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Cross-correlation ANALYSIS of EEG AND ASYMMETRY of α-RHYTHM in CHILDREN aged

Cross-correlation ANALYSIS of EEG AND ASYMMETRY of α-RHYTHM in CHILDREN aged

6-7 YEARS after achievement of the OBJECTIVE  
Kuznetsova T. G.,
Bulgakova O. S.,
Popova T. V.,
Koryukalov Y. I.,
Volkova I. P.,
Gorbachevа M. V.
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Контакты: +79046017095 npcpcn@mail.ru mpfarussia.ru

Контакты: +79046017095

Слайд 4

The body is a complete self-regulating system that seeks to preserve

The body is a complete self-regulating system that seeks to preserve

the constancy of the internal environment – homeostasis – at all levels and in all systems. At the same time, purposeful behavior of any organism, being an integral part of its life. Reflection of information characteristics of the achieved goal (speed, time, etc.) is associated with the cognitive component of the subject's activity, and the estimated side of the goal (utility, necessity, etc.) is reflected in the activation of the emotion system. That is why, first of all, when achieving the goal, emotional reactions are most clearly manifested – joy with the rapid achievement of the desired goal and avoidance up to failure with a long and difficult achievement. Cognitive characteristics of the achieved goal are manifested at higher levels of self-regulation-endocrine, neurohumoral, vegetative, Central, etc.
Comparative studies of human and anthropoid behavior in achieving the goal revealed that high speed and short time to achieve it activated the system of positive emotions. Change of speeds and increase of time of achievement was reflected in discrete replacement of positive emotions by activation of system of approximate reactions and concentration and gradual increase of negative emotions. It was found that these reactions were clearly correlated with the overall dynamics of heart rate variability, its stress index (IN) and brain biopotential rearrangement.
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Unfortunately, there is no clear idea about the reflection of emotions

Unfortunately, there is no clear idea about the reflection of emotions

in the EEG of adults [1, 6] and there are practically no ontogenetic studies in this direction. At the same time, according to clinical studies it is known that the negative emotional state is formed by the right hemisphere, and the positive – by the left.
Hence the objective of our study – the attempted search of bioelectrical correlates of goal-directed behavior while the activation of emotions in children in ontogeny. Of particular interest is the analysis of α-rhythm, reflecting not only the maturity of the Central nervous system of a child of preschool age, but also the manifestation of his emotional reactions.
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Method of research Used the technique of approaching target (MPI), which

Method of research
Used the technique of approaching target (MPI), which is

the conveyor belt length 1000 mm. At the far end has placed the goal object. The speed of movement of the target was set by the researcher and varied in the range from 250 to 5 mm/ s, and the subject on the command " Attention, work!"I started the device by means of the button which is before it.
In the course of the study, a video was recorded to analyze the behavioral reactions of self-regulation with parallel registration of EEG from 10 leads: Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, P3, P4, T3, T4, O1, O2, located according to the international scheme 10-20, monopolar with a combined ear electrode on the 21-channel amplifier unit of the company "mitzar EEG" (St. Petersburg) and a personal computer. EEG processing was carried out in the program "MitsarWinEEG".
Considered changes of cross-correlation relations of the EEG, the dynamics of the frequencies of α-rhythm and the asymmetry of its distribution across the electrodes for a period of at least 60 s for each of the presented speeds with the following averaging over the group of subjects.
Statistical analysis of the results was carried out on the basis of StatSoft Statistika 6.0 software package using nonparametric Wilcoxon T-test. Differences at the level of at least P<0.05 were considered significant.
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Results and discussion Previously, it was found that in all Primate

Results and discussion
Previously, it was found that in all Primate subjects,

regardless of age, species and sex (children, adults, chimpanzees), the change in the speed of the approaching target was associated with discrete activation of modulating systems: emotional reactions, concentration and indicative reflex.
As a rule, the achievement of the test object approaching at speeds of 250 and 125 mm / s occurred against the background of a calm emotionally positive response to the situation.
The movement of the object approaching at speeds from 50 to 25 mm / s, activated protective behavioral reactions of self-regulation of passive avoidance (averting gaze, turning away from the installation, etc.) and was accompanied by a tendency to reduce the time of tracking a moving object. A further reduction in the target velocity to 10 and 5 mm / s increased the manifestation of negative reactions and significantly (p=0.002) reduced the tracking time compared to previous speeds.
At the same time, the distribution of cross-correlation links of EEG was similar, both in a calm state with open eyes (GO), and in response to a decrease in the speed of the object from 250 to 5 mm/s (except for the speed of 50 mm/s), despite the opposite in physiological significance emotional coloring of high and low speeds (Fig. 1).
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In these situations, the most often interrelated were symmetrical front-motor (17%

In these situations, the most often interrelated were symmetrical front-motor (17%

