Culture of Ancient East


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Peculiarities of the Ancient Eastern way of life and philosophy Intelligent

Peculiarities of the Ancient Eastern way of life and philosophy
Intelligent interruption

& conservatism;
Cyclic attitude to the time and history
Practical orientation
4. Closely connected with religion;
5. Cognition = the content and the way of spiritual development;
6. Orientation to the authority of the Teacher, Guru;
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Traditionalism & conservatism; Cyclic attitude to the time and history; Practical orientation;

Traditionalism & conservatism;
Cyclic attitude to the time and history;
Practical orientation;

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4. Closely connected with religion; 5. Cognition = the content and

4. Closely connected with religion;
5. Cognition = the content and the

way of spiritual development;
6. Orientation to the authority of the Teacher, Guru;
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Ancient India The oldest – 4000 years B.C. (Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa)

Ancient India
The oldest – 4000 years B.C. (Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa)

developed cities – 2-storied houses, strictly planned streets, ceramic tubes under ground, the most developed canalization system
pictography (400 special pictures) + syllabic signs
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2. The specificity of Ancient Indian culture. Periods of Ancient Indian

2. The specificity of Ancient Indian culture.
Periods of Ancient Indian culture:

were the founder of the Indian culture?
Arians – nomads, cattle breeders – no cities, villages+fortified points
І period - The Vedic period (II – I thousand years B.C.).
Sruti – (“smth. that was heard”)
Rigveda – hymns;
Yajurveda – texts for priests;
Samaveda – song to the god Sama;
Atharvaveda – spells.
other texts – Upanishad & Brahman.
Smriti – (“smth. that was remembered”)
Ramayana & Mahabharata (Krishna and Rama – avatar of Vishnu)
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Indian religion are: polytheistic – 33 -333-3339 henotheistic animism - the

Indian religion are:
polytheistic – 33 -333-3339
animism - the soul is immortal.

-the birth - death – birth
Karma causal dependence
Most popular gods are
Indra -
Varuna –
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Concepts that are the basement for Indian culture 1) Rita Karma

Concepts that are the basement for Indian culture
1) Rita Karma

- sum of good and bad actions that can influence the fate;
2) Casts –
- closed social group;
legend about Purusha
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3) Ahimsa – “not to injure” – do no harm, non violence;

3) Ahimsa – “not to injure”
– do no harm, non

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4) Samsara - endless circle of life and death; 5) Nirvana

4) Samsara
- endless circle of life and death;
5) Nirvana
- highest

spiritual state that can possibly be achieved;
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II period – Brahmanic period (10 – 6 century B.C.) -

II period – Brahmanic period (10 – 6 century B.C.)
- transformation

of the Karma concept:
law of retribution;
- Karma can be changed by requests & prayers;
- Brahmanism as a stage of development of Hinduism and major religion.
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Features of Brahmanism 1. Recognition of all the Vedic gods; 2.

Features of Brahmanism
1. Recognition of all the Vedic gods;
2. The main

divine triad - the Trimurti:
Brahma - Supreme - God-the Creator; Vishnu - God the preserver; Shiva - God-destroyer
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Philosophical schools = DARSHANA Astika Nastika Confirming Denying

Philosophical schools = DARSHANA
Astika Nastika
Confirming Denying

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The Orthodox schools. They recognize the authority of the Veda and

The Orthodox schools. They recognize the authority of the Veda and

to some degree based on their texts (Sankhya, Yoga, Mimansa, Vedanta, Nyaya) - III century BC. - II century BC.
The Unorthodox schools, they deny the preceding tradition (Buddhism, Jainism) - about the VI century BC.
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The origin and development of Buddhism. The most ancient in the

The origin and development of Buddhism.
The most ancient in the world

- 6-5 centuries BC.
400 million + 1 million monks;
Northern India
the doctrine of the Dharma – Sanskrit "the nature of all things; the way it is“
The teachings of Buddha 84 thousand precepts (teachings)
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The most non-religious religion philosophy there’s NO - God-creator; - God-judge;

The most non-religious religion philosophy
there’s NO
- God-creator;
- God-judge;
Teaching about mind –

that perceives and realizes;
Buddhism = mind exercises + everyday tips
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Goals are liberation from suffering, inner peace, the disclosure of the

Goals are
liberation from suffering,
inner peace,
the disclosure of the quality

of the mind for the benefit of all beings.
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The History Of Buddhism: - Shakyamuni 5 century BC city of

The History Of Buddhism:
- Shakyamuni 5 century BC city of Kapilavastu

- the only son - 3 sages ruler
spiritual leader
29 years behind Palace walls 4 signs
the sick man
the old man the dead man the monk
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The first sermon - Deer Grove - the first disciples -

The first sermon - Deer Grove - the first disciples -

5 ascetics
The first turning of the wheel of Dharma Hinayana (Small vehicle);
The second turning of the wheel of Dharma Mahayana (the Great vehicle);
The third turning the wheel of Dharma Vajrayana (Diamond vehicle);
Died at 80
"Don't trust anyone's word,
even Buddha’s, check all the
teachings with the help of experience.
Be your own guiding light!"
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It is the world's largest book " - pagoda Khutodo To

It is the world's largest book " - pagoda Khutodo To

read this "book", a man needs 450 days. There are 729 pages. They are not made from paper, but from white marble.
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Myanmar (Burma)

Myanmar (Burma)

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Jainism symbol (9-6 cent. B.C) - Universe - Ahimsa (non-violence) -

Jainism symbol
(9-6 cent. B.C)
- Universe
- Ahimsa (non-violence) - stop and think

- cycle of birth, life, pain, misery, and death
- 4 types of beings in which we can be reborn (demons, gods, animal or human)
-three precious – correct conduct, faith, knowledge
- sidhashila – the place where free souls live
- sidh
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3. The specificity of philosophical knowledge of Ancient China. The first

3. The specificity of philosophical knowledge of Ancient China.
The first Ancient

Chinese ideas - VII cent. ВС
«Book of Changes»,
«Book of Songs»,
«the Book of History» Features: - the geographical; - moral and political orientation. - the reference to «the wise men»,
- the most influential schools - Confucianism and Taoism.
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Confucianism - concentration on the ethical and philosophical issues. The founder

Confucianism - concentration on the ethical and philosophical issues.
The founder

is Confucius, the VI - V centuries BC
The main goal is education of the person in the course of respect (esteem) to the society, its laws and traditions, i.e. the upbringing of the individual for the society.
Central idea – the concept of the Noble Man (цзюнь цзы ).
Social relations = Family relations
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Watch the episode and answer the questions: Specify years od birth/death

Watch the episode and answer the questions:
Specify years od birth/death of

How he formulated the golden rule of ethics?
What concepts were put as a basis for Confucianism?
Why is Confucianism is treated more as a philosophy/social doctrine than a religion?
To whom his teaching was addressed?
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Taoism. The founder Lao Tzu (the «Old wise man» or «Old

Taoism. The founder Lao Tzu (the «Old wise man» or «Old

child») VI - V centuries BC.
Basic notion:
Tao understood as ≪way≫ i.e. the natural course of things or the impersonal Universal law, ruling over nature and society.
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Main ideas of Taoism - Understanding of the cosmic being, its

Main ideas of Taoism
- Understanding of the cosmic being, its fundamental

principles and development;
- Study of man as a natural being
comes from Tao product of Ego
the true and natural evil inclinations, passions, erroneous beliefs
One should follow the law of nature and cultivate the Tao.
Criticism of civilization, which leads man away from the natural way of the Tao