Experimental design. (Section 1.3)

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Experimental Design The goal of every statistical study is to collect

Experimental Design

The goal of every statistical study is to collect data

and then use the data to make a decision. Any decision you make using the results of a statistical study is only as good as the process used to obtain the data. If the process is flawed then the resulting decision is questionable.
While you may never have to develop a statistical study it is likely you will have to interpret the results of one. And before you interpret the results of a study you should determine whether or not the results are valid. In other words you should be familiar with how to design a statistical study.
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Guidelines Designing a statistical study 1. Identify the variables of interest,


Designing a statistical study
1. Identify the variables of interest, the

focus, and the population of the study.
2. Develop a detailed plan for collecting data. If you use a sample make sure the sample is representative of the population.
3. Collect the data.
4. Describe the data using descriptive statistics techniques.
5. Interpret the data and make decisions about the population using inferential statistics.
6. Identify any possible errors.
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Data Collection The following is a brief summary of four methods

Data Collection

The following is a brief summary of four methods of

data collection.
Take a census; a census is a measure of an entire population. A census provides complete information. It is often costly and difficult to perform.
Use Sampling; A sampling is a count or measure of part of a population. Using sampling is often more practical than taking a census.
Use a Simulation; A simulation is the use of mathematical or physical model to reproduce the conditions of a situation or process. Simulations allow you to study situations that are impractical or dangerous to create in real life, and often saves time and money. For example auto crashes.
Perform an experiment; An experiment is applied to a part of the population and responses are observed. A second part of the population Is used as a control group.
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Example Deciding Upon Methods of data collection 1. A study of


Deciding Upon Methods of data collection
1. A study of the

effect of changing flight patterns on the number of airplane accidents.
2. A study of the effect of aspirin on preventing Heart attacks.
3. A study of the weight of all linemen in the National Football League
4. A study of the U.S. residents’ approval rating of the president.
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Solutions Because it is impractical to create this situation you would


Because it is impractical to create this situation you would want

to use a simulation for #1
In study #2 you want to measure the effect of a taking aspirins on patients so you would want to perform an experiment.
In study #3 because the NFL keeps accurate records of all players you would want to perform a census.
In study #4 it would simply be impossible to ask every American what they thought of the President so you would use sampling. To collect these data.
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Sampling Techniques A random sample – is one in which every

Sampling Techniques

A random sample – is one in which every member

of the population has an equal chance of being selected.
A simple Random sample- is a sample in which every possible sample of the same size has the same chance of being selected.
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Example Use the TI-83 to generate a sample of 8 students


Use the TI-83 to generate a sample of 8 students out

of 731 to answer some survey questions.
Now you set up a sample of 5 students out of 79 to survey.
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Stratified Sample Stratified Sample- When it is important to have members

Stratified Sample

Stratified Sample- When it is important to have members from

each segment of the population, you should use a stratified sample. Depending on the focus of the study, members are divided into two or more different subsets called strata that share a similar characteristic such as age, gender, ethnicity or even political preference. A sample is randomly selected from each of the strata
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Example of a Stratified Sample To collect a stratified sample from

Example of a Stratified Sample

To collect a stratified sample from the

number of people who live in Dade county
You might want to divide the sample into economic sub groups. And then randomly select members from each subgroup.
Low Income group
Middle income group
High Income group
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When the population falls into naturally occurring subgroups each having similar

When the population falls into naturally occurring subgroups each having similar

characteristics, a cluster sample may be most appropriate.
To select a cluster sample divide the population into groups called clusters and select the members in one or more but not all of the clusters. Examples of clusters could be different sections of the same course or different branches of the same bank. For instance to collect a cluster sample of the people who live in Dade County divide the households into groups according to zip codes. Then select members in one or more but not all the zip codes. And count the number living in each household.

Cluster Sampling





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Identifying Sampling techniques You are doing a study to determine the

Identifying Sampling techniques
You are doing a study to determine the

opinio9n of students at your school regarding gun control. Identify the sampling technique you are using if you select the samples listed.
You select a class at random and question each student in the class.
2. You divide the student population with respect to majors and randomly question some students in each major.
3. Each sample has an equal chance of being selected and each student has an equal chance of being selected, so this is a simple random sample.


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Try It Yourself 3 You want to determine the opinion of

Try It Yourself 3

You want to determine the opinion

of students at your school regarding gun control. Identify the sampling technique you are using if you select the samples listed.
You select students who are in your statistics class.
You assign each student a number. And after choosing a starting number, questioning every 25th student.
a. Determine how the sample is selected.
b. Identify the corresponding sampling technique.