Environmental Protection Organizations in Kazakhstan

Слайд 2

The concept of environmental of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 20010-2020years

The concept of environmental
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
on 20010-2020years

The Ministry of

Environmental Protection has developed and approved programsы

Environmental protection
Republic of Kazakhstan

To combat
in the Republic of Kazakhstan
for 2010-2017

A Sustainable
development under the Government
Republic of Kazakhstan

World Summit
for sustainable development
(Johannesburg, 2002).

Слайд 3

The main tasks of the Environmental Code Summarize and systematize on:

The main tasks of the Environmental Code

Summarize and systematize on:

level, the entire regulatory
      on the fundamentally new approaches
      to environmental protection
   Raise the status of environmental requirements and
      standards to the level of legislative act
      direct action
   Implement international standards in practice
      environmental protection
Слайд 4

The main issues of EC Norms (rationing) Environmental impact assessment Permitting

The main issues of EC

Norms (rationing)
   Environmental impact assessment
   Permitting system

Monitoring and reporting system
   Economic regulation of protection
      The environment
   Environmental requirements
   Compliance mechanism
      Environmental legislation
Слайд 5

Control schemes State control Production control Public control This, first of

Control schemes

State control

Production control

Public control

This, first of all, excluding duplication of

control functions and introduction of positive international experience in the practice of inspection

Seen in increasing responsibility
  users of natural resources at the expense of
of internal measures
to ensure compliance
environmental legislation

Implementation of the provisions of the Aarhus
Convention and the Law on
non-governmental organizations "
  through transparency and awareness
  all members of civil society

Слайд 6

Control activity for the first time began to be based on

Control activity for the first time began to be based on

the principles of priority
planning of inspections,
immediate operational
response to the situation
and environmental
  performance of inspectors
and nature users

State control

Developed and introduced in
action a number of regulations
legal documents,
concerning organization and
on-site inspection
nature use

Слайд 7

Ministry of Defence Committee of Forestry and Hunting, Water Resources, Fisheries

Ministry of Defence

Committee of Forestry and Hunting, Water Resources, Fisheries of

the Ministry of Agriculture

The Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health

Committee for State Control
and surveillance in the field of emergencies
  Ministry of
emergency situations

Agency for Land Management

State control

Joint control

General Prosecutor's Office

Слайд 8

The competence of local representative and executive bodies of oblasts (cities of republican importance, capital)

The competence of local representative and executive bodies of oblasts (cities

of republican importance, capital)
Слайд 9

The competence of local representative and executive bodies of oblasts (cities of republican importance, capital)

The competence of local representative and executive bodies of oblasts (cities

of republican importance, capital)