Heat transfer


Слайд 2

Introduction to Heat Transfer Heat Conduction Thermal Conductivity Finite Difference Approach

Introduction to Heat Transfer
Heat Conduction
Thermal Conductivity
Finite Difference Approach for One-Dimensional Steady-State

Heat Transfer
Finite Difference Approach for Two-Dimensional Steady-State Heat Transfer
Finite Element Approach

Lecture contents

TU Dresden, 23.04.2020

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 3

What is heat? Heat is a form of energy in transit

What is heat?
Heat is a form of energy in transit due

to a temperature difference.
What is heat transfer?
Heat transfer is energy that flows from higher to lower level of temperature without any work being performed.
In which way is the amout of transferred heat described?
flow = transport coefficient x potential gradient
flow: heat flux q [W/m²] or heat transfer rate Q [W]
coefficient: depends on transfer characteristics
gradient: difference resp. derivative

Heat Transfer in General

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 4

Conduction Heat transfer in resting fluids and solids Diffusive transport of

Heat transfer in resting fluids and solids
Diffusive transport of thermal energy

via moving atoms & molecules
Solids: lattice oscillations and movement of unbound electrons (in electroconductive materials)
Description via Fourier‘s law:

Heat Transfer in General: Transfer Types






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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 5

Radiation Energy transfer between all matters, regardless of the form of

Energy transfer between all matters, regardless of the form of substance

(liquid, gas, solid)
Description due to wave theory (Maxwell) resp. photon emission (Plank)
Even through vacuum possible, in contrast to conduction and convection which require presence of material medium
Radiant heat exchange between two surfaces:

Heat Transfer in General: Transfer Types



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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer


Слайд 6

Convection Heat transfer in/by moving fluid particles 1st transfer via macroscopic

Heat transfer in/by moving fluid particles
1st transfer via macroscopic resp. bulk

motion of the fluid (advection)
2nd transfer due to random molecular motion (diffusion)
The faster the fluid motion, the faster the convective heat transfer
Two types: forced and natural convection
Description for exchange between fluid and adjoining surface:

Heat Transfer in General: Transfer Types




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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer


Слайд 7

Microscopic view: Molecules and atoms are in mutual interaction Particles exchange

Microscopic view:
Molecules and atoms are in mutual interaction
Particles exchange kinetic energy

in chaotic way
Fast moving molecules collide with slower moving molecules: low-energy molecules/atoms absorb energy (temperature level increases) and high-energy molecules/atoms release energy (temperature level decreases)
Macroscopic view:
More kinetic energy is transferred from higher to lower temperature level than vice versa
System tends towards thermal equilibrium (homogeneous temperature level)

Heat Conduction

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 8

Heat transfer through a solid building construction can be simplified as:

Heat transfer through a solid building construction can be simplified as:

state which assumes
time- constant boundary conditions (indoor conditions, climate conditions, heat sources or sinks,…)
and thus no relevance of thermal storage effects
One- dimensional which assumes
heat flux perpendicular to the construction surface area
and thus no relevance of thermal bridge effects
Solely heat conduction related which assumes
Convection or radiation transfer can be neglected or described via thermal conductivity (e.g. air layers)

Heat Conduction- Simplified Approach

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 9

Heat Conduction: 1D TU Dresden, 23.04.2020 Folie von 50 ACCESS –

Heat Conduction: 1D

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ACCESS – Lecture 2

Heat Transfer



T [K]

x [m]









Temperature gradient
Resulting heat flux
Thermal conductivity


Слайд 10

Resulting heat transfer rate (Q) due to heat conduction is: Proportional

Resulting heat transfer rate (Q) due to heat conduction is:
Proportional to

the length- related temperature difference (temperature gradient)
Proportional to the surface area
Depending on solely one material property, the thermal conductivity

Heat conduction: 1D

Total resulting 1-D steady- state
heat transfer rate is:

Resulting 1-d steady state heat flux is:

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 11

Heat Conduction – Thermal Conductivity d R R Influence material thickness:

