movements is relatively small.
This phenomenon is known as volatility clustering, which highlights the property that the volatility of financial returns is not constant over time, but appears to come in bursts.
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Example Variance of financial returns is often referred to as volatility.


Variance of financial returns is often referred to as volatility.
To understand

the dynamics of volatility, we can examine the time series behavior of the squared returns.
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EViews Example – Daily S&P 500 Returns

EViews Example – Daily S&P 500 Returns

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When we learn about GARCH(1,1)…

When we learn about GARCH(1,1)…

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We’ll be able to make squared residuals white noise

We’ll be able to make squared residuals white noise

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Quality of TGARCH predictions: 1% quantiles, VaR(0.01), from August 1, 2007

Quality of TGARCH predictions: 1% quantiles, VaR(0.01), from August 1, 2007

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2. ARCH Models

2. ARCH Models

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ARCH(q) AR(J)-ARCH(q) AR(J)-ARCH(q) ARCH(q) Steady-State






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A special case: ARCH(1) Properties [It-1 = y1,..,yt-1] with the AR

A special case: ARCH(1)
Properties [It-1 = y1,..,yt-1]
with the AR coefficient

If , the ARCH(1) is covariance stationary
Kurtosis =
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Testing for the ARCH effects Regress on . Calculate , which

Testing for the ARCH effects
Regress on .
Calculate , which is

an LM statistic.
Under the null hypothesis of no ARCH effect, its asymptotical distribution is the chi-square with q degrees of freedom.
If there exist a value of q such that the LM statistic is larger than the critical value of the chi-square with q degrees of freedom, we reject the null hypothesis of no ARCH effect.
In practice, a large q may be needed.
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3. Extensions

3. Extensions

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GARCH(p,q) AR(J)-ARCH(q) AR(J)-GARCH(p,q) GARCH(p,q) Steady-State Additivity No negativity






No negativity

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GARCH(1,1) The most popular ARCH-type model Volatility ( ) VaR=1.645σ


The most popular ARCH-type model

Volatility ( )


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Properties of GARCH(1,1) 1. follows an ARMA(1,1) with the AR coefficient

Properties of GARCH(1,1)
1. follows an ARMA(1,1) with the AR coefficient ,

and the MA coefficient
2. If , then is covariance stationary.
3. The volatility persistence is determined by , which empirically is often close to one
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I-GARCH If the coefficients of the GARCH model sum to 1,


If the coefficients of the GARCH model sum to 1, then

the model has “integrated” volatility.
This is similar to having a random walk, but in volatility instead of the variable itself.
Model itself remains stationary (if constant variance model is stationary)
Likelihood-based inference remains valid (Lumsdaine, 1996 Econometrica)
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The speed of decrease in the IRFs is determined by Impulse response functions (IRFs) of GARCH(1,1)

The speed of decrease in the IRFs is determined by


response functions (IRFs)
of GARCH(1,1)
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NIC: as a function of holding other variables constant. The NIC

NIC: as a function of holding other variables constant.

of GARCH(1,1):
It is symmetric.

News impact curve (NIC)

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Student t -- GARCH(1,1) where Compared to the Gaussian GARCH, the

Student t -- GARCH(1,1)
Compared to the Gaussian GARCH, the Student t-GARCH

can generate fatter tails.

Student t -- GARCH(1,1)

Слайд 35

T-GARCH (Asymmetry) NIC is asymmetric. If , bad news has a

T-GARCH (Asymmetry)
NIC is asymmetric.
If , bad news has a larger

impact on the future volatility then good news of the same magnitude
IRF depends on the type of news as well

Asymmetric Volatility


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IRFs T-GARCH (Asymmetry)


T-GARCH (Asymmetry)

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NIC is asymmetric as long as Asymmetric Volatility Q(uadratic)-GARCH (Asymmetry)

NIC is asymmetric as long as

Asymmetric Volatility

Q(uadratic)-GARCH (Asymmetry)

Слайд 38

NIC of Quadratic GARCH vs. Symmetric GARCH

NIC of Quadratic GARCH vs.
Symmetric GARCH

Слайд 39

GARCH-M An important application of the ARCH-type models is in modeling


An important application of the ARCH-type models is in modeling

the trade-off between the mean and the volatility.
In financial economics, this is known as risk-return trade-off.
The GARCH-M model is of the form

GARCH in Mean

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Box-Cox GARCH(1,1) We model the power transformation of volatility. As long

Box-Cox GARCH(1,1)
We model the power transformation of volatility.
As long

as , NIC is asymmetric
This is a non-linear model
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Summary: NICs of Alternative ARCHs Inflation Volatility

Summary: NICs of Alternative ARCHs

Inflation Volatility

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Summing up (see Appendix for an expanded list) Asymmetric Models Non linear

Summing up (see Appendix for an expanded list)

Asymmetric Models

Non linear

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3. Estimation

3. Estimation

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Maximum Likelihood Maximize L(y,Φ) Φ L*

Maximum Likelihood

Maximize L(y,Φ)



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Maximum Likelihood (continued) The maximum likelihood decomposes in a “mean” and

Maximum Likelihood (continued)

The maximum likelihood decomposes in a “mean” and

a “variance” component. Estimation has to be done numerically.
Parameters for the mean can be estimated consistently by OLS, but won’t be as efficient if they don’t take account of heteroskedasticity.
Note: we could have a non-normal error (e.g., Student-t or GED-density)
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Optimization Newton’s Method Stochastic Newton Method Gradient and Hill Climbing Techniques


Newton’s Method
Stochastic Newton Method

Gradient and Hill Climbing Techniques

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Multiple Solutions Monte Carlo Genetic Algorithms

Multiple Solutions

Monte Carlo
Genetic Algorithms

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4. Multivariate models

4. Multivariate models

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Multivariate GARCH Models A natural extension of the time-varying variance models

Multivariate GARCH Models

A natural extension of the time-varying variance models based

on the univariate GARCH framework is the multivariate version whereby both variances and covariances are modelled.
This class of models is known as Multivariate GARCH
The variance covariance matrix needs to be restricted to be positive definite for all t
The number of unknown parameters governing the behavior of the variances and covariances cannot be too large
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Vech Model (2 variables) The conditional variance of each variable depends

Vech Model (2 variables)
The conditional variance of each variable depends on

its own lagged value, on the lagged conditional covariance, on the product of lagged squared errors and errors.
A large number of parameters (in this case, 21)
Restrictions to ensure that is positive definite are complicated.
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BEKK Model C is a NxN lower triangular matrix of unknown

BEKK Model
C is a NxN lower triangular matrix of unknown parameters

A and B are NxN matrices each containing N2 unknown parameters associated with the lagged disturbances and lagged conditional covariance matrix
This formulation ensures that all variances are positive (the diagonal elements of )
It also allows shocks to variances of one variable to affect variances of the other variables (spillovers)
Still, a large number of parameters
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Diagonal Vech Model (2 variables) Variances and covariances are GARCH(1,1) Parameters

Diagonal Vech Model (2 variables)
Variances and covariances are GARCH(1,1)
Parameters are now

9 instead of the 21 of the Vech model.
Restrictions imply that there are no interactions among variances
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CCC (Constant Conditional Correlation) Model 3 variables The correlation coefficients are all time invariant

(Constant Conditional Correlation) Model

3 variables
The correlation coefficients are all time

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An extension: VAR + CCC 3 variables

An extension: VAR + CCC

3 variables

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A further extension: VAR + CCC+ GARCH-M Interactions between Markets Contagion

A further extension:

Interactions between Markets

Слайд 56

An example of volatility “contagion’’

An example of volatility “contagion’’

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5. Application: Value-at-Risk (VaR)

5. Application: Value-at-Risk (VaR)

Слайд 58

VaR What is the most I can lose on an investment?


What is the most I can lose on an investment?

tries to provide an answer.
It is used most often by commercial and investment banks to capture the potential loss in value of their traded portfolios from adverse market movements over a specified period.
This potential loss can then be compared to their available capital and cash reserves to ensure that the losses can be covered without putting the firms at risk.
VaR is applied widely in capital regulation (Basel)
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Value-at-Risk (VaR) VaR summarizes the expected maximum loss over a time

Value-at-Risk (VaR)

VaR summarizes the expected maximum loss over a time horizon

within a given confidence interval
The VaR approach tries to estimate the level of losses that will be exceeded over a given time period only with a certain (small) probability
For example, the 95% VaR loss is the amount of loss that will be exceeded only 5% of the time
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Value-at-Risk (VaR) - Continued The simplest assumption: daily gains/losses are normally

Value-at-Risk (VaR) - Continued

The simplest assumption: daily gains/losses are normally distributed

and independent.
Calculate VaR from the standard deviation of the portfolio change, σ, assuming the mean change in the portfolio value is 0:
1-day VaR= N-1(X)σ, with X the confidence level.
The N-day VaR equals sqrt(N) times the 1-day VaR.
Слайд 61

Measuring VaR with historical data 0 20 40 60 80 100

Measuring VaR with historical data

































Слайд 62

Assuming a Normal distribution Mean Return (μ) Standard Deviation (σ) Assume

Assuming a Normal distribution

Mean Return (μ)

Standard Deviation (σ)

Assume that asset returns

are normally distributed
Their behavior can be fully described in terms of mean and standard deviation
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VaR with Normally Distributed Returns The probability of the return falling

