Astrakhan is the Pearl of the Russian South The author of the project is Poplutin R.

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Some Historical Facts Astrakhan is 452 years old. The tsar voyevoda

Some Historical Facts

Astrakhan is 452 years old. The tsar voyevoda Ivan

Cheremisinov applied to Ivan the IV with the letter to begin the building of the new Astrakhan on the left bank of the Volga. It was in 1558.
At first it was a wooden town. But in the fire a lot of buildings were burnt to ashes. And in1582 – 1589 the stone town was built.
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Landscape Astrakhan is situated in the southern part of the Russian


Astrakhan is situated in the southern part of the Russian Federation,

on the both banks of the Volga.
The Astrakhan people are lucky because they have all kinds of weather. We see the real winter with snow and ice, autumn with its fall of the leaves, green and warm spring with tree blossom and, of course, hot and dry summer.
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Sightseeing Astrakhan is the Pearl of the Russian South. It is


Astrakhan is the Pearl of the Russian South. It is said

so because there are a lot of wonderful sights there. First of all the Astrakhan Kremlin. It was built in the XVI century. The heads of the building were M. Veliaminov, G.Ovtsyn and D. Gubasty. The Astrakhan Kremlin is a masterpiece of the architecture.
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The unique Swan Lake. Not every city or town can boast

The unique Swan Lake. Not every city or town can boast

such a sight. But we can!
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Museums and Galleries I think you know, there are a lot

Museums and Galleries

I think you know, there are a lot of

museums in our town. It will take much time to call all of them but the most famous and attractive are: the Local Lore museum, the museum of the History of the town, the museum of the Battle Glory.
As for galleries, we have the Picture Gallery named after M.Dogadin.
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My Grand Plans As any modern and indifferent person, I would

My Grand Plans

As any modern and indifferent person, I would like

to see my town beautiful and prosperous. Unfortunately, we have a lot of dirty streets and old small buildings. As for me:
1. I’d put in order streets, buildings, squares.
2. I’d plan more trees, bushes, make more flower beds.
3. I’d make playgrounds for children at every house.
4. I’d repair the roads.
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