Heat Conduction – Thermal Conductivity




Influence material thickness:

Influence thermal conductivity:

Heat transfer resistance:


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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 12

What is Thermal Conductivity? Thermal conductivity is the ability of a

What is Thermal Conductivity?
Thermal conductivity is the ability of a material

to conduct heat through it.
It defines the heat transfer rate [W] per distance unit [m] between two plane surfaces and per unit temperature difference [K] between these two surfaces.
What influences the thermal conductivity of a material?
Material density
Electric conduction
Porosity (see density)
Pressure (Fluids)
Heat flow direction (anisotropic materials)

Heat Conduction: Thermal Conductivity

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 13

Heat Conduction: Thermal Conductivity Figure source: M.M.Rathore: Engineering Heat Transfer, Jones

Heat Conduction: Thermal Conductivity

Figure source: M.M.Rathore: Engineering Heat Transfer, Jones &

Barlett Learning, 2011

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 14

Thermal Conductivity and Porosity TU Dresden, 23.04.2020 Folie von 50 ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer


Thermal Conductivity and Porosity

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ACCESS – Lecture 2

Heat Transfer
Слайд 15

Thermal Conductivity and Porosity TU Dresden, 23.04.2020 Folie von 50 ACCESS


Thermal Conductivity and Porosity

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ACCESS – Lecture 2

Heat Transfer

High-porous brick (HPB)

Low-porous brick (LPB)

Слайд 16

Thermal Conductivity and Porosity TU Dresden, 23.04.2020 Folie von 50 ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer


Thermal Conductivity and Porosity

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ACCESS – Lecture 2

Heat Transfer
Слайд 17

Conductivity and Moisture Content TU Dresden, 23.04.2020 Folie von 50 ACCESS

Conductivity and Moisture Content

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ACCESS – Lecture 2

Heat Transfer

Figures source: W. M. Willems: Lehrbuch der Bauphysik – Schall, Wärme, Feuchte, Licht, Brand, Klima, Springer Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2013

Слайд 18

Common building materials Increasing thermal conductivity with temperature Impact small, therefore

Common building materials
Increasing thermal conductivity with temperature
Impact small, therefore mostly

Reference values (rated values) for thermal conductivity usually given for 10˚C
High-temperature values (e.g. insulation heating systems) for 40 ˚C
Values listed in DIN 4108-4 & ISO 12524
Gases and metals
For metals increasing or decreasing effect of temperature level
For gases increasing effect of temperature level

Thermal Conductivity and Temperature

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 19

Metals: Conductivity is sum of vibration transfer and free electron transfer

Conductivity is sum of vibration transfer and free electron

Free electrons provide huge fraction of entire heat transfer
Higher temperature causes higher lattice vibrations
Higher lattice vibrations obstruct free electron transfer

Thermal Conductivity and Temperature

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Figure source: M.M.Rathore: Engineering Heat Transfer, Jones & Barlett Learning, 2011

Higher temperature causes stronger lattice vibrations, oscillations obstruct
flow of free electrons

Слайд 20

Gases Molecules in continuous random motion Velocity of molecules increases with

Molecules in continuous random motion
Velocity of molecules increases with increasing temperature


Conductivity and Temperature

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Figure source: M.M.Rathore: Engineering Heat Transfer, Jones & Barlett Learning, 2011

Higher temperature causes higher kinetic energy, faster movement, higher impulse

Слайд 21

An isotropic material is a material in which the thermal conductivity

An isotropic material is a material in which the thermal conductivity

does not vary with the direction of heat flow.
Anisotropic materials show a dependency of
thermal conductivity on the heat flow direction.
Examples are: wood, sedimentary rocks, metals
that have undergone heavy cold pressing, fiber-
reinforced composite structures.

TC and Heat Flow Direction

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Figure source: H. Neuhaus: “Lehrbuch des Ingenieurholzbaus”, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 1994

Слайд 22

An insulation material shows an adverse dependency between thermal conductivity and

An insulation material shows an adverse dependency between thermal conductivity and

gross density.
Example mineral wool: thermal conductivity
Increases slightly if the gross density increases
For values above about 50 kg/m³.
The density increases strongly below a density
of 50 kg/m³.

TC and Density

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Figure source: W. M. Willems: “Lehrbuch der Bauphysik – Schall Wärme Feuchte Licht Brand Klima”, 7. Auflage, Springer Vieweg Verglag, Wiesbaden, 2013

Gross density ρ

Thermal Conductivity λ

Higher density causes slightly increasing conductivity

Very low density causes strongly increasing conductivity

Слайд 23

Heat Conduction 1D T1 T3 T [K] x [m] T2 T1

Heat Conduction 1D



T [K]

x [m]








Temperature gradients
Thermal conductivities
Resulting heat flux

each layer










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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 24

Heat Conduction 1D T1 T3 Entire temperature gradient Thermal conductivities Entire

Heat Conduction 1D



Entire temperature gradient
Thermal conductivities
Entire heat flux

Resulting heat flux for

the entire element:

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer





Слайд 25

Heat Conduction 1D: Surfaces T1 T3 Air mass layer outside (cold

Heat Conduction 1D: Surfaces



Air mass layer outside (cold air)



Air mass layer

inside (warm air)


TU Dresden, 23.04.2020

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 26

Surface temperature of a building construction and air mass temperature of

Surface temperature of a building construction and air mass temperature of

the adjacent air mass are not equal because:
Energy is needed to transfer heat from solid state (solid envelope materials) to gaseous state (air mass)
Convection processes of air masses influence transfer process
Radiation exchange influences surface- near material layers
These influences can be summarized and simplified as an additional conduction resistance layer, the thermal surface resistance
This resistance is significant and must be considered.
(Values are around 0.05 to 0.5 m²K/W)

Heat conduction - Surface Resistance

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 27

Heat conduction - Surface Resistance Figure source: www.bradfordinsulation.com.au TU Dresden, 23.04.2020

Heat conduction - Surface Resistance

Figure source: www.bradfordinsulation.com.au

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– Lecture 2 Heat Transfer
Слайд 28

Heat Conduction - Contact Conditions T [K] T1 T3 Air mass

Heat Conduction - Contact Conditions

T [K]



Air mass layer outside (cold air)





mass layer inside (warm air)

d [m]

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 29

Interface temperature of one material layer and interface temperature of the

Interface temperature of one material layer and interface temperature of the

adjacent material layer are not equal because:
Most construction materials are rough and porous and are not in ideal contact with the adjacent material
Interface contains several air gaps that serve as an additional insulation layer (low conductivity of air)
This effect can also be summarized and simplified as an additional conduction resistance layer, the thermal contact resistance
For building materials, contact resistance can be neglected (values are around 0.000005 to 0.0005 m²K/W)

Heat conduction – Contact Resistance

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 30

Example: 1D Steady-State Peggy Freudenberg, Building Physics, ACCESS Lime Sand Brick

Example: 1D Steady-State

Peggy Freudenberg, Building Physics, ACCESS

Lime Sand Brick
d =

25 cm
λ = 1.3 W/mK

External Plaster
d = 1,2 cm
λ = 1.0 W/mK

Internal Plaster
d = 1 cm
λ = 1.0 W/mK

d = 9 cm
λ = 0.045 W/mK

d = 12 cm
λ = 0.72 W/mK

Heat flux q





Слайд 31

The heat flux is the same in all layers (steady state):

The heat flux is the same in all layers (steady state):

as follows:
Temperature gradients between layers are added
Resulting heat flux for a multi-layer construction

Example: 1D Steady-State

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 32

Scheme for the calculation of the steady state temperature profile of

Scheme for the calculation of the steady state temperature profile of

a multilayered construction:
Calculation heat transmission resistances of all layers
Calculation of total transmission resistance and U-value
Calculation of heat flux
Calculation of temperatures at each boundary

Example: 1D Steady-State

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 33

Example: 1D Steady-State TU Dresden, 23.04.2020 Folie von 50 ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Example: 1D Steady-State

