10 facts about Australian English

Слайд 2

1 fact: Shorten words Barbie = barbecue Arvo = afternoon Footy

1 fact: Shorten words

Barbie = barbecue
Arvo = afternoon
Footy = football
Sunnies = sunglasses


than 5000 abbreviations
Слайд 3

2 facts: Welcome How are you? = How are you going?

2 facts: Welcome

How are you?
How are you going?

Слайд 4

3 fact: Bye-bye Also the most popular way to say good-bye

3 fact: Bye-bye

Also the most popular way to say good-bye in

Australia is :
«see you»
Слайд 5

4 fact: No problems No worries = No problem; Please; Everything is fine; All is well….

4 fact: No problems

No worries
No problem;
Everything is fine;
All is well….

Слайд 6

Cow juice Cow - корова Juice - сок Would you like

Cow juice

Cow - корова

Juice - сок

Would you like

some milk?

Would you like some cow juice?

Не хотите ли немного молока?

Слайд 7

Stormstick Storm - буря stick - палка Don`t forget your umbrella.


Storm - буря

stick - палка

Don`t forget your umbrella.

Don`t forget your stormstick.


забудьте ваш зонт.