
Слайд 2

Assonance A variant of alliteration is assonance, i.e. repetition of the


A variant of alliteration is assonance, i.e. repetition of the same

or similar vowels only, as in the phrase wear and tear (My shoes show signs of wear and tear; the wear and tear of city life).
See the repetition of the diphthong [ei] in the lines:
Tell this soul, with sorrow laden, if within the distant Aiden,
I shall clasp a sainted maiden, whom the angels name Lenore –
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom the angels name Lenor? (E.Poe)
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Onomatopoeia The term denotes sound imitation, i.e. the use of words


The term denotes sound imitation, i.e. the use of words which

denote some phenomenon by imitating its real sounding. 1) Imitation of the sounds produced by animals: bow-wow (dogs); moo (cows); mew/miaow and purr (cats);baa-baa (sheep); quack (ducks), etc. 2) Imitation of other natural noises: tick, tick-tuck; ding-dong, jingle; giggle, chuckle; whistle; rustle; bubble; flop; splash; bang, slap, rap, tap, etc.
Words built on the basis of onomatopoeia make speech especially expressive when used in their figurative meanings: Cars were whizzing past; The pot was bubbling on the fire; The crowd buzzed with excitement; I΄ll just give him a buzz.
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Rhythm Rhythm is a regular repeated pattern of sounds. In prose


Rhythm is a regular repeated pattern of sounds. In prose rhythm

is based on repetition of images, themes, motives, parallel constructions, homogeneous parts, etc., which subconsciously affects readers΄ feelings and emotions.
E.g. I looked upon the scene before me – upon the mere house, and the simple landscape features of the domain - upon the bleak walls – upon the vacant eye-like windows- upon a few rank sedges – and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees – with an utter depression of soul which I can compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the after-dream of the reveller upon opium – the bitter lapse into everyday life – the hideous dropping off the veil. (E.A. Poe. The Fall of the House of Usher)
Rhythm in poetic speech is produced by regular alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables.
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Rhythm in poetic speech A division of the poetic line from

Rhythm in poetic speech

A division of the poetic line from stress

to stress, which contains one stressed syllable and one or two unstressed syllables, is called a Foot.

The type of foot and the number of feet in the line determine the Metre of the verse.

5 types of feet:
1) Trochee or a trochaic foot
(΄о/΄ о / ΄ о/ )
2) Iambus or a iambic foot
( о ΄/ о΄/ о ΄/)
3) Dactyl or a dactylic foot
(΄ о о/΄ о о/ )
4) Amphibrach or an amphibrachic foot
( о ΄ о/ о ΄ о/ о ΄ о/ )
5) Anapaest or an anapaestic foot
( о о ΄ / о о ΄ / о о ΄ /

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E.g. Trochee: Peter, Peter, pumpkin-eater, Had a wife and couldn΄t keep

Trochee: Peter, Peter, pumpkin-eater,
Had a wife and couldn΄t keep her.

(trochaic tetrametre)
Iambus: And then my love and I shall pace,
My jet black hair in pearly braids. (Coleridge) (iambic tetrametre)
Dactyl: Why do you cry, Willie?
Amphibrach: A diller, a dollar, a ten o΄clock scholar… ( amphibrachic tetrametre)
Anapaest: Said the flee, ΄Let us fly΄,
Said the fly, ΄Let us flee΄,
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
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Rhyme Rhyme is a regular recurrence (appearance) of the same sounds


Rhyme is a regular recurrence (appearance) of the same sounds at

the ends of lines in verse. It is essential for Stylistics of decoding that rhyme is an important type of coupling in poetry and supplies cohesion and coherence to poetic texts. Endings are the most often to rhyme but rhymes are possible in the middle of lines and in their beginnings.
By the type of the stressed syllable three rhymes are distinguished: 1) the male rhyme –when the stress falls on the last syllable in the rhymed lines;
2) the female rhyme –when the stress falls on the last but one syllable; 3) the dactylic rhyme- when the stress falls on the third from the last syllable.