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ACCESS – Lecture 2

Heat Transfer
Слайд 34

Example: 1D Steady-State TU Dresden, 23.04.2020 Folie von 50 ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Example: 1D Steady-State

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ACCESS – Lecture 2

Heat Transfer
Слайд 35

In some cases, heat transfer must be seen two-dimensional steady-state: Steady-

In some cases, heat transfer must be seen two-dimensional steady-state:
Steady- state

Time- constant boundary conditions (indoor conditions, climate conditions, heat sources or sinks,…)
And thus no relevance of thermal storage effects
Two- dimensional instead of one- dimensional which assumes
Heat flux can be described in x- and y-direction
Thus no relevance of three- dimensional effects
Solely heat conduction related which assumes
Convection or radiation transfer can be neglected or described via thermal conductivity value (e.g. air layers)

Heat Conduction 2D Steady-State

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 36

Heat Conduction 2D Steady-State T1 T2 Temperature gradient in x- direction

Heat Conduction 2D Steady-State



Temperature gradient in x- direction
Temperature gradient in

Resulting heat flux
Density in each direction





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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 37

Analytical approaches only for simple geometries and boundary conditions Complex geometries

Analytical approaches only for simple geometries and boundary conditions
Complex geometries and

boundary conditions can be handled with numerical methods, which
Provide solutions for discrete points
Give only an approximation
Two established numerical methods are
Finite Difference Method
Finite Element Method

Heat Conduction- Simplified 2-D

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 38

Each differential equation is approximated by a finite linear difference equation

Each differential equation is approximated by a finite linear difference equation

is divided into equal segments of Δx an Δy
Nodal points Px/y represent surrounding area of the size Δx and Δy

Finite- Difference- Method – 2d Steady St.




















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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 39

Temperature gradients in x- direction can be transferred into finite difference

Temperature gradients in x- direction can be
transferred into finite difference

Equations for nodes in x-direction are:

Finite- Difference- Method – 2d Steady St.

















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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 40

Temperature gradients in y- direction can be transferred into finite difference

Temperature gradients in y- direction can
be transferred into finite difference

form in
the same way
Equation for red points on y-axis are:

Finite- Difference- Method – 2d Steady St.















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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 41

Temperature gradient for current (red marked) node is consequently given as:

Temperature gradient for current (red marked) node is consequently given as:


Difference- Method – 2d Steady St.

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 42

Applying the 2-dimensional Laplace equation (difference of temperature gradient change in

Applying the 2-dimensional Laplace equation (difference of temperature gradient change in

both heat flux directions is zero in steady- state case):
Gives this FD solution:
Which can be reduced to an approximate algebraic equation if dx and dy are equal:
For given example: temperature at nodal
point equals arithmetic average of the
four adjacent nodes

Finite- Difference- Method – 2d Steady St.

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 43

For the example of control volume method Shape functions describe change

For the example of control volume method
Shape functions describe change of

state in each volume element
Construction is divided by a (triangular) mesh
Control volumes are generated by connecting the centers of adjacent elements

Finite- Element- Method – 2d Steady St.



Control Volume



Triangular Mesh

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 44

Example for two- dimensional heat conduction under steady state conditions: Key

Example for two- dimensional heat conduction under steady state conditions:
Key step

is integration of general 2D SS heat conduction over two- dimensional control volume:
Volume integrals are rewritten as integrals over entire bounding surface of the control volume by using Gauss divergence theorem

Finite- Difference- Method – 2d Steady St.

Direction cosine of unit vector of bounding surface in x- direction

Direction cosine of unit vector of bounding surface in y- direction

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 45

Surface Integral can be evaluated by midpoint rule as: Temperature gradients

Surface Integral can be evaluated by midpoint rule as:
Temperature gradients can

be calculated via shape functions Nx of linear triangular elements:
Discretized equation for temperature of all control volumes is then given as:
Resulting system of algebraic equations is incorporated with boundary conditions into numerical solver

Finite- Difference- Method – 2d Steady St.

