
Слайд 2

A little bit about me

A little bit about me

Слайд 3

William and Ruth 2075 couples

William and Ruth 2075 couples

Слайд 4

Robert and Christabel

Robert and Christabel

Слайд 5



Слайд 6

Jonathan and Erena

Jonathan and Erena

Слайд 7



Слайд 8



Слайд 9

Слайд 10

How it all started In the day when God created man,

How it all started

In the day when God created man, He

made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female, and He blessed them. Genesis 5:1-2
And God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it. Genesis 1:28
Слайд 11

Why do we need God’s blessing and what does it mean?

Why do we need God’s blessing and what does it mean?

Слайд 12

What is our existential reality? What does it mean to be

What is our existential reality?

What does it mean to be a

human being?
We have a mind and body
We exist in relationships with other people
We live in the physical world
Слайд 13

As embodied beings what are our basic desires and goals in

As embodied beings what are our basic desires and goals in


Grow up and become an adult
Marry, have a family and friends
Creative life and be prosperous

Слайд 14

So what about desire? Desire, which people often consider sinful, is actually God-given. EDP. 71

So what about desire?

Desire, which people often consider sinful, is actually

God-given. EDP. 71
Слайд 15

So what about desire? Desire, which people often consider sinful, is

So what about desire?

Desire, which people often consider sinful, is actually

Joy is the purpose of creation, and joy can only be attained when desire is fulfilled. EDP, 71
Слайд 16

So what about desire? Desire, which people often consider sinful, is

So what about desire?

Desire, which people often consider sinful, is actually

God-given. Joy is the purpose of creation, and joy can only be attained when desire is fulfilled.
If we had no desire, we could never experience joy. If we had no desire, we would not have any aspiration to receive God's love, to live, to perform good deeds, or to improve ourselves. EDP. 71
Слайд 17

So what about desire? Desire, which people often consider sinful, is

So what about desire?

Desire, which people often consider sinful, is actually

God-given. Joy is the purpose of creation, and joy can only be attained when desire is fulfilled. If we had no desire, we could never experience joy. If we had no desire, we would not have any aspiration to receive God's love, to live, to perform good deeds, or to improve ourselves.
Without desire, therefore, neither God's purpose of creation nor the providence of restoration could be fulfilled. EDP. 71
Слайд 18

So what about desire? Desire, which people often consider sinful, is

So what about desire?

Desire, which people often consider sinful, is actually

God-given. Joy is the purpose of creation, and joy can only be attained when desire is fulfilled. If we had no desire, we could never experience joy. If we had no desire, we would not have any aspiration to receive God's love, to live, to perform good deeds, or to improve ourselves.
Without desire, therefore, neither God's purpose of creation nor the providence of restoration could be fulfilled. EDP. 71
The challenge is, how to fulfil these desires in a way that is moral and meaningful?
That is why we need God’s blessing
Слайд 19

What does blessing mean? ברך- barak – kneel, bless, praise, salute

What does blessing mean?

ברך- barak – kneel, bless, praise, salute

בֶּרֶך- knee
A blessing from God is an empowerment to be able to do what is not within our natural capabilities
Слайд 20

Without God’s blessing . . . People struggle to attain mind-body

Without God’s blessing . . .

People struggle to attain mind-body unity

laziness, lying, identity crisis
People struggle to achieve good relations
Divorce, conflict, loneliness, ‘bad sex’
People struggle to manage the ‘world’
Finances, tidiness, pollution
People struggle to find meaning in life
Слайд 21

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE? Why did God create the universe and us?


Why did God create the universe

and us?
Слайд 22

Why did God create man? The most essential aspect of God

Why did God create man?

The most essential aspect of God is

heart. Heart is the impulse to love an object and is the fountain and motivator of love. It is the nature of heart to seek an object to love. God, whose essence is heart, feels joy when he can love an object that he created. DP, Level 4
What kind of object? One in his image and likeness – male and female
Слайд 23

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” Ephesians 5:1 How can we become ‘like God’,?

