Can you guess the topic?


Слайд 2





Слайд 3

burglary [bɜ:ɡləri]– кража со взломом burgle – красть со взломом chase

burglary [bɜ:ɡləri]– кража со взломом
burgle – красть со взломом
chase – преследовать

- выносить приговор,
culprit – преступник (виновный)
distract – отвлекать
fee – плата
fraudster [frɔ:dstə]– мошенник, аферист
grab – схватить, хватать
guilty [ɡilti]– виновный
gullible [ɡʌlibl] - доверчивый
Слайд 4

Identify- to recognize means – a way of doing mug –

Identify- to recognize
means – a way of doing
mug – to attack

in the street
offence – an illegal deed
petty [peti]– small, minor
scam – a fraud
shaken up – in shock
shoplift – steal from the shop
threaten- say abusive things
witness – someone who saw the crime
Слайд 5

break the law – нарушать закон catch smb. in the act

break the law – нарушать закон
catch smb. in the act –

поймать на месте

catch smb red handed – поймать с поличным
confess to the crime – сознаваться в преступлении
fall for smth – попасться на удочку

find smb. guilty – признать виновным
give evidence in court – дать показания в суде investigate the crime - расследовать преступление out of the blue – ни с того, ни с сего)
take sb for a ride – обманывать кого-л,
trick gullible people – обмануть доверчивых людей

Слайд 6

жертва преступления отослать плату за обработку выигрыша «попасться на удочку» осознать,

жертва преступления
отослать плату за обработку выигрыша
«попасться на удочку»
осознать, что это была

ужасные аферисты
обмануть доверчивых людей
расследовать преступление
найти виновных
воры ворвались в дом
вызвать полицию
Слайд 7

давать показания в суде поймать с поличным ограбить по дороге домой

давать показания в суде
поймать с поличным
ограбить по дороге домой
угрожать ножом
выхватить мобильный

и убежать
опознать грабителей по фотографии
сознаться в преступлении
получить два года тюремного заключения
профессиональные воры- карманники
мой кошелек был украден
Слайд 8

bank robbery rob (a bank) burglary mugging shoplifting theft fraud pickpocketing

bank robbery

rob (a bank)








bank robber burglar mugger shoplifter thief fraudster pickpocket



mug smb.


steal (a car)

trick people

steal (sb’s purse )





Слайд 9

Name the criminal

Name the criminal

Слайд 10

Name the criminal

Name the criminal

Слайд 11

Name the criminal

Name the criminal

Слайд 12

Name the criminal Name the criminal

Name the criminal

Name the criminal

Слайд 13

A robber is someone who tries to trick gullible people A

A robber is someone

who tries to trick gullible people

A burglar is


A mugger is someone

A shoplifter is someone

A thief is someone

A vandal is someone

A pickpocket is someone

A kidnapper is someone

A fraudster is someone

A murderer is someone

who takes things which do not belong to them

who takes a person by force and demands a ransom

who attacks people in the street in order to steal something

who breaks into people’s houses to steal things

who damages property on purpose

who kills somebody on purpose

who uses any means to steal things (purses, mobiles etc.) from pockets or bags

who steals something from shops, banks, etc

who steals something from shops

Слайд 14

Who helps people to investigate the crime? police officer lawyer investigator

Who helps people to investigate the crime?

police officer
investigator – следователь
specialist in

crime detection – криминалист
walking officer - сотрудник патрульной полиции
detective officer - сотрудник уголовной полиции
district police officer – участковый
Слайд 15

Someone should … for … littering writing graffiti stealing a car

Someone should … for …

writing graffiti
stealing a car
selling stolen property
making noise late

at night
listening to music loudly late at night
being on a bus/tram without a ticket
toxic waste pollution
drinking alcohol in public places
smoking in public places

be given a … prison
do community service
get off with a warning
be sent to prison
pay a (heavy)fine
be given a sentence
be given a warning
be taken to court

There are some offences

and punishments

Слайд 16

Translate the victim of a crime to trick gullible people fall


the victim of a crime
to trick gullible people
fall for it
investigate the

to find fraudsters
the victim of mugging
indentify the attacker
the mugger confess the crime
the police found the culprits
be the witness of the crime
give evidence in court
receive a three-year prison sentence
Слайд 17



Слайд 18

What do people do in a court of law? argues that

What do people do in a court of law?
argues that

someone is guilty of committing a crime
gives testimony to the court
listen to the facts/arguments, reach a verdict, convict/acquit someone who is charged with a serious crime
listens to arguments, hears evidence, deals with crimes that are not serious
listens to arguments, hears evidence, sentences a guilty person
pleads guilty/not guilty, gives testimony
represents someone accused of a crime, argues that someone is not guilty of committing a crime

Match the people with their typical functions and activities in a court of law:

A defendant a prosecutor a judge a witness
the jury a magistrate a defense lawyer

Слайд 19

Study the law terms plead guilty/not guilty - to officially state

Study the law terms

plead guilty/not guilty - to officially state that

you are guilty/not guilty of a crime
sentence somebody - to officially give a punishment to a person who is found guilty of a crime
give testimony - to tell the court what you saw/know
reach a verdict - to arrive at a decision about whether a person is guilty or not guilty of a crime
acquit somebody - to officially decide that someone is not guilty of a crime
convict somebody - to officially decide that someone is guilty of a crime
Слайд 20

Article … . Theft Theft shall be punishable by a fine

Article … . Theft
Theft shall be punishable by a fine in

the amount of 200 to 700 minimum wages or in the amount of the wage or salary or any other income of the convicted person for a period of two to seven months, or by compulsory work for a term of 180 to 240 hours or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years.

Статья … Кража
Кража, то есть тайное хищение чужого имущества, наказывается штрафом в размере до восьмидесяти тысяч рублей или в размере заработной платы или иного дохода осужденного за период до шести месяцев, либо обязательными работами на срок до ста восьмидесяти часов, либо лишением свободы на срок до двух лет.

Слайд 21

Article … . Murder Murder is the intentional killing of another

Article … . Murder
Murder is the intentional killing of another person.

It shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years.

Статья … . Убийство
Убийство, то есть умышленное причинение смерти другому человеку, наказывается лишением свободы на срок от шести до пятнадцати лет.

Слайд 22

Article … . Robbery with Violence Robbery committed using violence which

Article … . Robbery with Violence
Robbery committed using violence which

threatens human life and health or with the threat of using such violence, shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of three to eight years, with confiscation of property or without such confiscation.

Статья … . Разбой
Разбой, совершенный с применением насилия, опасного для жизни или здоровья, либо с угрозой применения такого насилия, наказывается лишением свободы на срок от трех до восьми лет со штрафом в размере до пятисот тысяч рублей или в размере заработной платы или иного дохода
осужденного за период до трех лет либо без такового.