Symbolic meanings and characteristics of anatolian kilims


Слайд 2

The main land of Turkey, called Anatolia has been the host

The main land of Turkey, called Anatolia has been the host

of many cultures within centuries, which is a centre for cultural riches and many different handicrafts.
Слайд 3

For centuries, Anatolian people have used different materials to express their

For centuries, Anatolian people have used different materials to express their

inner worlds. Carpets, kilims, ceramic tiles, embroideries, silversmith, brass and copper works, carved woods and stones, glasses, cloths and all the other art works of Turkish history, presents great originality and constitute the basis of decorative arts.
Слайд 4

Each of the handcrafts reflect a different aspect on the cultural

Each of the handcrafts reflect a different aspect on the cultural

background of Anatolian people, however the carpets and kilims are yet one of the most important objects within the list.

cited: Burçin Tuncer, Anatolian Rugs, 2005

Слайд 5

Kilim is made by interweaving the variously coloured wefts and warps,

Kilim is made by interweaving the variously coloured wefts and warps,

thus creating what is known as a flat weave.
Kilim is the best-known type of flat weave, and an indispensable component of social life in Turkey.



Слайд 6

In recent years, being eloquent and stimulating works of art, Anatolian

In recent years, being eloquent and stimulating works of art, Anatolian

kilims are highly esteemed by the
world public opinion and have assumed the place they deserve.
Compared to the kilims of other countries where similar weavings are produced, Anatolian kilims display some differences in terms of general characteristics and are preferred by art enthusiasts all around the world.
Слайд 7

The colours, motifs and compositions introduced by various cultures flowing from

The colours, motifs and compositions introduced by various cultures flowing from

different directions to Anatolia which already had produced outstanding examples in the art of weaving lead to an incredible increase in the variety of these kilims.
Слайд 8

The Turkish tribes moving into Anatolia have introduced new dimensions to

The Turkish tribes moving into Anatolia have introduced new dimensions to

the art of kilim weaving. Research indicates that Turks had an established weaving tradition before they came to Anatolia, pile-knotted carpets, kilims and other types of weaves being an important part of their life.
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Though produced for daily use, they are loaded with profound aesthetic

Though produced for daily use, they are loaded with profound aesthetic

values. Researchers believe that the colours and motifs used on kilims display a type of symbolism which serve to differentiate various social groups from others.
Слайд 10

Some experts suggest that these motifs were transported to Anatolia, through

Some experts suggest that these motifs were transported to Anatolia, through

the migration process of Turcoman groups, mixing as they do with the cultures in the regions they passed through, and intermingled with the already existing rich varieties of textiles in Anatolia to produce new variations.


Слайд 11

Migrations, marriages, friendship and kinship relations in different regions have led

Migrations, marriages, friendship and kinship relations in different regions have led

to flow of motifs from one region to another, causing an interaction, and the different colours, patterns and compositions brought in by these waves have occasionally increased diversity, while the motifs specific to a tribe or group were faithfully preserved.
Слайд 12

Kilims which are generally woven by rural women in Anatolia, were

Kilims which are generally woven by rural women in Anatolia, were

produced in royal workshops during the Seljuk and Ottoman periods.
Слайд 13

Various sources state that, although there were specimens influenced by tribal

Various sources state that, although there were specimens influenced
by tribal kilims,

the designs of these kilims
were drawn by court designers to suit the various tastes of the period in terms of motifs and compositions and the weavers used these models in weaving.
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Such drawings are not used in the production of tribal kilims.

Such drawings are not used in the production of tribal kilims.

today, Anatolian women weave kilims from memory without using any kind of drawing. It is known that the motifs are transferred from one generation to the other in a process where weavers learn from their mothers or grandmothers.
Слайд 15

Although the kilims which the Anatolian rural population procuring the necessary

Although the kilims which the Anatolian rural population procuring the necessary

material with their own means, produced for their own use are functional, they have an extraordinary decorative characteristic. The decorative characteristic is derived by the colour of natural dyes extracted from local plants, as well as the motifs and compositions which lead the viewers into a mysterious search for meaning every time they look at it.


rubia tinctorum

Слайд 16

The fact that the variety of colour and richness of design

The fact that the variety of colour and richness of design

displayed in Anatolian kilims are observed in none of the kilim weaving countries, is accepted by numerous foreign scholars.
Слайд 17

