Development of technology for the production of chopped semi-finished products-zraz

Слайд 2

Goal: Develop a production technology for enriched chopped semi-finished product-zrazy, with

Goal: Develop a production technology for enriched chopped semi-finished product-zrazy, with

the addition of pumpkin processing products, and evaluate its quality characteristics.
Слайд 3

Tasks: To study the general technology for the production of semi-finished


To study the general technology for the production of semi-finished meat

products on the collective farm named after Michurin of the Vavozhsky district of the Udmurt Republic.
To assess the quality of raw materials used in the production of combined zraz.
To develop a recipe, a technology for the production of zraz using pumpkin products and evaluate their quality by organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators.
To substantiate economically the manufactured product.
Слайд 4

Table 1 – Analysis of the size of production

Table 1 – Analysis of the size of production

Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Study of the technology for the production of chopped semi-finished products

Study of the technology for the production of chopped semi-finished products



Selection and evaluation of the quality of raw materials

Calculation of the recipe and development of production technology for combined zraz

Evaluation of the quality of the finished productлям

Economic evaluation of results

Слайд 7

Table 2 - Raw material quality assessment

Table 2 - Raw material quality assessment

Слайд 8

Vitamins: А, В1, В2, С, Е, РР, Д Mineral composition: К,

А, В1, В2, С, Е, РР, Д
Mineral composition:
К, Na, Ca, Mg,

P, Fe, Zn, Cu, F, Co,Mn

Fatty acid

Alimentary fiber: cellulose, pectin, gum, mucus, lignin
A rich source of complete and easily digestible vegetable protein

Слайд 9

Table 3 - Recipe chopped semi-finished product - zraz

Table 3 - Recipe chopped semi-finished product - zraz

Слайд 10

Technological scheme of production Raw material preparation (cutting, deboning, trimming) Cooking

Technological scheme of production

Raw material preparation
(cutting, deboning, trimming)

Cooking minced meat in

a mixer, 3-6 minutes.

Preparation of a plant ingredient

forming semi-finished products

Freezing (at air t = -30˚С to -18˚С, 3-4 hours)

Packaging, marking

Shredding, d=2-3 мм.

Storage (t = -10˚С, no more than 20 days)

Слайд 11

Table 4 - Tasting evaluation of samples of semi-finished meat products

Table 4 - Tasting evaluation of samples of semi-finished meat products

- zraz with the addition of pumpkin
Слайд 12

Table 5 - Assessment of organoleptic indicators

Table 5 - Assessment of organoleptic indicators

Слайд 13

Table 5

Table 5

Слайд 14

Table 6 - Physico-chemical indicators

Table 6 - Physico-chemical indicators

Слайд 15

Таблица 7 - Economic efficiency of production of chopped semi-finished product

Таблица 7 - Economic efficiency of production of chopped semi-finished product

Слайд 16

Suggestions 1) To expand the range of manufactured semi-finished products for

1) To expand the range of manufactured semi-finished products for functional

and technological purposes in the Udmurt Republic, we recommend producing chopped semi-finished products - zrazy containing 10% flour from pumpkin pulp and 5.0% flour from pumpkin seeds.