Christmas and Hogmanay in Scotland

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We are pleased to tell you about Christmas in Scotland. There

We are pleased to tell you about Christmas in Scotland.

are some special traditions in this country.
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Preparation for Christmas in Scotland. In Scotland people like celebrating Christmas.

Preparation for Christmas in Scotland.

In Scotland people like celebrating Christmas.

It is the best holiday. Scottish celebrate Christmas on December, 25th. They love to decorate the Christmas tree and the Christmas tree looks very nice in every home.
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Santa Claus. In Scotland “Grandfather Cold” is called Santa Claus. He

Santa Claus.

In Scotland “Grandfather Cold” is called Santa Claus. He

lives in Lapland with his reindeers. The main reindeer's name is Rudolf. Santa Claus arrives to the house on a sleigh with reindeers. He crawls through the chimney to the house. Santa Claus puts gifts in stockings and then flies away.
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Christmas traditions Children ask their gifts from Father Christmas. They write

Christmas traditions

Children ask their gifts from Father Christmas. They write

letters to him and throw them into the fire.
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Scottish traditions In Scotland New year is called "Hogmanay". People open

Scottish traditions

In Scotland New year is called "Hogmanay". People open

the doors to let the Old Year go out and bring in the New Year!
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Scottish traditions When New year comes, it’s very important to meet

Scottish traditions

When New year comes, it’s very important to meet

the first guest.
The First-Footer must be a man with dark hair. He also has to bring special gifts.
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First-footer’s gifts A coal - wish of comfort in the house

First-footer’s gifts

A coal - wish of comfort in the house
A slice

of bread – the desire of wealth
A silver coin - the desire of wealth
A green sprig - the wish of good health.
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Scottish traditions There’s an ancient Scottish tradition to pass under a

Scottish traditions

There’s an ancient Scottish tradition to pass under a

sprig of mistletoe and kiss each other as a sign of friendship. The Scottish sing the hymn "Auld Lang Syne“ which is written by the great poet Robert Burns in the 18th century.
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What do the Scots have on the holiday table? On the

What do the Scots have on the holiday table?

On the

table there are traditionally oat cakes, some meat and pies with dried fruits. A hospitable hostess will bake a traditional Dundee cake with candied fruit, cherries and ground almonds.