Face area = portion of entire surface
around control volume

Number of faces (1 to NI)

Shape Functions

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 46

Numerical solutions of heat conduction problems offer methods to estimate temperature

Numerical solutions of heat conduction problems offer methods to estimate temperature

distribution within an area or volume, depending on boundary conditions (steady state or transient)
Appropriate solution can only be found if boundary conditions are known
There are three common types
of boundary conditions:
Defined surface temperatures
Defined surface heat flux
Specified surface heat balance

Boundary Conditions

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 47

Dirichlet boundary condition Called boundary condition of first type Temperature at

Dirichlet boundary condition
Called boundary condition of first type
Temperature at the boundary

of the body is
given as a function of time and position or simply
as a constant value
Description as:

Boundary Conditions

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 48

Neumann boundary condition Called boundary condition of second type Heat flux

Neumann boundary condition
Called boundary condition of second type
Heat flux q at

the boundary of the body is given
Description as:
Allows us to determine the partial derivative of
the temperature with respect to outward normal vector n:
Special case: adiabatic boundary conditions:

Boundary Conditions

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 49

Cauchy boundary condition Called boundary condition of third type Describes correlation

Cauchy boundary condition
Called boundary condition of third type
Describes correlation between temperature

value and derivative of solution
Assumption: heat flux into body surface must equal heat flux out of the body surface (d=0, C=0)
For convective transfer given as:
For radiant transfer:

Boundary Conditions

Temperature of the surrounding fluid
(also called T_infinity)

Convective heat transfer coefficient

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 50

Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies Exercise 1 Therm (LBNL)

Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies Exercise 1 Therm (LBNL) Lecturer:

P. Freudenberg Contributors: P. Freudenberg, H. Fechner, J. Grunewald

Dresden, 18.04.2019

Слайд 51

Therm - overview TU Dresden, 23.04.2020 Folie von 50 ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Therm - overview

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat

Слайд 52

Made up of a finite number of non- overlapping subregions that

Made up of a finite number of non- overlapping subregions that

cover the whole region
Well conditioned finite element mesh requires sophisticated FEM solution method knowledge, therefore:
THERM provides automatic mesh generation via Finite Quadtree- algorithm:
Object domain is divided into set of
squares (hierarchic quadrants tree)
Subdivision is performed until:
Each quadrant contains only one material
Size difference between adjacent elements is balanced
Entire domain is subdivided into triangles resp. quadrilaterals

Therm – Mesh Generation

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 53

Finite element solver: CONRAD Derived from public- domain computer programs TOPAZ2D

Finite element solver: CONRAD
Derived from public- domain computer programs TOPAZ2D

Method assumes constant boundary conditions (steady- state) and physical properties
Governing partial differential equation for two- dimensional heat conduction including internal heat generation:
Finite- element analysis is based on method of weighted residuals (Galerkin form which relies on algebraic shape functions)

Therm – Finite Element Method

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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 54

Given the wall example you should solve the following tasks: Model

Given the wall example you should solve the following tasks:
Model this

wall example geometry in THERM
Create all materials which are needed for this construction in THERM material library
Create all boundary conditions which are needed for this construction in THERM boundary conditions library
Assign materials and create (F10) and assign boundary conditions to the modeled construction
Create U-Factor name for y- direction and assign it by double clicking the created boundary conditions (vertial inside)
Run the calculation (F9)
Check your resulting U-Factor
Get the U-Value for this construction via manual calculation
Compare both U-Values

Therm – Exercise 1D


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ACCESS – Lecture 2 Heat Transfer

Слайд 55

Compute the following tasks for the same external wall example as

Compute the following tasks for the same external wall example as

an edge
Model wall example geometry in THERM: notice that minimum distance from end to inner edge is 1m
Assign materials and create (F10) and assign boundary conditions to the modeled construction
Create U-Factor names for x- direction and assign it to horizontal element, do the same for U-Factor name in y-direction
Run the calculation (F9)
Check your resulting U-Factor in x- and in y-direction
Compare these values with your manual calculation result

Therm – Exercise 2D

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