Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

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Active Voice Is the normal voice. This is the voice that

Active Voice

Is the normal voice.
This is the voice that we use

most of the time.
The active voice is shorter and more direct:
Active: The waiter dropped the tray of food.
Passive: The tray of food was dropped by the waiter.
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Active Voice The active voice is less awkward and clearly states

Active Voice

The active voice is less awkward and clearly states

relationship between subject and action:
Passive: Your request for funding has been denied by the review committee.
Active: The review committee denied your request for funding.
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Passive Voice The passive voice is less usual. Passive voice is

Passive Voice

The passive voice is less usual.
Passive voice is the voice

used when the subject is the recipient of the action.
Passive voice is usually wordier.
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Passive Voice The agent (doer) of the action is unimportant: The

Passive Voice

The agent (doer) of the action is unimportant:
The pyramids

were built thousands of years ago.
The agent is unknown:
Several robberies were committed during the night.
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Active Voice vs. Passive Voice In active voice, the subject does

Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

In active voice, the subject does the

The committee made the decision.
In passive voice, the subject is acted upon:
The decision was made (by the committee).
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Active Voice In the active voice, the object receives the action of the verb:

Active Voice

In the active voice, the object receives the action

of the verb:
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Passive Voice In the passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb:

Passive Voice

In the passive voice, the subject receives the action

of the verb:
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Changing from active into passive The object of the active sentence

Changing from active into passive

The object of the active sentence becomes

the subject of the passive sentence.
The active verb remains in the same tense but changes into a passive form.
The subject of the active sentence becomes the agent.
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Changing from active into passive

Changing from active into passive

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Changing from active into passive

Changing from active into passive