“Therefore be imitators of God,
as beloved children.” Ephesians 5:1

How can

we become ‘like God’,?
Слайд 24

The three great blessings And God blessed them, and God said

The three great blessings

And God blessed them, and God said to

them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it.” Genesis 1:28









Слайд 25

First - be wholesome True Person The ability to create and

First - be wholesome


The ability to create and complete our


Sensitivity to the Heart of God


We create our character
through our thoughts,
words and deeds

Keep promises
Don’t drink, smoke,
Don’t watch pornography

Unity of mind and body
“Marshmallow test”
Words and deeds are one


“Be complete as your heavenly Father is complete.”
Matthew 5:48


Fulfill potential




The physical desires should
express spiritual values
☀ Bodily functions
☀ Eat
☀ Sleep
☀ Sexual desire

Слайд 26



What does

one have to do to fulfill the first blessing?
Слайд 27

Adam and Eve should have kept their sexual purity God Word

Adam and Eve should have kept their sexual purity








The commandment was

to protect Adam and Eve
Developed their spiritual life
Followed their conscience

Foundation of Faith

Слайд 28

Adam and Eve should have reached maturity Lord of Creation Proper

Adam and Eve should have reached maturity

Lord of Creation
Proper order in

the created world





Foundation of Substance

Слайд 29

If the body dominates mind addiction Eating, smoking, alcohol, drugs Gambling

If the body dominates mind addiction

Eating, smoking, alcohol, drugs
Computer games
Social media

rewire the brain
Слайд 30

What are the consequences? We can become good only if our

What are the consequences?

We can become good only if our body

obediently follows our mind. All too often our body rebels against the mind’s directions. This is how evil grows within us. For this reason the religious way of life requires that we make the body submit to the commands of the higher mind. EDP, 194
Слайд 31

Why do people engage in such addictive behaviour? Substitute for real

Why do people engage in such addictive behaviour?

Substitute for real

Way to dull the pain of living or trauma
Слайд 32

And uncontrolled sexual desire . . . C.S. Lewis: The real

And uncontrolled sexual desire . . .

 C.S. Lewis:
The real problem with

masturbation is that it takes a desire which fulfilled properly leads the individual out of himself to complete his own personality in that of another, a spouse, and turns it back: sending the man back into the prison of himself, there to keep a harem of imaginary brides.
Слайд 33

And this harem, works against his ever getting out and really

And this harem, works against his ever getting out and really uniting with

a real woman. For the harem is always accessible, always subservient, calls for no sacrifice or adjustments, and can be endowed with erotic and psychological attractions which no real woman can rival.
Among these shadowy brides he is always adored, always the perfect lover: no demand is made on his unselfishness, no mortification is ever imposed on his vanity. In the end, they become merely the medium through which he increasingly adores himself.
Слайд 34

This is why Father said . . . Who owns the

This is why Father said . . .

Who owns the

male and female organs? The owner of the husband's sexual organ is his wife, and the owner of the wife's sexual organ is her husband. We did not know that a person's sexual organ is owned by someone of the opposite sex. This is a simple truth, which is undeniable. Typically a man thinks his sexual organ belongs to himself, and a woman thinks her sexual organ is her own. That is why the world is perishing.
Sun Myung Moon, Man Owns Woman and Woman Owns Man, September 15, 1996
Слайд 35

How about pornography? It is a fantasy Deception, imitation, fake Creates

How about pornography?

It is a fantasy
Deception, imitation, fake
Creates emotional bond

with artificial world
Lose ability to bond with real people
Sex without intimacy
Leads to emotional emptiness and disconnection
Low self-esteem and loneliness
Leads to addiction
Слайд 36

And after marriage . . . Porn means you can’t get

And after marriage . . .

