Architecture of ancient Greece

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Archaic period (XII BC to 590 BC) The definition of the

Archaic period (XII BC to 590 BC)

The definition of the basic

principles and forms of the architecture took place during this period. But no monuments of this time have survived.
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The temples of this era that are in Greece include the

The temples of this era that are in Greece include the

temple of Hera in at Olympia, Zeus at Athens, Apollo at Delphi, Athena Pallas on the island of Agina.


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Ruins of the temple of Apollo

Ruins of the temple of Apollo

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The third period is the Doric style. It becomes lighter in

The third period is the Doric style. It becomes lighter in

its forms and compositions. Ionic style is coming more and more into use. The temples of Greece are becoming more and more noble and harmonious.

Classical period (470 BC — 338 BC)

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The temple of Zeeus at Olympia

The temple of Zeeus at Olympia

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The temple of the winged Athena, built by the sculptorSkopas in

The temple of the winged Athena, built by the sculptorSkopas

in Tegea, expresses the transition from the former direction to the new. The monuments of this period include the temple of Zeus in Nemea and the graceful buildings in Athens.

Hellenistic period (338 BC — 180 BC)

Especially the choragic monument of Lysicrates – the so-called “Tower of the wind”

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The Temple of Zeus at Nemea

The Temple of Zeus at Nemea

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«Tower of Winds”

«Tower of Winds”