-23%), left-sided parietal-occipital (16% -24%) and right-sided temporal – parietal-occipital (16% - 26%) brain zones, with long interhemispheric frontal-parietal connections (19% -28%), the so-called "cognitive axis".
 Attention was drawn to the fact that in the state when the TARGET is approaching at a speed of 5 mm/s, the distribution of correlations was the same, both in configuration and in the correlation coefficient r from 0.4 to 0.6. In addition, the achievement of an object approaching speeds of 250, 125, 25 and 10 mm/s, was also similar in configuration, but the correlation coefficient increased r from 0.6 to 0.8.
In the situation of reaching the target approaching at a speed equal to 50 mm/s, the system of indicative reaction was activated. Psychologically, the test subjects perceived this speed close to high speeds, but visually the target-the object was moving much slower, which led to a mismatch in the system of achieving the goal (there was uncertainty of the situation).
P.1. Changing the distribution of correlations with a decrease in the rate of approximation of the target. Designation: topogram distribution of correlations between the examined areas of the brain. Dotted lines - from 15% to 19% of links, black thin – from 20% to 29% of links, black fat – more than 30% of links.
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Misalignment in the system has led to the desynchronization of the

Misalignment in the system has led to the desynchronization of the

correlation of EEG, toward a meaningful restructuring of brain potentials and the increased correlation between the individual zones in all tested frequency bands.
Unlike other speeds of approach of the purpose, in this situation not only the quantity of right-sided temporal-parietal-occipital (from 30% -40%) and left-sided parietal-occipital communications (45%) remained and/or increased, the number of interhemispheric frontal-parietal (from 20 to 40%) doubled, but also their correlation coefficient increased to 0,8-1,0 in all frequency ranges.
At the same time, the appearance of new (r > 0.4-0.6) hemispheric frontal-frontal, frontal-occipital (up to 25%) and frontal-temporal (25%) connections drew attention.
With a decrease in the rate of reaching the object and a change in emotional color from positive to negative dynamics of α-rhythm in the range (8-13 Hz) in children did not change significantly, which is consistent with the data of foreign authors, obtained in adults with "passive" viewing of emotional films.
At the same time, further analysis of the obtained facts revealed an interesting nuance of changes in the asymmetry of the α-rhythm depending on the conditions for achieving the goal in the sub-bands.
It is known that the α-rhythm is finally formed at the age of 15-17 years, but by the age of 7 there is a low-frequency α – rhythm (no more than 8 Hz), which does not yet have "fusiform" modulations and gradient of incidence from the occipital to frontal zones and is divided into sub – bands: low – frequency-from 7.0 to 8.5 Hz, mid-frequency-from 8.75 to 9.75 Hz and high-frequency-from 10.0 to 13.5 Hz.
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However, the study found that 77% of children with low-frequency (from

However, the study found that 77% of children with low-frequency (from

7.0 to 8.5 Hz) range of α-rhythm observed similar to the background, a significant right-hand asymmetry in almost all leads, regardless of the activation of modulating systems associated with the speed of reaching the object (see table: 1, 4, 7 and 10 columns).
In 11.5% of children with the average frequency (from 8.75 to 9.75 Hz) α-rhythm revealed a significant left-sided asymmetry in the initial state (GO) and remained at the achievement of the goal accompanied by both positive and negative emotional response (see table: 2, 5 and 11 columns, respectively). When the target was reached at 50-25 mm/s, there was no asymmetry in the situation of uncertainty (column No. 8).
Another 11.5% of children with high-frequency (from 10.0 to 13.5 Hz) α-rhythm also had a significant left-sided asymmetry in the initial state, which remained regardless of the emotional perception of the approaching object, determined by the speed of its achievement (see table: 3, 6, 9 and 12 columns).
The overall pattern for the latter two groups of children was the preserve of the asymmetric activity of α-rhythm, relative to an initial condition in the anterior regions of the left hemisphere and the disappearance of it in the rear sections of the same hemisphere when it reaches the object approaching from all the lower speeds.
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Thus, the obtained facts of distribution of α-rhythm in EEG of

Thus, the obtained facts of distribution of α-rhythm in EEG of

children 6-7 years, characterizing the level of maturity of the cerebral cortex, indicate that in most children of this age α-rhythm is not yet formed and has a low-frequency range, in less is at the stage of completion or has already completed its formation, which is consistent with the work of children's psychophysiologists.
It is shown that in children 6-7 years old, as well as in adults, the increased activity of α-rhythm in the range of 8-13 HZ in the associative zones of the right hemisphere and its asymmetric distribution in the parietal-temporal regions is a common mechanism in the perception of emotionally significant stimulus regardless of age.
In children, unlike adults, the revealed asymmetry of the distribution of α-rhythm in the sub-bands is not associated with the emotional significance of the stimulus and indicates only the lack of maturity of their Central nervous system.