Porn means you can’t get aroused

by “just” your spouse
Porn wrecks your libido
Not interested
Porn makes you sexually lazy
‘My needs’
Porn turns “making love” into a foreign concept
Porn makes sex all about the body, and not about intimacy
Porn makes regular intercourse seem boring
Weirder and weirder
Слайд 37

Porn makes it hard to be tender when you have sex

Porn makes it hard to be tender when you have sex

gives you a warped view of what attractive is
Not about the whole person
Porn makes sex seem like too much work
Instant gratification
Porn causes selfishness
Leads to abuse
Слайд 38

The blunt truth In the long run, pornography will not shore

The blunt truth

In the long run, pornography will not shore up

a shaky ego, will not fill the emptiness left from childhood wounds or abandonment, will not save a shaky relationship or failing marriage and is not satisfying. In fact, it will magnify each emotional wound from the past and cripple your ability to meet your essential emotional needs, damage your ability to have a healthy relationship and leave you unable to sexually or emotionally respond to your partner
Слайд 39

Judging by appearances "As it now stands, students have powerful images

Judging by appearances

"As it now stands, students have powerful images

of what a perfect body is and pursue it incessantly. But deprived of literary guidance, they no longer have any image of a perfect soul, and hence do not long to have one. They do not even imagine that there is such a thing.”
Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind
Слайд 40

Getting rid of bad habits Conditions Prayer, fasting At least 40

Getting rid of bad habits

Prayer, fasting
At least 40 days to break

a habit
Seek counselling
Someone to whom one is accountable
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Change thinking, feeling, behaviour
Join self help group
Alcoholics anonymous
12 steps
High Noon
Слайд 41

Why do we marry? It is so that we may resemble

Why do we marry?

It is so that we may resemble God’s

image. Because men and women are projections of God’s divine characteristics, their destiny is to form a union as one body and return to oneness with God’s original character.
So the purpose of marriage is to bring into oneness the realm of heart of one man, representing the world of masculinity, and one woman, representing the world of femininity, so that they may perfect the love between a man and a woman. Father, 21.8.2004
Слайд 42

What’s the difference? Physiologically . . . .

What’s the difference? Physiologically . . . .

Слайд 43

Leading to . . . .

Leading to . . . .

Слайд 44

Слайд 45

Слайд 46

Different things going on

Different things going on

Слайд 47

Different brains – Mark Gungor

Different brains – Mark Gungor

Слайд 48

Слайд 49

Слайд 50

Some differences Men & women don't see in the same way

Some differences

Men & women don't see in the same way
Female babies

like faces, male babies like moving objects
Groups of boys play differently than groups of girls
Mothers and fathers don't interact with their kids in the same way
Females hear better than males
Men are more consistent than women
Females can verbally express their emotions better than males
Men are attracted to youth & beauty. Women are attracted to status. 
It is men that fall in love at first sight 
Men initiate, women respond
Subject - object
Слайд 51

What is love and beauty? In the relationship between a man

What is love and beauty?

In the relationship between a man and

a woman, the man is the subject partner, giving love, while the woman is the object partner, returning beauty.
Слайд 52

Woman God Love Beauty "Each one of you also must love





"Each one of you also must love his wife

as he loves himself,
and the wife must respect her husband.” Ephesians 5:33
Слайд 53

Love and respect The primary emotional needs" for men and women,

Love and respect

The primary emotional needs" for men and women, respectively

are that men need respect and women need love, like they need air to breathe.
Love and Respect
a Royal marriage
Слайд 54

Why is marriage important? It is because it is the path

Why is marriage important?

It is because it is the path by

which we seek true love. It is because it is the path for creating life. It is because it is the path on which the lineage of a man and woman are co-mingled. Father, 21.8.2004
Слайд 55

Aspects of marriage Social “It is not good that the man

Aspects of marriage

“It is not good that the man should

be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Genesis 2:18
Слайд 56

Aspects of marriage Sexual - quality of sex depends on quality

Aspects of marriage

Sexual - quality of sex depends on quality of

Therefore a man shall . . . hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24
Affirmation of personhood
Affirmation of sexual identity
Reconciliation, healing
Act of hope
Expression of thanks
Слайд 57

Aspects of marriage Intellectual Enjoy talking to each other Spiritual Faith Values

Aspects of marriage

Enjoy talking to each other

Слайд 58

When you marry you get . . . God’s blessing on

When you marry you get . . .