VaR with Normally Distributed Returns

The probability of the return falling below

a certain threshold depends on how many standard deviations the threshold is below the mean return

99% confidence interval

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Portfolio VaR When we have more than one asset in our

Portfolio VaR

When we have more than one asset in our portfolio

we can exploit the gains from diversification.
There are gains from diversification whenever the VaR for the portfolio does not exceed the sum of the stand-alone VaRs (i.e., the VaRs on the single assets).
The VaR for the portfolio equals the sum of the stand-alone VaRs if and only if the securities’ returns are uncorrelated.
Слайд 65

An Example Let us consider the following investment US$200 million invested

An Example

Let us consider the following investment
US$200 million invested in 5-year

zero coupon US Treasury
Examine VaR using a daily horizon
Assume that the mean daily return is 0.01%
Based on past several years of actual returns, the standard deviation is σ = 0.295%.
Слайд 66

An Example (cont.) Suppose we want to compute the 95% VaR.

An Example (cont.)

Suppose we want to compute the 95% VaR.

critical threshold is 1.65 standard deviations below the mean, i.e.,
0.0001-1.65 • 0.00295=-0.00477
VaR = 0.00477 • 200m=0.95m

Expect to lose $0.95 million or more on 1 day in 20

Слайд 67

An Example of Portfolio VaR Two securities 30-year zero-coupon U.S. Treasury

An Example of Portfolio VaR

Two securities
30-year zero-coupon U.S. Treasury bond
5-year zero-coupon

U.S. Treasury bond
For simplicity assume that the expected return is zero
Invest US$100 million in the 30-year bond
Daily return volatility (std dev) σ1 = 1.409%
Invest US$200 million in the 5-year bond
Daily return volatility (std dev) σ2 = 0.295%
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An Example of Portfolio VaR 95% confidence level 30 year zero

An Example of Portfolio VaR

95% confidence level
30 year zero VaR

* 0.01409 * 100m = $2,325,000
5 year zero VaR
1.65 * 0.00295 * 200m = $974,000
Sum of individual VaRs = US$ 3.299m
But US$3.299 million is not the VaR for the portfolio...why?
Слайд 69

VaR of the Portfolio Suppose the correlation between the two bonds

VaR of the Portfolio

Suppose the correlation between the two bonds is

Remember that
Portfolio variance:
(100*0.01409)2 + (200*0.00295)2
+2(100*0.01409)(200*0.00295) * 0.88 = 3.797
Portfolio standard deviation:
σp = $1.948m
Portfolio VaR = 1.65 * 1.948m = $3.214m
This is different from the sum of VaRs
Слайд 70

The problem with Normality: Kurtosis Extreme asset price changes occur more

The problem with Normality: Kurtosis

Extreme asset price changes occur more often

than the normal distribution predicts.
Excess kurtosis (fat tails)
Слайд 71

Fat Tails and underestimation of VaR If we assume that returns

Fat Tails and underestimation of VaR

If we assume that returns are

normally distributed when they are not, we underestimate the VaR

VaR with actual return distribution

VaR with normal returns

Слайд 72

Backtesting Model backtesting involves systematic comparisons of the calculated VaRs with


Model backtesting involves systematic comparisons of the calculated VaRs with the

subsequent realized profits and losses.
With a 95% VaR bound, expect 5% of losses greater than the bound
Example: Approximately 12 days out of 250 trading days
If the actual number of exceptions is “significantly” higher than the desired confidence level, the model may be inaccurate.
Therefore, in additional to the risk predicted by the VaR, there is also “model risk”
Слайд 73

Relevance: Basel VaR Guidelines VaR computed daily, holding period is 10

Relevance: Basel VaR Guidelines

VaR computed daily, holding period is 10 days.

confidence interval is 99 percent
Banks are required to hold capital in proportion to the losses that can be expected to occur more often than once every 100 periods
At least 1 year of data to calculate parameters
Parameter estimates updated at least quarterly
Capital provision is the greater of
Previous day’s VAR
3 times the average of the daily VAR for the preceding 60 business days plus a factor based on backtesting results
Слайд 74

Summing up A host of research has examined a. how best

Summing up

A host of research has examined
a. how best to

compute VaR with assumptions other than the standardized normal
b. How to obtain more reliable variance and covariance values to use in the VaR calculations.
Here Multivariate GARCH models play an important role in assessing both portfolio risk and diversification benefits.
We will see this in the forthcoming workshop
Слайд 75

Thank you!

Thank you!

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Appendix – GARCH univariate families

Appendix – GARCH univariate families

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Source: Bollerslev 2010, Engle Festschrift

Source: Bollerslev 2010, Engle Festschrift

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APPENDIX II – Software

APPENDIX II – Software