The abundance and diversity of the cultural accumulation in Anatolia have

The abundance and diversity of the cultural accumulation in Anatolia have

created a very rich common language of motifs.
The extraordinary artistic and technical level achieved by the women who probably have never left their villages or regions is met with worldwide excitement and appreciation.
Слайд 18

There is a widespread view that motifs used on kilims have

There is a widespread view that motifs used on kilims have

certain meanings and contain symbolic expressions. This quality assigned to kilim motifs suggests that numerous values which has an importance for the people living in Anatolian rural settlements are reflected on kilims through motifs symbolizing
concepts pertaining to life such as birth, marriage, and death, as well as the desires to defend and protect themselves against malice, and secure fertility.
Слайд 19

Some researchers trace the origins of motifs and their meaning back

Some researchers trace the origins of motifs and their meaning back

to the pre-historic period and ancient civilizations, while some hold the view that they are transferred to Anatolia via the migration of the Turkic groups.
Слайд 20

However, Anatolia has inherited a vast culture from the past. For

However, Anatolia has inherited a vast culture from the past. For

10 millennia of history, the people of Anatolia have reflected the culture in their art. Here to Hattians, Hittites, Phrygians, Lydians, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks and Ottomans established their rule.


Слайд 21

All these civilizations have never been the sole monopoly of one

All these civilizations have never been the sole monopoly of one

culture. Rather, they are a blend of the cultures, that already flourished on this particular piece of land. It is this blend that we call the genuine Anatolian style, and the motifs and their meanings mentioned today, are a small part of it.
Слайд 22

In spite of the fact that the debate on the origins

In spite of the fact that the debate on the origins

of motifs and compositions are not yet concluded, the researchers do not object the view that kilim motifs have names or meanings. Some scientific circles accept the view that kilim motifs are symbolic expressions reflecting universal concepts like birth, life and death which have been used since the oldest times in Anatolia.
Слайд 23

It is also observed that some motifs are assigned religious meanings.

It is also observed that some motifs are assigned religious meanings.

According to some researchers Anatolian women display a unique power of observation and a great skill in creating symbols.
Due to traditions, they usually prefer to express their expectations and also themselves through
Слайд 24

Peter Davies, who was the writer of “The Antique Rugs of

Peter Davies, who was the writer of “The Antique Rugs of

Anatolia”, has said that, one of the main methods that created the visual language of the Anatolian kilim designs, was the general imaging and the symmetrical specialities of them.
Слайд 25

Other than just being a design element, symmetry is known to

Other than just being a design element, symmetry is known to

be the main cognitive instrument, that the human eye uses to
operate the information. While all cultures depend on this cognitive instrument in one way or the other, every culture tends to pick one or two of the symmetrical probabilities that blends in with their culture group.
Слайд 26

These probabilities become internal touches in time, and they start becoming

These probabilities become internal touches in time, and they start becoming

a piece of the culture, and are used without remembrance of their former stage, unconsciously.
Therefore, the point of issue culture group starts expressing themselves with the help of symmetries.
Слайд 27

According to Davies, the young girls in front of the weaving

According to Davies, the young girls in front of the weaving

looms, learn not only kilim weaving but also the preferred system of symmetries of her tribe. The author states that the Anatolian weavers are devoted to the double mirror symmetry technique, as far as preferred design and motives are concerned.
Слайд 28

He comments the double symmetry tendency of the weaver was not

He comments the double symmetry tendency of the weaver was not

only on the specific motifs, but also on the general design of the rug itself.
Слайд 29

Davies stated; “As a general rule, if you draw a line

Davies stated; “As a general rule, if you draw a line

towards the centre of the rug, both parts of the rug will be the mirror image of the other.
However, when a line is drawn from the middle of the rug, the
upper part and the lower part of the rug will also is a mirror image of the other.
Слайд 30

The main aspect of the Anatolian rug is the double symmetry

The main aspect of the Anatolian rug is the double symmetry

of the general design. The rugs from a pastoral culture are expected to be more naive and primitive on the whole,
however the Anatolian rugs are definitely more detailed, regular and particular in design and method. The Anatolian rugs may have more particular systems than any other thing you can find in an Anatolian village. ”

cited: Peter Davies, Anatolian Rugs, Guide’s World, Aug, 2003


Слайд 31

There may be a reason of the symmetric choice of the

There may be a reason of the symmetric choice of the

Anatolian weavers is, that it is really practical in usage.
In Anatolia, the designs were woven from the weavers’ memory, rather than an outlined instruction sheet.
If we take a look at a kilim, we can see the capacity needed to memorize the design. Yet if one part of the whole image is memorized, the whole design could be re-created via mirror imaging, therefore makes it easier for the weaver to re-do the same kilim once again.
Слайд 32

