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Neformal - a social group; the common name for members of

Neformal - a social group; the common name for members of

various subcultural youth movement in the USSR 80-90-ies of XX century. The definition of "Neformal" comes from the phrase "informal groups of young people", emerged in opposition of "formal" association: the Komsomol and other permitted by the authorities. "Informals" in the mid '80s police officers and local Party organizations were called a variety of informal, amateur community of young people - a group of social initiative, interest clubs and teenage gangs. Originally the word "Neformal" was of sufficiently pronounced negative connotation and was not a self-designation of the representatives of subcultures.
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In the USSR, youth subculture as a whole did not differ

In the USSR, youth subculture as a whole did not differ

a great variety. The reasons for this are likely to be censored, and the unavailability of foreign music periodicals, impossibility of creating uncontrollable Komsomol youth clubs. The most massive and conspicuous youth movement from the late 70's to early 90-ies of XX century was the so-called "system" - countercultural, demonstratively carnival movement, a subculture which was based on two countercultural styles: hippie and punk.
Typical accessories informal (mostly by hippies) were considered:Baubles (from threads or beaded bracelets),bandanas, ripped jeans.
In addition to the "System" to "informals" refers congenial motion - PCB (clubs amateur song), "Fandom". Informal evoked stiff resistance from the general population, that often results in clashes and fights. The main enemies were informal Lubero (Teenagers, "pitching"). Informal tried to avoid encounters with them, even when in numerical superiority. The biggest impact was in 1987 in the Crimean bridge, a lot of people had to throw into the water on both sides. Movement Lubero existed for several years and in 1990 fell apart, giving way to increasing informals.
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In the early 90's "system" broke up into several relatively independent

In the early 90's "system" broke up into several relatively independent

subcultures (punk, metal, goth, and roleplayers t. D.) And ceased to exist as a coherent movement. Informals provided tacit support "the new government."
Currently, the term "informal" is often used as a self-representatives of different subcultures, opposing the mainstream. In colloquial use, and shortened forms - "informal", "Niefer," etc...
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Representatives of the "systems" were stressed asocial lifestyle (drugs, alcohol, cigarettes),

Representatives of the "systems" were stressed asocial lifestyle (drugs, alcohol, cigarettes),

the characteristic elements of which are:
session - «apartment" or underground concerts;
hitchhiking - travel;
squats - unauthorized seizure of abandoned buildings and the creation of communities;
party - the traditional meeting place.
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In the USSR, youth subcultures and extreme nature of the protest

In the USSR, youth subcultures and extreme nature of the protest

were generally underdeveloped and had a very narrow circle of adherents; widespread subculture were active-creative, romantic and altruistic direction. The reason for this was probably a high degree of isolation of groups of young people from each other and from society as a whole, a wide coverage of the total mass of young people a variety of clubs, access to cultural institutions, mass introduction in schools of the official ideology of positive orientation ( "man is a friend, comrade and brother "), official censorship and screening of the protest and the negative material. At the same time, the stagnation of official power and ideology led to the emergence of dissent and also in the direction of positive subcultures. The most common in the USSR youth subcultures were: