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Washed by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans and borders with

Washed by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans and borders with

the United States in the south and in the north-west
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Canada - a member state of the British Commonwealth on the

Canada - a member state of the British Commonwealth on the

Rights of the Dominion (UK Commonwealth), the head of state who is the British Queen. Under the Constitution of Canada to understand a series of constitutional acts united Canada.
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Canada is one of the richest countries in the world with

Canada is one of the richest countries in the world with

the highest per capita income and is a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Big Seven. Canada is unusual among developed countries because of the importance of their commodity sectors, in which timber and oil industries are the most important industries
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The population of Canada at the beginning of 2010 amounts to 34 million people .

The population of Canada at the beginning of 2010 amounts to

34 million people .
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Canada has two oficial language it is English and French

Canada has two oficial language it is English and French