Re-structure our current account-type-selection after first time login

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Initial page

Initial page

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Selection 1, freelancer: Just show a button to create a FL

Selection 1, freelancer: Just show a button to create a FL

account. When clicked, start the onboarding dialog for profile creation as it is done currently.
Слайд 4

Selection 2, service provider: Go into sub-menu (next slide)

Selection 2, service provider: Go into sub-menu (next slide)

Слайд 5

Service provider, menu 2: Just like now, when „Create a new

Service provider, menu 2: Just like now, when „Create a new

account“ is selected, open textfields below for entry of company name and email. When user clicks the button, the new company profile should be created. Onboarding dialog for profile creation is skipped.
Слайд 6

Service provider, menu 2: New option: When „Claim a crawled profile“

Service provider, menu 2: New option: When „Claim a crawled profile“

is selected, the user is asked for company name and details as in option 1, but: When pushing button „Claim company profile“, create the company profile as in the previous step, but also send a message via this endpoint: POST /API/category-suggestions/LlVPUKoZ9VtCQvWqc7nU9o7u
Body: {text: „A crawled company profile was claimed. Name of company: {name from textfield}, email of company: {mail from textfield}, user name: {USER NAME}, user mail: {USER EMAIL}}. We will then receive this message and give the requested company profile to the requesting user if all looks fine.
If the POST call returns a 200, please show message ‚Request sent successfully. We will check your request within 24 working hrs and send you an email to the email address you entered once we‘re finished.‘ The button should be enabled and be labeled ‚Search for projects‘. When pushed, user should be routed to the search/matching page.
If the POST returns an error, please show error message ‚Something went wrong with your request. Please contact our support via‘.
Слайд 7

Service provider, menu 2: When the third option „Join existing account“

Service provider, menu 2: When the third option „Join existing account“

is selected, only show a button ‚Proceed‘ and the text below. Do not create a company profile. Skip onboarding.
When proceeding, route user to his regular profile page.

After creating your account, please ask your current company admnistrator to add your account email adress ( to the admin list..

Слайд 8

Initial page, selection 3, project provider. Also go into sub menu

Initial page, selection 3, project provider. Also go into sub menu

(next slide). This is bascially the same as for selection2 , service provider, just with only two options.
Слайд 9

Project provider sub-menu, option 1: Just like now, when „Create a

Project provider sub-menu, option 1: Just like now, when „Create a

new account“ is selected, open textfields below for entry of company name and email. When user clicks the button, the new company profile should be created. Onboarding dialog for profile creation is skipped.