God’s blessing on the

God’s permission and wholehearted support for the relationship
Potential to experience God in every aspect of the relationship leading to complete oneness
Your parent’s and family’s and community’s blessing and support
More likely to be successful
Слайд 59

What is the meaning of sex? When a husband and wife

What is the meaning of sex?

When a husband and wife embrace

each other in true love, it is the equivalent of the universe becoming one body. This is the original image of creation brought into substantial reality in the context of God’s ideal. Father, 21.8.2004
Слайд 60

Women don’t just want sex. They want to feel desired first.

Women don’t just want sex. They want to feel desired first.

If a woman doesn’t feel desired, then the sex itself may not seem so appealing. Many people already know how important this is, but in my clinic in New York I see so many men who have no clue how important this is for women.
Greg Baer
Слайд 61

The human fall and change of lineage

The human fall and change of lineage

Слайд 62

What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Слайд 63

The story of Adam and Eve

The story of Adam and Eve

Слайд 64

Lucifer tempts Eve Desire for unprincipled love Adam Wanted to experience

Lucifer tempts Eve

Desire for unprincipled love


Wanted to experience
love and become like

God before time was ripe

When Eve responded to his
temptation, the angel felt
the stimulation of her love
to be deliciously enticing.
EDP, 64

Felt less love

Wanted to
rule humans

Слайд 65

Eve tempts Adam Rid herself of guilt and stand before God

Eve tempts Adam

Rid herself of guilt
and stand before God



Eve’s second fallen

act was motivated
by her heartfelt longing to return to
God’s bosom. EDP, 162

Eve very needy. Vulnerable.
Hurt. Abused. Wanted to be
comforted and loved. Wanted
To receive love and comfort
from Adam who she realised
should be her spouse

Слайд 66

Shame, blame and victimhood Adam Eve “The woman whom you gave

Shame, blame and victimhood



“The woman whom you gave to be with

she gave me the fruit of the tree and I ate.”

“The serpent tricked me, and I ate.”

God: “Where are you?”

“Who told you that you were naked?
“Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?”

Adam blamed Eve; Eve blamed Lucifer.
Denial of responsibility; denial of position; loss of freedom

Слайд 67

What happened at the fall? Eve was traumatized by her relationship

What happened at the fall?

Eve was traumatized by her relationship with

Sexually, emotionally, psychologically damaged
Sense of worthlessness and being needy
Hurt, vulnerable, wanting to be loved
Adam was damaged by his relationship with Eve
Inherited the archangelic nature
Weak and hard to respect
Influenced by malign spiritual forces
Слайд 68

All people affected by the fall Lucifer “Original Sin” Original damage

All people affected by the fall


“Original Sin”
Original damage
Original trauma

Evil elements





Evil elements



Evil elements

Original sin is transmitted through the physical body. EDP, 392

Слайд 69

Слайд 70

What happened at the fall? All the relationships of the Four

What happened at the fall?

All the relationships of the Four Great

Realms of Heart were corrupted and distorted
Man – woman
Husband – wife
Parents – children
Sibling – sibling
Restoration is putting all these relationships right
Слайд 71

Fallen sexuality Men have inherited the fallen archangelic nature to want

Fallen sexuality

Men have inherited the fallen archangelic nature to want to

control and possess and have sexual relationships with women for their own pleasure and gratification. Lust, not love
 Droit du seigneur – ‘lord’s right’
Sexual harassment and worse
Women have inherited the tendency to be seduced by powerful men and to be seductive
Слайд 72

Loss of the three blessings . . . People struggle to

Loss of the three blessings . . .

People struggle to attain

mind-body unity
Alcoholism, laziness, lying, identity crisis
People struggle to achieve good relations
Divorce, conflict, loneliness, ‘bad sex’
People struggle to manage the ‘world’
Finances, tidiness, pollution
Слайд 73

What is restoration? Restoration occurs when you find yourself in a

What is restoration?

Restoration occurs when you find yourself in a similar

position to Adam, Eve, the archangel, Cain or Abel, or one of your ancestors etc.
And you have to face the same temptation to make the same mistake that they did and continue the pattern of fallen history
But you choose not to do so and instead of acting out of your fallen nature you act according to your original nature and follow your conscience. You break the cycle of abuse and pattern of fallen history
Слайд 74

An example of restoration and purification of the lineage

An example of restoration and purification of the lineage

Слайд 75

Restoring the relationship between Archangel and Eve Men have inherited the

Restoring the relationship between Archangel and Eve

Men have inherited the archangelic

nature to want to control and possess and have sexual relationships with women for their own pleasure and gratification. Lust, not love
 Droit du seigneur – ‘lord’s right’
Sexual harassment and worse
Women have inherited the tendency to be seduced by a powerful men and to be seductive
Слайд 76

Abram, Sarah and Pharaoh Now there was a famine in the

Abram, Sarah and Pharaoh

Now there was a famine in the land and

so Abram went down to Egypt to stay there.  When he was about to enter Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife, “I know that you are a woman beautiful in appearance, and when the Egyptians see you, they will say, ‘This is his wife.’ Then they will kill me, but they will let you live. Say you are my sister, that it may go well with me because of you, and that my life may be spared for your sake.”  When Abram entered Egypt, the Egyptians saw that the woman was very beautiful.  And when the princes of Pharaoh saw her, they praised her to Pharaoh. And the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.  And for her sake he dealt well with Abram.
Слайд 77

What is going on here? Satan Eve Adam Humanity Creation

What is going on here?






Слайд 78

How did Sarah restore the position of Eve? Pharaoh Sarah Abraham

How did Sarah restore the position of Eve?






Genesis 12:10-20

Gradual incremental purification

of the lineage
Слайд 79

Christian marriage Sanctification of the union of a man and a

Christian marriage

Sanctification of the union of a man and a woman

for a Christian life together and for procreation
The spouses confer the sacrament on each other
A blessing they give to each other
They are each other’s ‘messiah’
Sacrament to restore the chastity lost at the fall
Слайд 80

Conditions for marriage Both spouses are Christians They have a shared

Conditions for marriage

Both spouses are Christians
They have a shared spiritual life

entered in to
No forced or arranged marriages
Слайд 81

Service - Preface In the presence of God we have come

Service - Preface

In the presence of God we have come together

to witness the marriage of N and N, to pray for God's blessing on them, to share their joy and to celebrate their love. Marriage is a gift of God in creation through which husband and wife may know the grace of God. It is given that as man and woman grow together in love and trust, they shall be united with one another in heart, body and mind, as Christ is united with his bride, the Church.
Слайд 82

Freely entered into N, will you take N to be your

Freely entered into

N, will you take N to be your husband?

Will you love him, comfort him, honour and protect him, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?
Слайд 83

Vows I, N , take you, N , to be my


I, N , take you, N , to be my wife,

to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part; according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow.

A pledge of unconditional love

Слайд 84

Exchange of rings Heavenly Father, by your blessing let these rings

Exchange of rings

Heavenly Father, by your blessing let these rings be

to N and N a symbol of unending love and faithfulness, to remind them of the vow and covenant which they have made this day through Jesus Christ our Lord.
N, I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage. With my body I worship you, all that I am I give to you, and all that I have I share with you, within the love of God.
Слайд 85

Purpose of marriage Place for conjugal love, mutual support and comfort

Purpose of marriage

Place for conjugal love, mutual support and comfort
Proper place

for sexual intercourse
For procreation and raising of children

When husband and wife are united in marriage,
they are no longer seen as something earthly,
but as the image of God Himself.
St. John Chrysostom

Слайд 86

Marriage and family Marriage lays the foundation for the family which

Marriage and family

Marriage lays the foundation for the family which is

a "home" or "domestic" church headed by married priests—the parents.
Слайд 87

THE FIVE STEPS Marriage blessing of True Parents


Marriage blessing of True Parents

Слайд 88

Perfection Fall History of Restoration Restoration History Messiah (saviour) Oneness with



History of Restoration

Restoration History


Oneness with God





‘comes down’ to meet fallen people

Unchartered territory

Слайд 89

Perfection Fall History of Restoration Restoration History True Parents Cheon Il



History of Restoration

Restoration History

True Parents

Cheon Il Guk





Go together with True Parents



Receive the

Blessing (conditionally)
Слайд 90

Through the blessing ceremony, the elements of baptism, communion, marriage, and

Through the blessing ceremony, the elements of baptism, communion, marriage, and

even ordination, are brought together . . .
Слайд 91

For the first generation Marriage Blessing received after Restoring foundation of

For the first generation

Marriage Blessing received after
Restoring foundation of faith
Living a

consistent spiritual life
Separating from Satan
3, 7, 21, 40 day conditions
Fundraising and tithing
Restoring foundation of substance
Overcoming fallen nature
Living and working together with brothers and sisters
Witnessing to find three spiritual children
Foundation to receive the messiah through the blessing
7 days fast
Indemnity fund - £30 for four years
Слайд 92

New Age – New Metaphor Restoration as “Grafting”

New Age – New Metaphor


Слайд 93

Our lineage Ancestors Me The fruit of my life: Thoughts Words Deeds Character

Our lineage



The fruit of my life:

Слайд 94

Father’s words on grafting At what point can you be totally

Father’s words on grafting

At what point can you be totally grafted

into the lineage of heaven? The moment that you receive the Blessing from the True Parents is the great moment when your bonds to your satanic lineage are severed and you become part of the heavenly lineage. Most marriages in the world are not God-centred, but in the Unification Church our greatest pride is that in the name of the True Parents couples can enter into the heavenly, God-centred lineage. At that moment they become direct heirs of God. Through the Blessing the process of the fall can be totally reversed. Father, 18 April 1977
Слайд 95



Слайд 96

Preparing for engrafting “In order for the engrafting process to take

Preparing for engrafting

“In order for the engrafting process to take place,

we have to cut off all the branches of the wild olive tree. On that tree there may be many branches, leaves and buds, but they are all part of the evil root. Let’s say the true olive tree is very young, with very few branches. Even though the wild olive tree has been growing for thousands of years and has 44 billion leaves and buds, the branches of the wild olive tree still have to be cut off.”
Слайд 97

“…the branches of the wild olive tree still have to be

“…the branches of the wild olive tree still have to be

cut off.”
Rejecting/throwing away the bad habits and traditions of the fallen life.
Слайд 98

A shoot from the True Olive Tree is given to us through the Blessing process

A shoot from the True Olive Tree is given to us

through the Blessing process
Слайд 99

“This true olive tree is small, but the important thing is

“This true olive tree is small, but the important thing is

that the root rests on God. The root of the wild olive tree rests on Satan. You must remember all the time that your original roots from your ancestors are from the satanic side. We were not born of the True Parents but of the fallen lineage, and we are only in the process of being restored. We must not forget that.”
Слайд 100

Blessing not magic “Can we penetrate all the thousands of years

Blessing not magic

“Can we penetrate all the thousands of years

of customs in the satanic world and bring revolution? When the satanic root persistently remains, the fruit will not be good; you won’t get good fruit even though the engrafting was done. The tree will not develop properly. In other words, perhaps its shape will be the same as the true olive tree, but the olives won’t have any taste. How can God enjoy a poor tasting olive?”
Слайд 101

Importance of spiritual work “After the engrafting process takes place, how

Importance of spiritual work

“After the engrafting process takes place, how

do we transform the root into a new one? No matter how much effort is made by all 44 billion people in the cosmos, it will not come into fruition. Only by the power of the love of God and the True Parents will that root be transformed.”
Ancestor liberation at Cheongpeong
Cleanse memories
Replace bad habits with good habits
Resolve inner problems – therapy
Слайд 102

The inner process “At the deepest bottom of yourself is your

The inner process

“At the deepest bottom of yourself is your

original mind. Right below that is the fertile ground of God. Put your original mind into the fertile ground of God. The engrafting process means that you cut off all the branches but leave the root. Then true branches are engrafted onto the old root. Then true branches are brought in, it becomes a new tree; that is the engrafting process. When this process takes place, even though the root is the same, the satanic root will be transformed into a new root.”
Father, 30th Anniversary of the Unification Church' 5.1.1984
Слайд 103

