Слайд 2

What is branding? Branding is "modern cultural language of the modern

What is branding?

Branding is "modern cultural language of the modern society basing

on the market relations"

Branding is the main way of differentiation of products and the instrument of advance of the goods on the market

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History of branding Branding was actively applied in the Middle Ages

History of branding

Branding was actively applied in the Middle Ages when shop

handicraftsmen marked the goods with special brand


In early history of the United States of brand were often used for cattle identification

The real blossoming of idea of branding fell on the second half of the twentieth century

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Branding — is the main task of any large company Creation

Branding — is the main task of any large company


and advance of a brand or branding are necessary for obtaining additional benefit from a certain product at the expense of penetration into consciousness of people, formation of the attachments based on feelings and emotions
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Brand creation & Brand advance

Brand creation & Brand advance

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Development of a brand In most cases development of a brand

Development of a brand

In most cases development of a brand it not only

branding of a new label in the market, but also change of an existing brand, that is rebranding

Rebranding - a complex of actions for brand change, or its components: names, a logo, visual registration of a brand with positioning change

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Branding tools: Creation of a product concept Creation of a product

Branding tools: Creation of a product concept

Creation of a product conception

means the development of new models of goods and services
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Branding tools: Creation of an advertising concept An advertising concept -

Branding tools: Creation of an advertising concept

An advertising concept -

the basis of the idea of ​​branding - is a plan, paints, conditions, heroes of an advertising campaign, promotion and events.

Outdoor signs

Light box

Media space for magazines and newspapers


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Branding tools: Creation of marketing communications Marketing communications mean the process

Branding tools: Creation of marketing communications

Marketing communications mean the process

of transfer of information about the target audience products

Strategic and tactical purchases of mass-media
Media planning
Negotiations with owners of the mass-media

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What is brandbook? Brandbook is the integral, intracorporate edition focused on

What is brandbook?

Brandbook is the integral, intracorporate edition focused on employees of

the company

Brandbook — the official description of essence and values of a brand, company self-identification, and also forms and methods of their designation for employees and consumers

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Structure Elements of brandbook: Detailed description of the logotype All cores


Elements of brandbook:
Detailed description of the logotype
All cores and firm complementary colors.

possible variations of the logo.
Documentation structure.
Firm font of the company.
The business documentation.
Souvenir production of firm.
Every possible images (photos, design).