Hands on Hips (Elibelinde) motif symbolizing women, motherhood, fertility and abundance,

Hands on Hips (Elibelinde) motif symbolizing women, motherhood, fertility and abundance,

is still used in all regions of Anatolia under different names yet similar meanings.
Слайд 33

Hands on Hips is a stylized female figure. It has been

Hands on Hips is a stylized female figure. It has been

given various names, some of which are elibelinde (hands on hips), elibögründe (hands on flank), eli gögsünde (hands on breasts), gelin kiz (bride), çocuklu kiz (girl with child), aman kiz (the mercy girl), kaküllü kiz (girl with fringes) etc.
Слайд 34

No other motif is known to be so widespread yet to carry a single meaning.

No other motif is known to be so widespread yet to

carry a single meaning.
Слайд 35

Some scholars believe that elibelinde motif is the equivalent of the

Some scholars believe that elibelinde motif is the equivalent of the

mother goddess and maintain that it is being used since the ancient cultures where women was dominant and important to symbolize motherhood and fertility.
Слайд 36

Ram’s Horn (Koçboynuzu), though not as frequent as elibelinde, is another

Ram’s Horn (Koçboynuzu), though not as frequent as elibelinde, is another

motif which frequently appear on kilims. It is said to be a symbol of heroism, fertility, power and masculinity.
Слайд 37

It is also called by various names; koçboynuzu (ram’s horn), koç

It is also called by various names; koçboynuzu (ram’s horn), koç

(ram), boynuzlu yanis (horn motif), koçlu yanis (ram motif), gözlü koç basi (ram’s head with eyes) etc.
Слайд 38

According to some scholars, the wide use of protective motifs on

According to some scholars, the wide use of protective motifs on

kilims results from the fact that the house, grain, animals and family are the most valuable assets of rural people.
Слайд 39

Protective motifs have a special place in Anatolian kilims. Special motifs

Protective motifs have a special place in Anatolian kilims. Special motifs

are used on the kilims to protect marriages, spouses, family members, children, houses and grain, and animals against the evil eye and malice in the environment; such motifs include amulets, charms, scorpions, hands, fingers, eyes, crosses, hooks, burdocks, dragons and snakes.
Слайд 40

There are also views which suggest claim that fertility is one

There are also views which suggest claim that fertility is one

of the prominent themes used on Anatolian kilims.


Слайд 41

Sometimes with the aid of the male and female symbols, they

Sometimes with the aid of the male and female symbols, they

express reproduction in marriage and family, other times they symbolize fertility of the grain and an increase in family income.
Слайд 42

The tree of life, which appears in many cultures, is a

The tree of life, which appears in many cultures, is a

motif frequently used on Anatolian kilims.
Слайд 43

Some experts believe that tree of life motif symbolizes the uniqueness

Some experts believe that tree of life motif symbolizes the uniqueness

of the god, paradise and immortality. It is generally depicted with birds on it. According to the belief the birds will fly off the tree at the time of death.
Слайд 44

It is suggested that the bird motifs carry various meanings. Good

It is suggested that the bird motifs carry various meanings. Good

wishes, bad chance, death, soul, power, strength, happiness and many other concepts are symbolized with the several bird motifs on kilims.
Слайд 45

Wheel of Fortune (çarkıfelek) is a form of a star which

Wheel of Fortune (çarkıfelek) is a form of a star which

symbolizes the rules of life. It is believed that the rule of life is the balance of happiness and sorrow. Life is like a wheel and when it turns, changes the lives.
Anatolian weavers, use the “wheel of fortune” motif to bring endless happiness, good luck, good fortune and fertility. To break the bad luck usually they place a cross inside the motif.
Слайд 46

Currently, Anatolian women are interested in the names identifying the motifs

Currently, Anatolian women are interested in the names identifying the motifs

rather than the meanings of motifs decorating their kilims. However, with an instinct to protect the tradition they claim the rights of the designs attributed to their region and their culture and avoid reflecting the changes which inevitably take place in time, on the basic design.