Знаки зодиака


Слайд 2

Air sign Aquarius JJ Jan.21 to Feb.19 Air sign Aquarius people

Air sign



Jan.21 to Feb.19
Air sign
Aquarius people like modern like
very much. They

like crowds and
new ideas and they often change
their ideas. They are romantic, but
they are very independent.

Aquarius students believe they
сan finish the course despite
missing more than half the
lessons. They always forget their
books but make friends very
easily, so sharing is no problem.

Слайд 3

Fire sign Aries March 21 to April 21 Aries ,the ram

Fire sign


March 21 to April 21

Aries ,the ram ,is the

astrological sign in the Zodiac.
Originating from the
constellation of Aries. In
western astrology, this sign is
no longer aligned with the
constellation as a result of the
precession of the equinoxes.
Aries is considered a "masculine“,
positive sign.
The Aries language students is
impatient and always wants to know everything at once. They are always the first to put their hand up in class and can be so talkative they often don`t let the other students talk.
Слайд 4

Earth sign Taurus April 21 to May 21 Earth sign Taurus,

Earth sign


April 21 to May 21
Earth sign
Taurus, people work

slowly. They
Are very interested in fool, but
they are careful with their money.
They like working in the garden
very much. They are usually happy
but they are often jealous.

Taurus students

prefer drawing in

their books to doing exercises.
They are lazy because they know
they will learn one day (but does
it have to be today?)

Слайд 5

Water sign Cancer June 22 to July 23 Water sign Cancer

Water sign


June 22 to July 23
Water sign
Cancer people are very good

They are very interested
in their families and they don't like
being alone. They are interested in the
sea. They have got a lot of imagination
and they are often afraid.

Cancer students cry in class when
they don't understand .They don't
really want to be there ,but they do
want learn. They hate being told they
are improving. If they succeed, they
are happy and everyone know it.

Слайд 6

Air sign Gemini May22 May 22 to June 21 Air sign

Air sign



May 22 to June 21
Air sign
Gemini people do lots of

well and they work quickly, but
they don't like working hard.
They like traveling and writing
very much. They are often very

Gemini learners love to make jokes
in class and they find languages
easy to learn, but sometimes don't
do as they should because they
miss a lot of classes. In class, they
never sit still and find
concentrating difficult.

Слайд 7

Earth sign Capricorn Dec.23 to Jun.20 Earth sign Capricorn people are

Earth sign


Dec.23 to Jun.20
Earth sign
Capricorn people are very ambitious
and they

work very hard. They don't

like talking and they don't listen well
to other people. They don't like going
to expensive restaurants. They don't
like playing sports very much.

Capricorn language learners come to
every class and like routine. They
wait until they are 150% sure before
they answer even the simplest
question. And even they think they'll
get it wrong.

Слайд 8

Fire sign Leo July 24 to Aug. 23 Fire sign Leo

Fire sign


July 24 to Aug. 23
Fire sign
Leo people are very honest

they like going to expensive
restaurants very much. They are
ambitions and they like controlling
other people, but they don't listen
very carefully to other people.

Leo learners always bring their
books to class. They are very well
organized and have separate
Vocabulary books with an A-Z
index. They will always copy notes
for other students.

Слайд 9

Air sign Libra Sept. 24 to Oct. 23 Air sign Libra

Air sign


Sept. 24 to Oct. 23
Air sign
Libra people are very romantic

charming. They are very interested in
art and they like dancing. They are very
interested in other people. They don't
like big change in their lives.

Libra learners like classroom that are quiet
and comfortable. They rarely speak in
class. They believe everything the teacher
says is true, even if they don't
understand. They can't decide if they
really want to learn English.

Слайд 10

Water sign Pisces Feb. 20 to March 21 Water sign Pisces

Water sign


Feb. 20 to March 21
Water sign
Pisces people are always happy

or very
unhappy. They are very interested in other
people and they like helping other people
very much, but they are often lazy. They
aren't very interested in their families. They
don't work very well.


Pisces learners ask questions in class that
one understand ( not even themselves ).
They never have notebook and always ask
other students for paper, which they leave
in class afterwards. They are easily confused.

Слайд 11

Fire sign Sagittarius Nov. 23 to Dec. 22 Fire sign Sagittarius

Fire sign


Nov. 23 to Dec. 22
Fire sign
Sagittarius people don't like sitting

doing nothing. They like playing sports very
much. They listen well to other people and
they are good teachers. They like traveling
They aren't careful with their money.

Sagittarius language students do whatever
a teacher asks them to. They tend to smile
even when they fail. They accept all
homework without grumblings. Sometimes
they do the homework. Other times, they
leave it one the bus on the way home.

Слайд 12

Water sign Scorpio Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 Water sign Scorpio

Water sign


Oct. 24 to Nov. 22
Water sign
Scorpio people are often very

and very ambitious, but they aren't very
honest. They don't like working with
other people. They aren't very
interested in their families. But they
don't often change their friends.

Scorpio students always pass their
exams. For some reason, they don't
need to study very hard. They never
cheat in exams.

Слайд 13

Earth sign Virgo Aug. 24 to Sept. 23 Earth sign Virgo

Earth sign


Aug. 24 to Sept. 23
Earth sign
Virgo people are very logical

they work very carefuly.They are
interested in science.They don't
like big or small changes in their
lives and they aren't romantic,
but they're very honest.


You'll find Virgo language sitting
at the back of the class. They take
twice as long as other students
to finish anything. They think they
are no good even though they do
well in exams, and they worry
about verb tenses at night.

Слайд 14

What's your Chinese horoscope? RAT OX TIGER (1972, 1984, 1996) Say

What's your Chinese horoscope?

(1972, 1984, 1996)
Say cheese! You are

attractive, charming and creative. When you get angry,
you can really have sharp teeth!

(1973, 1985, 1997)
You are smart, patient, and as strong as an – well, you know that. Though
You are a leader, you'd never brag.

(1974, 1986, 1998)
You may be a nice person, but no one should ever enter your room without
asking – you might attack!

Слайд 15

What's your Chinese horoscope? RABBIT DRAGON SNAKE (1975, 1987, 1999) Your

What's your Chinese horoscope?


(1975, 1987, 1999)
Your ambition and talent make

you jump at opportunity. You also keep
your ears open for gossip.

(1976, 1988, 2000)
You are on fire! Health, energy, honestly, and bravery make you a living

(1977, 1989, 2001)
You may not speak often, but you are very smart. You always seem
To have a scats of cash.

Слайд 16

What's your Chinese horoscope? HORSE SHEEP MONKEY (1978, 1990, 2002) Being

What's your Chinese horoscope?


(1978, 1990, 2002)
Being happy is your main

goal. Everybody knows that you are smart and
Hard worker, but your teacher may ” ride “ you for talking too much.

(1979, 1991, 2003)
Gentle as a lamb, you are also artistic, compassionate and wise. You are
often shy.

(1980, 1992, 2004)
You are a clever problemsolver with an excellent memory.

Слайд 17

What`s your Chinese horoscope? ROOSTER DOG PIG (1981, 1993, 2005) You

What`s your Chinese horoscope?


(1981, 1993, 2005)
You crow about your adventures,

but inside you are really shy. You are
thoughtful, capable, brave and gifted.

(1982, 1994, 2006)
Often the leader of the pack, you are loyal and honest. You can also
keep a secret.

(1983, 1995, 2007)
Even thought you are courageous, honest and kind, you never hog all
the attention.