Need for healing "Even after you are grafted into the new

Need for healing

"Even after you are grafted into the new tree,

you may not feel much joy. You still feel the pain from the process of grafting. Many think, 'Boy, that's my husband or wife? Is that the ideal?' and your wounds have not been healed yet. But then, after three years of married life, you will see all the new growth that is resulting from your union and you will find a great amount of satisfaction and joy. It takes at least three years together for your wounds to heal and for you to become new men and women. The job of the Messiah is to do the grafting of all the men and women in the world. That is the most important job of the Messiah - changing the roots and lineage of mankind."
Father, '30th Anniversary of the Unification Church' 5.1.1984
Слайд 104

Engrafted into God’s lineage God Satan True Father True Mother Eve

Engrafted into God’s lineage







Sinless Children

Sinful Children


“Unless one is born anew, he

cannot enter the kingdom of God.” John 3:3
Слайд 105

Engrafted into God’s lineage God Satan True Father True Mother Eve

Engrafted into God’s lineage







Sinless Children

Sinful Children


“Unless one is born anew, he

cannot enter the kingdom of God.” John 3:3
Слайд 106

The steps . . . Engagement ceremony Matching

The steps . . .

Engagement ceremony

Слайд 107

Matching in Korea

Matching in Korea

Слайд 108

The steps . . . Holy wine ceremony Based on what

The steps . . .

Holy wine ceremony
Based on what happened at

Sinai and Eucharist
Change of lineage from Satan’s lineage to God’s lineage
Change of identity – “I am a child of God”
Forgiveness and removal of original sin
Not really at the right level to receive it
If waited till we were ready would be too old to have children
So have much to do to make it substantial
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Holy wine ceremony Attendant representing True Parents passes cup to woman

Holy wine ceremony

Attendant representing True Parents passes cup to woman
She drinks

Passes it to man
He drinks half
Passes it back
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The wedding

The wedding

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Sprinkling with holy water

Sprinkling with holy water

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The World Peace Blessing Vows Do you promise to observe Heavenly

The World Peace Blessing Vows

Do you promise to observe Heavenly Law

as an original man and woman; and should you fail, do you promise to take the responsibility for doing so?
Do you, as an ideal husband and wife, promise to establish a family that will bring joy to God eternally?
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The World Peace Blessing Vows Do you promise to inherit heavenly

The World Peace Blessing Vows

Do you promise to inherit heavenly tradition

and, as the eternal parents of goodness, raise up your children to be examples of this standard before the family and the world?
Do you promise to be the centre of love before the society, nation, world and universe based upon the ideal family?
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Exchange of rings

Exchange of rings

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Blessing prayer

Blessing prayer

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Cheers of mansei

Cheers of mansei

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Ordination Your destination is the eternal dwelling place of the True


Your destination is the eternal dwelling place of the True

Parents. Mother and I are not going to be the only True Parents. My goal is to make all of you true parents. It is the greatest honour that I can give to you. In your own area and lineage each of you is to become the true parents. Father, 18th April 1977
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And finally . . . Chastening stick ceremony 40 day separation

And finally . . .

Chastening stick ceremony
40 day separation during which

a couple prepares themselves to consummate their relationship
3 day ceremony during which the couple restore the mistake of Adam and Eve by reversing what went wrong
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For second generation Marriage blessing that Adam and Eve should have

For second generation

Marriage blessing that Adam and Eve should have received

and fulfilled
No original sin – no barrier to experience God
Should receive it after
Making a foundation of faith
Living a consistent spiritual life
Making a foundation of substance
Mind body unity
Mature character
Establishing the First blessing
God consciousness
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Preparation Confession Interview 21 days workshop 7 days fast Matching etiquette


21 days workshop
7 days fast
Matching etiquette
Vertical and horizontal
Whole and individual

of lineages and families
Initiative comes from the young person
All six people should be happy
Engagement ceremony
Blessing fee
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Invest in your blessing . . .

Invest in your blessing . . .