3D files browser


Слайд 2

3D files browser 3 months Web-based 3D files browser, with authentication

3D files browser

3 months
Web-based 3D files browser, with authentication and admin

tools where admins can manage 3D files and users.
Слайд 3

Implemented Functions Lab Work 1 Implementation of Files Storage Server; Ready

Implemented Functions

Lab Work 1
Implementation of Files Storage Server;
Ready Files Storage

has ability to:
delete files.

Lab Work 2
Creation of users management, which consists of server API and client part;
The app has a web interface with the ability to:
view users list;
remove users.

Слайд 4

Implemented Functions Lab Work 3 Creation of models management, that consists

Implemented Functions

Lab Work 3
Creation of models management, that consists of server

API and client part;
The app should has a web interface with the ability to manipulate models like creating, updating and deleting;

Lab Work 4
Implement authentication and authorization;
The app should has a web interface with the ability to login user ;
Implement a permission to create/update/delete users only for Admin role;

Слайд 5

Technologies Used

Technologies Used

Слайд 6

Technologies Used Laboratory work 3

Technologies Used

Laboratory work 3

Слайд 7

Deployment diagram

Deployment diagram

Слайд 8

App Architecture HTTP Client MS SQL SERVER View Templates Components (user,user-dialog)

App Architecture

HTTP Client


View Templates

Components (user,user-dialog)

Components (model,model-dialog)

Service (user-service)

Service (model-service)

Service (UserService)

Service (ModelService)

Components (user-authorization)

Models (user, model)

Слайд 9

Database relationships

Database relationships

Слайд 10

Sequence diagram (login page)

Sequence diagram (login page)

Слайд 11

Sequence diagram (user page)

Sequence diagram (user page)

Слайд 12

Sequence diagram (create model)

Sequence diagram (create model)

Слайд 13

Nodejs & express 1. Import URL of database server 2. Connect

Nodejs & express

1. Import URL of database server

2. Connect express,

routers and сreate application object

3. Install routers to handle all requests along the route (/file)

4. Setup connection through port(3000)

Слайд 14

mongoDB & mongoose 1. Connecting mongoose 2. Creating Schema 4. Create

mongoDB & mongoose

1. Connecting mongoose

2. Creating Schema

4. Create connection with mongoDB


Creating model and exporting it

5. Create file storage

Слайд 15

Angular (Implement operations with files from service) 1. Implement adding file

Angular (Implement operations with files from service)

1. Implement adding file in


2. Implement updating CAD file in database

3. Implement updating images in database

Слайд 16

Entity Framework Core (Create a database context for MS SQL Server)

Entity Framework Core (Create a database context for MS SQL Server)


Creating a collection for entities that are mapped to database tables.

3. Creating primary key of table.

4. Creating columns and adding Required configuration.

5. Creating relationships.

2. Creating connection with database in Startup class.

Слайд 17

ASP.NET Core (Implement Data Transfer Object and AutoMapper ) 1. Implement

ASP.NET Core (Implement Data Transfer Object and AutoMapper )

1. Implement Data

Transfer Objects to transfer data between application subsystems

2. Realize mapping from DTO to models

Слайд 18

ASP.NET Core ( Creating Generic class Result ) 1. Creating generic

ASP.NET Core ( Creating Generic class Result )

1. Creating generic class

to return from service to controller more advanced concept of the result

2. Example of using:

Слайд 19

ASP.NET Core (Creating interfaces for services) 1. Creating IUsersService service 2.

ASP.NET Core (Creating interfaces for services)

1. Creating IUsersService service

2. Creating IModelsService


3. Calling method AddScoped to implement independence

Слайд 20

ASP.NET Core ( Generating JSON Web Token ) 1. Creating generating

ASP.NET Core ( Generating JSON Web Token )

1. Creating generating JSON

Web Token

2. Creating generating refresh token

3. Creating generating access token by refresh token

Слайд 21

Angular (Implement HttpInterceptor) 1. Creating AuthorizationService class to implement HttpInterceptor 2.

Angular (Implement HttpInterceptor)

1. Creating AuthorizationService class to implement HttpInterceptor

2. Creating refreshToken


4. Implement handleResponseError function to handle the errors

3. Creating addAuthHeader function

Слайд 22

Testing of project

Testing of project

Слайд 23

Postman 1. Get the list of users 2. Create user by


1. Get the list of users

2. Create user by Admin

3. Delete

user by Admin
Слайд 24

Postman Authenticate user Save image in database Delete image from database


Authenticate user

Save image in database

Delete image from database

Слайд 25

Karma Result



Слайд 26

XUnit Result Example




Слайд 27

Live Demo

Live Demo

Слайд 28

Login page

Login page

Слайд 29

Models list page ( Unauthorized user )

Models list page ( Unauthorized user )

Слайд 30

Users list page Admin role Another role

Users list page

Admin role

Another role

Слайд 31

Create and update user dialog

Create and update user dialog

Слайд 32

Create and update model dialog

Create and update model dialog

Слайд 33

Input data validation

Input data validation

Слайд 34

Create new data

Create new data

Слайд 35

Search and filter data Search by tag ‘3D’ Filter by the field ‘Name’

Search and filter data

Search by tag ‘3D’

Filter by the field ‘Name’

Слайд 36

Team Members Oleksandr Ohorodnik - Team leader Mykola Golovach - Developer

Team Members

Oleksandr Ohorodnik - Team leader
Mykola Golovach - Developer

Слайд 37